Dune Core Modules (2.9.1)

common Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for common:


directory  parallel
directory  simd
directory  std


file  alignedallocator.hh [code]
file  arraylist.hh [code]
 Implements a random-access container that can efficiently change size (similar to std::deque)
file  assertandreturn.hh [code]
file  bartonnackmanifcheck.hh [code]
 Provides check for implementation of interface methods when using static polymorphism, i.e. the Barton-Nackman trick. This is purely for debugging purposes. To check the correct implementation of interface methods (and pick up possible infinite loops) NDEBUG must be undefined and DUNE_INTERFACECHECK has to be defined.
file  bigunsignedint.hh [code]
 Portable very large unsigned integers.
file  binaryfunctions.hh [code]
 helper classes to provide unique types for standard functions
file  bitsetvector.hh [code]
 Efficient implementation of a dynamic array of static arrays of booleans.
file  boundschecking.hh [code]
 Macro for wrapping boundary checks.
file  classname.hh [code]
 A free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string.
file  concept.hh [code]
 Infrastructure for concepts.
file  conditional.hh [code]
file  debugalign.hh [code]
file  debugallocator.hh [code]
file  debugstream.hh [code]
 Defines several output streams for messages of different importance.
file  densematrix.hh [code]
 Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given number of rows and columns.
file  densevector.hh [code]
 Implements the dense vector interface, with an exchangeable storage class.
file  deprecated.hh [code]
 Definition of the DUNE_NO_DEPRECATED_* macros.
file  diagonalmatrix.hh [code]
 This file implements a quadratic diagonal matrix of fixed size.
file  documentation.hh [code]
 Documentation related stuff.
file  dotproduct.hh [code]
 Provides the functions dot(a,b) := \(a^H \cdot b \) and dotT(a,b) := \(a^T \cdot b \).
file  dynmatrix.hh [code]
 This file implements a dense matrix with dynamic numbers of rows and columns.
file  dynmatrixev.hh [code]
 utility functions to compute eigenvalues for dense matrices.
file  dynvector.hh [code]
 This file implements a dense vector with a dynamic size.
file  enumset.hh [code]
 Classes for building sets out of enumeration values.
file  exceptions.hh [code]
 A few common exception classes.
file  filledarray.hh [code]
 Utility to generate an array with a certain value.
file  float_cmp.hh [code]
 Various ways to compare floating-point numbers.
file  fmatrix.hh [code]
 Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number of rows and columns.
file  fmatrixev.hh [code]
 Eigenvalue computations for the FieldMatrix class.
file  ftraits.hh [code]
 Type traits to determine the type of reals (when working with complex numbers)
file  function.hh [code]
 Simple base class templates for functions.
file  fvector.hh [code]
 Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
file  genericiterator.hh [code]
 Implements a generic iterator class for writing stl conformant iterators.
file  gmpfield.hh [code]
 Wrapper for the GNU multiprecision (GMP) library.
file  hash.hh [code]
 Support for calculating hash values of objects.
file  hybridutilities.hh [code]
file  indent.hh [code]
 Utility class for handling nested indentation in output.
file  indices.hh [code]
file  interfaces.hh [code]
 Provides interfaces for detection of specific behavior.
file  ios_state.hh [code]
 Utility class for storing and resetting stream attributes.
file  iteratorfacades.hh [code]
 This file implements iterator facade classes for writing stl conformant iterators.
file  iteratorrange.hh [code]
file  keywords.hh [code]
 Definitions of several macros that conditionally make C++ syntax available.
file  lru.hh [code]
 LRU Cache Container, using an STL like interface.
file  mallocallocator.hh [code]
 Allocators that use malloc/free.
file  math.hh [code]
 Some useful basic math stuff.
file  matrixconcepts.hh [code]
file  matvectraits.hh [code]
 Documentation of the traits classes you need to write for each implementation of DenseVector or DenseMatrix.
file  overloadset.hh [code]
file  parameterizedobject.hh [code]
file  parametertree.hh [code]
 A hierarchical structure of string parameters.
file  parametertreeparser.hh [code]
 Various parser methods to get data into a ParameterTree object.
file  path.cc
 Utilities for handling filesystem paths.
file  path.hh [code]
 Utilities for handling filesystem paths.
file  poolallocator.hh [code]
 An stl-compliant pool allocator.
file  power.hh [code]
 Various implementations of the power function for run-time and static arguments.
file  precision.hh [code]
 Various precision settings for calculations with FieldMatrix and FieldVector.
file  promotiontraits.hh [code]
 Compute type of the result of an arithmetic operation involving two different number types.
file  propertymap.hh [code]
file  proxymemberaccess.hh [code]
 infrastructure for supporting operator->() on both references and proxies
file  quadmath.hh [code]
file  rangeutilities.hh [code]
 Utilities for reduction like operations on ranges.
file  referencehelper.hh [code]
file  reservedvector.hh [code]
 An stl-compliant random-access container which stores everything on the stack.
file  scalarmatrixview.hh [code]
 Implements a scalar matrix view wrapper around an existing scalar.
file  scalarvectorview.hh [code]
 Implements a scalar vector view wrapper around an existing scalar.
file  shared_ptr.hh [code]
 This file implements several utilities related to std::shared_ptr.
file  simd.hh [code]
 Abstractions for support of dedicated SIMD data types.
file  singleton.hh [code]
 Useful wrapper for creating singletons.
file  sllist.hh [code]
 Implements a singly linked list together with the necessary iterators.
file  stdstreams.hh [code]
 Standard Dune debug streams.
file  stdthread.hh [code]
file  streamoperators.hh [code]
 Implementation of stream operators for std::array and std::tuple.
file  stringutility.hh [code]
 Miscellaneous helper stuff.
file  timer.hh [code]
 A simple timing class.
file  to_unique_ptr.hh [code]
file  transpose.hh [code]
file  tupleutility.hh [code]
 Contains utility classes which can be used with std::tuple.
file  tuplevector.hh [code]
 Provides the TupleVector class that augments std::tuple by operator[].
file  typelist.hh [code]
file  typetraits.hh [code]
 Traits for type conversions and type information.
file  typeutilities.hh [code]
 Utilities for type computations, constraining overloads, ...
file  unused.hh [code]
 Definition of the DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER macro.
file  vc.hh [code]
 Compatibility header for including <Vc/Vc>
file  version.hh [code]
 Various macros to work with Dune module version numbers.
file  visibility.hh [code]
 Definition of macros controlling symbol visibility at the ABI level.
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