Dune Core Modules (2.5.1)

Dune::YaspGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp > Class Template Reference

The general version that handles all codimensions but 0 and dim. More...

#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid/yaspgridgeometry.hh>

Public Types

typedef GridImp::ctype ctype
 define type used for coordinates in grid module
 Dimension of the cube element.
 Dimension of the world space that the cube element is embedded in.
typedef FieldVector< ctype, dim > LocalCoordinate
 Type used for a vector of element coordinates.
typedef FieldVector< ctype, coorddim > GlobalCoordinate
 Type used for a vector of world coordinates.
typedef std::conditional< dim==coorddim, DiagonalMatrix< ctype, dim >, FieldMatrix< ctype, dim, coorddim > >::type JacobianTransposed
 Return type of jacobianTransposed. More...
typedef std::conditional< dim==coorddim, DiagonalMatrix< ctype, dim >, FieldMatrix< ctype, coorddim, dim > >::type JacobianInverseTransposed
 Return type of jacobianInverseTransposed. More...

Public Member Functions

 YaspGeometry ()
 default constructor
 YaspGeometry (const FieldVector< ctype, cdim > &ll, const FieldVector< ctype, cdim > &ur, const std::bitset< cdim > &shift)
 constructor from midpoint and extension and a bitset defining which unit vectors span the entity
 YaspGeometry (const YaspGeometry &other)
 copy constructor
GeometryType type () const
 Type of the cube. Here: a hypercube of the correct dimension.
GlobalCoordinate global (const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 Map a point in local (element) coordinates to world coordinates.
LocalCoordinate local (const GlobalCoordinate &global) const
 Map a point in global (world) coordinates to element coordinates.
JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed (DUNE_UNUSED const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 Jacobian transposed of the transformation from local to global coordinates.
JacobianInverseTransposed jacobianInverseTransposed (DUNE_UNUSED const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 Jacobian transposed of the transformation from local to global coordinates.
ctype integrationElement (DUNE_UNUSED const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 Return the integration element, i.e., the determinant term in the integral transformation formula.
GlobalCoordinate center () const
 Return center of mass of the element.
int corners () const
 Return the number of corners of the element.
GlobalCoordinate corner (int k) const
 Return world coordinates of the k-th corner of the element.
ctype volume () const
 Return the element volume.
bool affine () const
 Return if the element is affine. Here: yes.

Detailed Description

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp>
class Dune::YaspGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >

The general version that handles all codimensions but 0 and dim.

Template Parameters
mydimthe codimension
cdimthe coordinate dimension (NOT codim)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ JacobianInverseTransposed

typedef std::conditional<dim==coorddim,DiagonalMatrix<ctype,dim>,FieldMatrix<ctype,coorddim,dim>>::type Dune::AxisAlignedCubeGeometry< GridImp::ctype , dim, coorddim >::JacobianInverseTransposed

Return type of jacobianInverseTransposed.

This is a fast DiagonalMatrix if dim==coorddim, and a FieldMatrix otherwise. The FieldMatrix will never contain more than one entry per column, hence it could be replaced by something more efficient.

◆ JacobianTransposed

typedef std::conditional<dim==coorddim,DiagonalMatrix<ctype,dim>,FieldMatrix<ctype,dim,coorddim>>::type Dune::AxisAlignedCubeGeometry< GridImp::ctype , dim, coorddim >::JacobianTransposed

Return type of jacobianTransposed.

This is a fast DiagonalMatrix if dim==coorddim, and a FieldMatrix otherwise. The FieldMatrix will never contain more than one entry per row, hence it could be replaced by something more efficient.

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