Dune Core Modules (2.9.1)

Dune::Amg::IndicesCoarsener< OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< G, L >, E > Class Template Reference

Coarsen Indices in the parallel case. More...

#include <dune/istl/paamg/indicescoarsener.hh>

Public Types

typedef E ExcludedAttributes
 The set of excluded attributes.
typedef T ParallelInformation
 The type of the parallel information.
typedef ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex GlobalIndex
 The type of the global index.
typedef ParallelIndexSet::LocalIndex LocalIndex
 The type of the local index.
typedef LocalIndex::Attribute Attribute
 The type of the attribute.
typedef Dune::RemoteIndices< ParallelIndexSet > RemoteIndices
 The type of the remote indices.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename Graph , typename VM >
static Graph::VertexDescriptor coarsen (ParallelInformation &fineInfo, Graph &fineGraph, VM &visitedMap, AggregatesMap< typename Graph::VertexDescriptor > &aggregates, ParallelInformation &coarseInfo, typename Graph::VertexDescriptor noAggregates)
 Build the coarse index set after the aggregatio. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename G, typename L, typename E>
class Dune::Amg::IndicesCoarsener< OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< G, L >, E >

Coarsen Indices in the parallel case.

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