DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)
Todo List
- Module DGSpecialities
- This has room for improvements.
- Member Dune::ACFem::adaptiveAlgorithm (AdaptiveFemScheme &scheme, const std::string &prefix_="")
- Document the relevant parameters fetched from the parameter file.
- Member Dune::ACFem::adaptiveAlgorithm (TransientAdaptiveFemScheme &scheme, TimeProvider &timeProvider, double endTime, const std::string &prefix_="")
- Document the parameter fetched from the parameter file.
- Member Dune::ACFem::EllipticFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, Model, InitialGuess, RHSFunctional >::EllipticFemScheme (const EllipticFemScheme &other)
- We really also should implement a move constructor for the generator functions.
- Class Dune::ACFem::EllipticOperator< Model, DomainFunction, RangeFunction, Constraints, QuadratureTraits >
- Does not allow for mapping between different function spaces. This could become important for systems like Stokes.