Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6#include <iostream>
7#include <vector>
8#include <algorithm>
9#include <stack>
11// either include stdint.h or provide fallback for uint8_t
13#include <stdint.h>
15typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
18#include <dune/grid/common/backuprestore.hh>
19#include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh> // the grid base classes
20#include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh> // the capabilities
21#include <dune/common/power.hh>
28#include <dune/geometry/genericgeometry/topologytypes.hh>
34#if HAVE_MPI
45namespace Dune {
47 /* some sizes for building global ids
48 */
49 const int yaspgrid_dim_bits = 24; // bits for encoding each dimension
50 const int yaspgrid_level_bits = 5; // bits for encoding level number
53 //************************************************************************
54 // forward declaration of templates
56 template<int dim, class Coordinates> class YaspGrid;
57 template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp> class YaspGeometry;
58 template<int codim, int dim, class GridImp> class YaspEntity;
59 template<int codim, class GridImp> class YaspEntityPointer;
60 template<int codim, class GridImp> class YaspEntitySeed;
61 template<int codim, PartitionIteratorType pitype, class GridImp> class YaspLevelIterator;
62 template<class GridImp> class YaspIntersectionIterator;
63 template<class GridImp> class YaspIntersection;
64 template<class GridImp> class YaspHierarchicIterator;
65 template<class GridImp, bool isLeafIndexSet> class YaspIndexSet;
66 template<class GridImp> class YaspGlobalIdSet;
67 template<class GridImp> class YaspPersistentContainerIndex;
69} // namespace Dune
83#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid/yaspgrididset.hh>
86namespace Dune {
88 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
89 struct YaspGridFamily
90 {
91#if HAVE_MPI
92 typedef CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm> CCType;
94 typedef CollectiveCommunication<No_Comm> CCType;
97 typedef GridTraits<dim, // dimension of the grid
98 dim, // dimension of the world space
100 YaspGeometry,YaspEntity,
101 YaspEntityPointer,
102 YaspLevelIterator, // type used for the level iterator
103 YaspIntersection, // leaf intersection
104 YaspIntersection, // level intersection
105 YaspIntersectionIterator, // leaf intersection iter
106 YaspIntersectionIterator, // level intersection iter
107 YaspHierarchicIterator,
108 YaspLevelIterator, // type used for the leaf(!) iterator
109 YaspIndexSet< const YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >, false >, // level index set
110 YaspIndexSet< const YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >, true >, // leaf index set
111 YaspGlobalIdSet<const YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >,
112 bigunsignedint<dim*yaspgrid_dim_bits+yaspgrid_level_bits+dim>,
113 YaspGlobalIdSet<const YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >,
114 bigunsignedint<dim*yaspgrid_dim_bits+yaspgrid_level_bits+dim>,
115 CCType,
116 DefaultLevelGridViewTraits, DefaultLeafGridViewTraits,
117 YaspEntitySeed>
118 Traits;
119 };
121#ifndef DOXYGEN
122 template<int dim, int codim>
123 struct YaspCommunicateMeta {
124 template<class G, class DataHandle>
125 static void comm (const G& g, DataHandle& data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level)
126 {
127 if (data.contains(dim,codim))
128 {
129 g.template communicateCodim<DataHandle,codim>(data,iftype,dir,level);
130 }
131 YaspCommunicateMeta<dim,codim-1>::comm(g,data,iftype,dir,level);
132 }
133 };
135 template<int dim>
136 struct YaspCommunicateMeta<dim,0> {
137 template<class G, class DataHandle>
138 static void comm (const G& g, DataHandle& data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level)
139 {
140 if (data.contains(dim,0))
141 g.template communicateCodim<DataHandle,0>(data,iftype,dir,level);
142 }
143 };
146 //************************************************************************
163 template<int dim, class Coordinates = EquidistantCoordinates<double, dim> >
165 : public GridDefaultImplementation<dim,dim,typename Coordinates::ctype,YaspGridFamily<dim, Coordinates> >
166 {
168 template<int, PartitionIteratorType, typename>
169 friend class YaspLevelIterator;
171 template<typename>
172 friend class YaspHierarchicIterator;
174 protected:
176 using GridDefaultImplementation<dim,dim,typename Coordinates::ctype,YaspGridFamily<dim, Coordinates> >::getRealImplementation;
178 public:
180 typedef typename Coordinates::ctype ctype;
181#if HAVE_MPI
187#ifndef DOXYGEN
188 typedef typename Dune::YGrid<Coordinates> YGrid;
193 struct YGridLevel {
196 int level() const
197 {
198 return level_;
199 }
201 Coordinates coords;
203 std::array<YGrid, dim+1> overlapfront;
204 std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> overlapfront_data;
205 std::array<YGrid, dim+1> overlap;
206 std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> overlap_data;
207 std::array<YGrid, dim+1> interiorborder;
208 std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> interiorborder_data;
209 std::array<YGrid, dim+1> interior;
210 std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> interior_data;
212 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> send_overlapfront_overlapfront;
213 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> send_overlapfront_overlapfront_data;
214 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> recv_overlapfront_overlapfront;
215 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_data;
217 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> send_overlap_overlapfront;
218 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> send_overlap_overlapfront_data;
219 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> recv_overlapfront_overlap;
220 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> recv_overlapfront_overlap_data;
222 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> send_interiorborder_interiorborder;
223 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> send_interiorborder_interiorborder_data;
224 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> recv_interiorborder_interiorborder;
225 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_data;
227 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> send_interiorborder_overlapfront;
228 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> send_interiorborder_overlapfront_data;
229 std::array<YGridList<Coordinates>,dim+1> recv_overlapfront_interiorborder;
230 std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power> recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_data;
232 // general
233 YaspGrid<dim,Coordinates>* mg; // each grid level knows its multigrid
234 int overlapSize; // in mesh cells on this level
235 bool keepOverlap;
238 int level_;
239 };
242 typedef std::array<int, dim> iTupel;
243 typedef FieldVector<ctype, dim> fTupel;
245 // communication tag used by multigrid
246 enum { tag = 17 };
251 {
252 return _torus;
253 }
256 int globalSize(int i) const
257 {
258 return levelSize(maxLevel(),i);
259 }
262 iTupel globalSize() const
263 {
264 return levelSize(maxLevel());
265 }
268 int levelSize(int l, int i) const
269 {
270 return _coarseSize[i] * (1 << l);
271 }
274 iTupel levelSize(int l) const
275 {
276 iTupel s;
277 for (int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
278 s[i] = levelSize(l,i);
279 return s;
280 }
283 bool isPeriodic(int i) const
284 {
285 return _periodic[i];
286 }
288 bool getRefineOption() const
289 {
290 return keep_ovlp;
291 }
298 {
299 return YGridLevelIterator(_levels,0);
300 }
304 {
305 if (i<0 || i>maxLevel())
306 DUNE_THROW(GridError, "level not existing");
307 return YGridLevelIterator(_levels,i);
308 }
312 {
313 return YGridLevelIterator(_levels,maxLevel()+1);
314 }
316 // static method to create the default load balance strategy
317 static const YLoadBalanceDefault<dim>* defaultLoadbalancer()
318 {
319 static YLoadBalanceDefault<dim> lb;
320 return & lb;
321 }
323 protected:
331 void makelevel (const Coordinates& coords, std::bitset<dim> periodic, iTupel o_interior, int overlap)
332 {
333 YGridLevel& g = _levels.back();
334 g.overlapSize = overlap;
335 g.mg = this;
336 g.level_ = maxLevel();
337 g.coords = coords;
338 g.keepOverlap = keep_ovlp;
340 // set the inserting positions in the corresponding arrays of YGridLevelStructure
341 typename std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator overlapfront_it = g.overlapfront_data.begin();
342 typename std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator overlap_it = g.overlap_data.begin();
343 typename std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator interiorborder_it = g.interiorborder_data.begin();
344 typename std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator interior_it = g.interior_data.begin();
346 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
347 send_overlapfront_overlapfront_it = g.send_overlapfront_overlapfront_data.begin();
348 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
349 recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_it = g.recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_data.begin();
351 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
352 send_overlap_overlapfront_it = g.send_overlap_overlapfront_data.begin();
353 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
354 recv_overlapfront_overlap_it = g.recv_overlapfront_overlap_data.begin();
356 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
357 send_interiorborder_interiorborder_it = g.send_interiorborder_interiorborder_data.begin();
358 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
359 recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_it = g.recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_data.begin();
361 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
362 send_interiorborder_overlapfront_it = g.send_interiorborder_overlapfront_data.begin();
363 typename std::array<std::deque<Intersection>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator
364 recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_it = g.recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_data.begin();
366 // have a null array for constructor calls around
367 std::array<int,dim> n;
368 std::fill(n.begin(), n.end(), 0);
370 // determine origin of the grid with overlap and store whether an overlap area exists in direction i.
371 std::bitset<dim> ovlp_low(0ULL);
372 std::bitset<dim> ovlp_up(0ULL);
374 iTupel o_overlap;
375 iTupel s_overlap;
377 // determine at where we have overlap and how big the size of the overlap partition is
378 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
379 {
380 // the coordinate container has been contructed to hold the entire grid on
381 // this processor, including overlap. this is the element size.
382 s_overlap[i] = g.coords.size(i);
384 //in the periodic case there is always overlap
385 if (periodic[i])
386 {
387 o_overlap[i] = o_interior[i]-overlap;
388 ovlp_low[i] = true;
389 ovlp_up[i] = true;
390 }
391 else
392 {
393 //check lower boundary
394 if (o_interior[i] - overlap < 0)
395 o_overlap[i] = 0;
396 else
397 {
398 o_overlap[i] = o_interior[i] - overlap;
399 ovlp_low[i] = true;
400 }
402 //check upper boundary
403 if (o_overlap[i] + g.coords.size(i) < globalSize(i))
404 ovlp_up[i] = true;
405 }
406 }
408 for (unsigned int codim = 0; codim < dim + 1; codim++)
409 {
410 // set the begin iterator for the corresponding ygrids
411 g.overlapfront[codim].setBegin(overlapfront_it);
412 g.overlap[codim].setBegin(overlap_it);
413 g.interiorborder[codim].setBegin(interiorborder_it);
414 g.interior[codim].setBegin(interior_it);
415 g.send_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].setBegin(send_overlapfront_overlapfront_it);
416 g.recv_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].setBegin(recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_it);
417 g.send_overlap_overlapfront[codim].setBegin(send_overlap_overlapfront_it);
418 g.recv_overlapfront_overlap[codim].setBegin(recv_overlapfront_overlap_it);
419 g.send_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].setBegin(send_interiorborder_interiorborder_it);
420 g.recv_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].setBegin(recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_it);
421 g.send_interiorborder_overlapfront[codim].setBegin(send_interiorborder_overlapfront_it);
422 g.recv_overlapfront_interiorborder[codim].setBegin(recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_it);
424 // find all combinations of unit vectors that span entities of the given codimension
425 for (unsigned int index = 0; index < (1<<dim); index++)
426 {
427 // check whether the given shift is of our codimension
428 std::bitset<dim> r(index);
429 if (r.count() != dim-codim)
430 continue;
432 // get an origin and a size array for subsequent modification
433 std::array<int,dim> origin(o_overlap);
434 std::array<int,dim> size(s_overlap);
436 // build overlapfront
437 // we have to extend the element size by one in all directions without shift.
438 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
439 if (!r[i])
440 size[i]++;
441 *overlapfront_it = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(origin, r, &g.coords, size, n, size);
443 // build overlap
444 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
445 {
446 if (!r[i])
447 {
448 if (ovlp_low[i])
449 {
450 origin[i]++;
451 size[i]--;
452 }
453 if (ovlp_up[i])
454 size[i]--;
455 }
456 }
457 *overlap_it = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(origin,size,*overlapfront_it);
459 // build interiorborder
460 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
461 {
462 if (ovlp_low[i])
463 {
464 origin[i] += overlap;
465 size[i] -= overlap;
466 if (!r[i])
467 {
468 origin[i]--;
469 size[i]++;
470 }
471 }
472 if (ovlp_up[i])
473 {
474 size[i] -= overlap;
475 if (!r[i])
476 size[i]++;
477 }
478 }
479 *interiorborder_it = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(origin,size,*overlapfront_it);
481 // build interior
482 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
483 {
484 if (!r[i])
485 {
486 if (ovlp_low[i])
487 {
488 origin[i]++;
489 size[i]--;
490 }
491 if (ovlp_up[i])
492 size[i]--;
493 }
494 }
495 *interior_it = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(origin, size, *overlapfront_it);
497 intersections(*overlapfront_it,*overlapfront_it,*send_overlapfront_overlapfront_it, *recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_it);
498 intersections(*overlap_it,*overlapfront_it,*send_overlap_overlapfront_it, *recv_overlapfront_overlap_it);
499 intersections(*interiorborder_it,*interiorborder_it,*send_interiorborder_interiorborder_it,*recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_it);
500 intersections(*interiorborder_it,*overlapfront_it,*send_interiorborder_overlapfront_it,*recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_it);
502 // advance all iterators pointing to the next insertion point
503 ++overlapfront_it;
504 ++overlap_it;
505 ++interiorborder_it;
506 ++interior_it;
507 ++send_overlapfront_overlapfront_it;
508 ++recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_it;
509 ++send_overlap_overlapfront_it;
510 ++recv_overlapfront_overlap_it;
511 ++send_interiorborder_interiorborder_it;
512 ++recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_it;
513 ++send_interiorborder_overlapfront_it;
514 ++recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_it;
515 }
517 // set end iterators in the corresonding ygrids
518 g.overlapfront[codim].finalize(overlapfront_it);
519 g.overlap[codim].finalize(overlap_it);
520 g.interiorborder[codim].finalize(interiorborder_it);
521 g.interior[codim].finalize(interior_it);
522 g.send_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].finalize(send_overlapfront_overlapfront_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
523 g.recv_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].finalize(recv_overlapfront_overlapfront_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
524 g.send_overlap_overlapfront[codim].finalize(send_overlap_overlapfront_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
525 g.recv_overlapfront_overlap[codim].finalize(recv_overlapfront_overlap_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
526 g.send_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].finalize(send_interiorborder_interiorborder_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
527 g.recv_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].finalize(recv_interiorborder_interiorborder_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
528 g.send_interiorborder_overlapfront[codim].finalize(send_interiorborder_overlapfront_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
529 g.recv_overlapfront_interiorborder[codim].finalize(recv_overlapfront_interiorborder_it,g.overlapfront[codim]);
530 }
531 }
533#ifndef DOXYGEN
542 struct mpifriendly_ygrid {
543 mpifriendly_ygrid ()
544 {
545 std::fill(origin.begin(), origin.end(), 0);
546 std::fill(size.begin(), size.end(), 0);
547 }
548 mpifriendly_ygrid (const YGridComponent<Coordinates>& grid)
549 : origin(grid.origin()), size(grid.size())
550 {}
551 iTupel origin;
552 iTupel size;
553 };
565 std::deque<Intersection>& sendlist, std::deque<Intersection>& recvlist)
566 {
567 iTupel size = globalSize();
569 // the exchange buffers
570 std::vector<YGridComponent<Coordinates> > send_recvgrid(_torus.neighbors());
571 std::vector<YGridComponent<Coordinates> > recv_recvgrid(_torus.neighbors());
572 std::vector<YGridComponent<Coordinates> > send_sendgrid(_torus.neighbors());
573 std::vector<YGridComponent<Coordinates> > recv_sendgrid(_torus.neighbors());
575 // new exchange buffers to send simple struct without virtual functions
576 std::vector<mpifriendly_ygrid> mpifriendly_send_recvgrid(_torus.neighbors());
577 std::vector<mpifriendly_ygrid> mpifriendly_recv_recvgrid(_torus.neighbors());
578 std::vector<mpifriendly_ygrid> mpifriendly_send_sendgrid(_torus.neighbors());
579 std::vector<mpifriendly_ygrid> mpifriendly_recv_sendgrid(_torus.neighbors());
581 // fill send buffers; iterate over all neighboring processes
582 // non-periodic case is handled automatically because intersection will be zero
583 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.sendbegin(); i!=_torus.sendend(); ++i)
584 {
585 // determine if we communicate with this neighbor (and what)
586 bool skip = false;
587 iTupel coord = _torus.coord(); // my coordinates
588 iTupel delta = i.delta(); // delta to neighbor
589 iTupel nb = coord; // the neighbor
590 for (int k=0; k<dim; k++) nb[k] += delta[k];
591 iTupel v; // grid movement
592 std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
594 for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
595 {
596 if (nb[k]<0)
597 {
598 if (_periodic[k])
599 v[k] += size[k];
600 else
601 skip = true;
602 }
603 if (nb[k]>=_torus.dims(k))
604 {
605 if (_periodic[k])
606 v[k] -= size[k];
607 else
608 skip = true;
609 }
610 // neither might be true, then v=0
611 }
613 // store moved grids in send buffers
614 if (!skip)
615 {
616 send_sendgrid[i.index()] = sendgrid.move(v);
617 send_recvgrid[i.index()] = recvgrid.move(v);
618 }
619 else
620 {
621 send_sendgrid[i.index()] = YGridComponent<Coordinates>();
622 send_recvgrid[i.index()] = YGridComponent<Coordinates>();
623 }
624 }
626 // issue send requests for sendgrid being sent to all neighbors
627 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.sendbegin(); i!=_torus.sendend(); ++i)
628 {
629 mpifriendly_send_sendgrid[i.index()] = mpifriendly_ygrid(send_sendgrid[i.index()]);
630 _torus.send(i.rank(), &mpifriendly_send_sendgrid[i.index()], sizeof(mpifriendly_ygrid));
631 }
633 // issue recv requests for sendgrids of neighbors
634 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.recvbegin(); i!=_torus.recvend(); ++i)
635 _torus.recv(i.rank(), &mpifriendly_recv_sendgrid[i.index()], sizeof(mpifriendly_ygrid));
637 // exchange the sendgrids
638 _torus.exchange();
640 // issue send requests for recvgrid being sent to all neighbors
641 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.sendbegin(); i!=_torus.sendend(); ++i)
642 {
643 mpifriendly_send_recvgrid[i.index()] = mpifriendly_ygrid(send_recvgrid[i.index()]);
644 _torus.send(i.rank(), &mpifriendly_send_recvgrid[i.index()], sizeof(mpifriendly_ygrid));
645 }
647 // issue recv requests for recvgrid of neighbors
648 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.recvbegin(); i!=_torus.recvend(); ++i)
649 _torus.recv(i.rank(), &mpifriendly_recv_recvgrid[i.index()], sizeof(mpifriendly_ygrid));
651 // exchange the recvgrid
652 _torus.exchange();
654 // process receive buffers and compute intersections
655 for (typename Torus<CollectiveCommunicationType,dim>::ProcListIterator i=_torus.recvbegin(); i!=_torus.recvend(); ++i)
656 {
657 // what must be sent to this neighbor
658 Intersection send_intersection;
659 mpifriendly_ygrid yg = mpifriendly_recv_recvgrid[i.index()];
660 recv_recvgrid[i.index()] = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(yg.origin,yg.size);
661 send_intersection.grid = sendgrid.intersection(recv_recvgrid[i.index()]);
662 send_intersection.rank = i.rank();
663 send_intersection.distance = i.distance();
664 if (!send_intersection.grid.empty()) sendlist.push_front(send_intersection);
666 Intersection recv_intersection;
667 yg = mpifriendly_recv_sendgrid[i.index()];
668 recv_sendgrid[i.index()] = YGridComponent<Coordinates>(yg.origin,yg.size);
669 recv_intersection.grid = recvgrid.intersection(recv_sendgrid[i.index()]);
670 recv_intersection.rank = i.rank();
671 recv_intersection.distance = i.distance();
672 if(!recv_intersection.grid.empty()) recvlist.push_back(recv_intersection);
673 }
674 }
676 protected:
678 typedef const YaspGrid<dim,Coordinates> GridImp;
680 void init()
681 {
682 Yasp::BinomialTable<dim>::init();
683 Yasp::EntityShiftTable<Yasp::calculate_entity_shift<dim>,dim>::init();
684 Yasp::EntityShiftTable<Yasp::calculate_entity_move<dim>,dim>::init();
685 indexsets.push_back( std::make_shared< YaspIndexSet<const YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates>, false > >(*this,0) );
686 boundarysegmentssize();
687 }
689 void boundarysegmentssize()
690 {
691 // sizes of local macro grid
692 std::array<int, dim> sides;
693 {
694 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
695 {
696 sides[i] =
697 ((begin()->overlap[0].dataBegin()->origin(i) == 0)+
698 (begin()->overlap[0].dataBegin()->origin(i) + begin()->overlap[0].dataBegin()->size(i)
699 == levelSize(0,i)));
700 }
701 }
702 nBSegments = 0;
703 for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
704 {
705 int offset = 1;
706 for (int l=0; l<dim; l++)
707 {
708 if (l==k) continue;
709 offset *= begin()->overlap[0].dataBegin()->size(l);
710 }
711 nBSegments += sides[k]*offset;
712 }
713 }
715 public:
717 // define the persistent index type
718 typedef bigunsignedint<dim*yaspgrid_dim_bits+yaspgrid_level_bits+dim> PersistentIndexType;
721 typedef YaspGridFamily<dim, Coordinates> GridFamily;
722 // the Traits
725 // need for friend declarations in entity
739 std::array<int, dim> s,
740 std::bitset<dim> periodic = std::bitset<dim>(0ULL),
741 int overlap = 1,
743 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
744 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,s,lb), leafIndexSet_(*this),
745 _L(L), _periodic(periodic), _coarseSize(s), _overlap(overlap),
746 keep_ovlp(true), adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
747 {
748 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
749 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,EquidistantCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
750 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
752 _levels.resize(1);
754 iTupel o;
755 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
756 iTupel o_interior(o);
757 iTupel s_interior(s);
759 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,s,o_interior,s_interior);
761#if HAVE_MPI
762 // check whether the grid is large enough to be overlapping
763 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
764 {
765 // find out whether the grid is too small to
766 int toosmall = (s_interior[i] <= overlap) && // interior is very small
767 (periodic[i] || (s_interior[i] != s[i])); // there is an overlap in that direction
768 // communicate the result to all those processes to have all processors error out if one process failed.
769 int global = 0;
770 MPI_Allreduce(&toosmall, &global, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, comm);
771 if (global)
772 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"YaspGrid is too small to be overlapping");
773 }
774#endif // #if HAVE_MPI
776 fTupel h(L);
777 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
778 h[i] /= s[i];
780 iTupel s_overlap(s_interior);
781 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
782 {
783 if ((o_interior[i] - overlap > 0) || (periodic[i]))
784 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
785 if ((o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap <= _coarseSize[i]) || (periodic[i]))
786 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
787 }
789 EquidistantCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(h,s_overlap);
791 // add level
792 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
794 init();
795 }
808 std::array<int, dim> s,
809 std::bitset<dim> periodic = std::bitset<dim>(0ULL),
810 int overlap = 1,
812 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
813 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,s,lb), leafIndexSet_(*this),
814 _L(upperright - lowerleft),
815 _periodic(periodic), _coarseSize(s), _overlap(overlap),
816 keep_ovlp(true), adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
817 {
818 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
819 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
820 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
822 _levels.resize(1);
824 iTupel o;
825 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
826 iTupel o_interior(o);
827 iTupel s_interior(s);
829 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,s,o_interior,s_interior);
831#if HAVE_MPI
832 // check whether the grid is large enough to be overlapping
833 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
834 {
835 // find out whether the grid is too small to
836 int toosmall = (s_interior[i] <= overlap) && // interior is very small
837 (periodic[i] || (s_interior[i] != s[i])); // there is an overlap in that direction
838 // communicate the result to all those processes to have all processors error out if one process failed.
839 int global = 0;
840 MPI_Allreduce(&toosmall, &global, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, comm);
841 if (global)
842 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"YaspGrid is too small to be overlapping");
843 }
844#endif // #if HAVE_MPI
846 Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> extension(upperright);
848 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
849 {
850 extension[i] -= lowerleft[i];
851 h[i] = extension[i] / s[i];
852 }
854 iTupel s_overlap(s_interior);
855 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
856 {
857 if ((o_interior[i] - overlap > 0) || (periodic[i]))
858 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
859 if ((o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap <= _coarseSize[i]) || (periodic[i]))
860 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
861 }
863 EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(lowerleft,h,s_overlap);
865 // add level
866 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
868 init();
869 }
878 YaspGrid (std::array<std::vector<ctype>, dim> coords,
879 std::bitset<dim> periodic = std::bitset<dim>(0ULL),
880 int overlap = 1,
882 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
883 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,Dune::Yasp::sizeArray<dim>(coords),lb),
884 leafIndexSet_(*this), _periodic(periodic), _overlap(overlap),
885 keep_ovlp(true), adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
886 {
887 if (!Dune::Yasp::checkIfMonotonous(coords))
888 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"Setup of a tensorproduct grid requires monotonous sequences of coordinates.");
890 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
891 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
892 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
894 _levels.resize(1);
896 //determine sizes of vector to correctly construct torus structure and store for later size requests
897 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
898 _coarseSize[i] = coords[i].size() - 1;
899 _L[i] = coords[i][_coarseSize[i]] - coords[i][0];
900 }
902 iTupel o;
903 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
904 iTupel o_interior(o);
905 iTupel s_interior(_coarseSize);
907 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,_coarseSize,o_interior,s_interior);
909#if HAVE_MPI
910 // check whether the grid is large enough to be overlapping
911 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
912 {
913 // find out whether the grid is too small to
914 int toosmall = (s_interior[i] <= overlap) && // interior is very small
915 (periodic[i] || (s_interior[i] != _coarseSize[i])); // there is an overlap in that direction
916 // communicate the result to all those processes to have all processors error out if one process failed.
917 int global = 0;
918 MPI_Allreduce(&toosmall, &global, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, comm);
919 if (global)
920 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"YaspGrid is too small to be overlapping");
921 }
922#endif // #if HAVE_MPI
925 std::array<std::vector<ctype>,dim> newcoords;
926 std::array<int, dim> offset(o_interior);
928 // find the relevant part of the coords vector for this processor and copy it to newcoords
929 for (int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
930 {
931 //define iterators on coords that specify the coordinate range to be used
932 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator begin = coords[i].begin() + o_interior[i];
933 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator end = begin + s_interior[i] + 1;
935 // check whether we are not at the physical boundary. In that case overlap is a simple
936 // extension of the coordinate range to be used
937 if (o_interior[i] - overlap > 0)
938 {
939 begin = begin - overlap;
940 offset[i] -= overlap;
941 }
942 if (o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap < _coarseSize[i])
943 end = end + overlap;
945 //copy the selected part in the new coord vector
946 newcoords[i].resize(end-begin);
947 std::copy(begin, end, newcoords[i].begin());
949 // check whether we are at the physical boundary and a have a periodic grid.
950 // In this case the coordinate vector has to be tweaked manually.
951 if ((periodic[i]) && (o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap >= _coarseSize[i]))
952 {
953 // we need to add the first <overlap> cells to the end of newcoords
954 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator it = coords[i].begin();
955 for (int j=0; j<overlap; ++j)
956 newcoords[i].push_back(newcoords[i].back() - *it + *(++it));
957 }
959 if ((periodic[i]) && (o_interior[i] - overlap <= 0))
960 {
961 offset[i] -= overlap;
963 // we need to add the last <overlap> cells to the begin of newcoords
964 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator it = coords[i].end() - 1;
965 for (int j=0; j<overlap; ++j)
966 newcoords[i].insert(newcoords[i].begin(), newcoords[i].front() - *it + *(--it));
967 }
968 }
970 TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(newcoords, offset);
972 // add level
973 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
974 init();
975 }
988 DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("This Yaspgrid constructor is deprecated.")
989 YaspGrid (Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm,
990 Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim> L,
991 std::array<int, dim> s,
992 std::bitset<dim> periodic,
993 int overlap,
994 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
995 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,s,lb), leafIndexSet_(*this),
996 _L(L), keep_ovlp(true), adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
997 {
998 _periodic = periodic;
999 _levels.resize(1);
1000 _overlap = overlap;
1001 _coarseSize = s;
1003 iTupel o;
1004 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
1005 iTupel o_interior(o);
1006 iTupel s_interior(s);
1008 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,s,o_interior,s_interior);
1010 fTupel h(L);
1011 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1012 h[i] /= s[i];
1014 iTupel s_overlap(s_interior);
1015 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1016 {
1017 if ((o_interior[i] - overlap > 0) || (periodic[i]))
1018 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
1019 if ((o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap <= _coarseSize[i]) || (periodic[i]))
1020 s_overlap[i] += overlap;
1021 }
1023 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
1024 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,EquidistantCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
1025 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
1027 EquidistantCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(h,s_overlap);
1029 // add level
1030 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
1031 init();
1032 }
1045 DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("This Yaspgrid constructor is deprecated.")
1046 YaspGrid (Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator comm,
1047 std::array<std::vector<ctype>, dim> coords,
1048 std::bitset<dim> periodic, int overlap,
1049 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
1050 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,Dune::Yasp::sizeArray<dim>(coords),lb),
1051 leafIndexSet_(*this),
1052 _periodic(std::bitset<dim>(0)),
1053 _overlap(overlap),
1054 keep_ovlp(true),
1055 adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
1056 {
1057 if (!Dune::Yasp::checkIfMonotonous(coords))
1058 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"Setup of a tensorproduct grid requires monotonous sequences of coordinates.");
1059 _periodic = periodic;
1060 _levels.resize(1);
1061 _overlap = overlap;
1063 //determine sizes of vector to correctly construct torus structure and store for later size requests
1064 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
1065 _coarseSize[i] = coords[i].size() - 1;
1066 _L[i] = coords[i][_coarseSize[i]] - coords[i][0];
1067 }
1069 iTupel o;
1070 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
1071 iTupel o_interior(o);
1072 iTupel s_interior(_coarseSize);
1074 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,_coarseSize,o_interior,s_interior);
1076 std::array<std::vector<ctype>,dim> newcoords;
1077 std::array<int, dim> offset(o_interior);
1079 // find the relevant part of the coords vector for this processor and copy it to newcoords
1080 for (int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
1081 {
1082 //define iterators on coords that specify the coordinate range to be used
1083 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator begin = coords[i].begin() + o_interior[i];
1084 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator end = begin + s_interior[i] + 1;
1086 // check whether we are not at the physical boundary. In that case overlap is a simple
1087 // extension of the coordinate range to be used
1088 if (o_interior[i] - overlap > 0)
1089 {
1090 begin = begin - overlap;
1091 offset[i] -= overlap;
1092 }
1093 if (o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap < _coarseSize[i])
1094 end = end + overlap;
1096 //copy the selected part in the new coord vector
1097 newcoords[i].resize(end-begin);
1098 std::copy(begin, end, newcoords[i].begin());
1100 // check whether we are at the physical boundary and a have a periodic grid.
1101 // In this case the coordinate vector has to be tweaked manually.
1102 if ((periodic[i]) && (o_interior[i] + s_interior[i] + overlap >= _coarseSize[i]))
1103 {
1104 // we need to add the first <overlap> cells to the end of newcoords
1105 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator it = coords[i].begin();
1106 for (int j=0; j<overlap; ++j)
1107 newcoords[i].push_back(newcoords[i].back() - *it + *(++it));
1108 }
1110 if ((periodic[i]) && (o_interior[i] - overlap <= 0))
1111 {
1112 offset[i] -= overlap;
1114 // we need to add the last <overlap> cells to the begin of newcoords
1115 typename std::vector<ctype>::iterator it = coords[i].end() - 1;
1116 for (int j=0; j<overlap; ++j)
1117 newcoords[i].insert(newcoords[i].begin(), newcoords[i].front() - *it + *(--it));
1118 }
1119 }
1121 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
1122 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
1123 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
1125 TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(newcoords, offset);
1127 // add level
1128 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
1129 init();
1130 }
1132 private:
1148 YaspGrid (std::array<std::vector<ctype>, dim> coords,
1149 std::bitset<dim> periodic,
1150 int overlap,
1151 CollectiveCommunicationType comm,
1152 std::array<int,dim> coarseSize,
1153 const YLoadBalance<dim>* lb = defaultLoadbalancer())
1154 : ccobj(comm), _torus(comm,tag,coarseSize,lb), leafIndexSet_(*this),
1155 _periodic(periodic), _coarseSize(coarseSize), _overlap(overlap),
1156 keep_ovlp(true), adaptRefCount(0), adaptActive(false)
1157 {
1158 // check whether YaspGrid has been given the correct template parameter
1159 static_assert(is_same<Coordinates,TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> >::value,
1160 "YaspGrid coordinate container template parameter and given constructor values do not match!");
1162 if (!Dune::Yasp::checkIfMonotonous(coords))
1163 DUNE_THROW(Dune::GridError,"Setup of a tensorproduct grid requires monotonous sequences of coordinates.");
1165 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1166 _L[i] = coords[i][coords[i].size() - 1] - coords[i][0];
1168 _levels.resize(1);
1170 std::array<int,dim> o;
1171 std::fill(o.begin(), o.end(), 0);
1172 std::array<int,dim> o_interior(o);
1173 std::array<int,dim> s_interior(coarseSize);
1175 _torus.partition(_torus.rank(),o,coarseSize,o_interior,s_interior);
1177 // get offset by modifying o_interior accoring to overlap
1178 std::array<int,dim> offset(o_interior);
1179 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1180 if ((periodic[i]) || (o_interior[i] > 0))
1181 offset[i] -= overlap;
1183 TensorProductCoordinates<ctype,dim> cc(coords, offset);
1185 // add level
1186 makelevel(cc,periodic,o_interior,overlap);
1188 init();
1189 }
1191 // the backup restore facility needs to be able to use above constructor
1192 friend struct BackupRestoreFacility<YaspGrid<dim,Coordinates> >;
1194 // do not copy this class
1195 YaspGrid(const YaspGrid&);
1197 public:
1202 int maxLevel() const
1203 {
1204 return _levels.size()-1;
1205 }
1208 void globalRefine (int refCount)
1209 {
1210 if (refCount < -maxLevel())
1211 DUNE_THROW(GridError, "Only " << maxLevel() << " levels left. " <<
1212 "Coarsening " << -refCount << " levels requested!");
1214 // If refCount is negative then coarsen the grid
1215 for (int k=refCount; k<0; k++)
1216 {
1217 // create an empty grid level
1218 YGridLevel empty;
1219 _levels.back() = empty;
1220 // reduce maxlevel
1221 _levels.pop_back();
1223 indexsets.pop_back();
1224 }
1226 // If refCount is positive refine the grid
1227 for (int k=0; k<refCount; k++)
1228 {
1229 // access to coarser grid level
1230 YGridLevel& cg = _levels[maxLevel()];
1232 std::bitset<dim> ovlp_low(0ULL), ovlp_up(0ULL);
1233 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1234 {
1235 if (cg.overlap[0].dataBegin()->origin(i) > 0 || _periodic[i])
1236 ovlp_low[i] = true;
1237 if (cg.overlap[0].dataBegin()->max(i) + 1 < globalSize(i) || _periodic[i])
1238 ovlp_up[i] = true;
1239 }
1241 Coordinates newcont(cg.coords.refine(ovlp_low, ovlp_up, cg.overlapSize, keep_ovlp));
1243 int overlap = (keep_ovlp) ? 2*cg.overlapSize : cg.overlapSize;
1245 //determine new origin
1246 iTupel o_interior;
1247 for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1248 o_interior[i] = 2*cg.interior[0].dataBegin()->origin(i);
1250 // add level
1251 _levels.resize(_levels.size() + 1);
1252 makelevel(newcont,_periodic,o_interior,overlap);
1254 indexsets.push_back( std::make_shared<YaspIndexSet<const YaspGrid<dim,Coordinates>, false > >(*this,maxLevel()) );
1255 }
1256 }
1262 void refineOptions (bool keepPhysicalOverlap)
1263 {
1264 keep_ovlp = keepPhysicalOverlap;
1265 }
1278 bool mark( int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e )
1279 {
1280 assert(adaptActive == false);
1281 if (e.level() != maxLevel()) return false;
1282 adaptRefCount = std::max(adaptRefCount, refCount);
1283 return true;
1284 }
1292 int getMark ( const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity &e ) const
1293 {
1294 return ( e.level() == maxLevel() ) ? adaptRefCount : 0;
1295 }
1298 bool adapt ()
1299 {
1300 globalRefine(adaptRefCount);
1301 return (adaptRefCount > 0);
1302 }
1305 bool preAdapt ()
1306 {
1307 adaptActive = true;
1308 adaptRefCount = comm().max(adaptRefCount);
1309 return (adaptRefCount < 0);
1310 }
1314 {
1315 adaptActive = false;
1316 adaptRefCount = 0;
1317 }
1320 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1321 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pitype>::LevelIterator lbegin (int level) const
1322 {
1323 return levelbegin<cd,pitype>(level);
1324 }
1327 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1328 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pitype>::LevelIterator lend (int level) const
1329 {
1330 return levelend<cd,pitype>(level);
1331 }
1334 template<int cd>
1335 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator lbegin (int level) const
1336 {
1337 return levelbegin<cd,All_Partition>(level);
1338 }
1341 template<int cd>
1342 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator lend (int level) const
1343 {
1344 return levelend<cd,All_Partition>(level);
1345 }
1348 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1349 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pitype>::LeafIterator leafbegin () const
1350 {
1351 return levelbegin<cd,pitype>(maxLevel());
1352 }
1355 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1356 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pitype>::LeafIterator leafend () const
1357 {
1358 return levelend<cd,pitype>(maxLevel());
1359 }
1362 template<int cd>
1363 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LeafIterator leafbegin () const
1364 {
1365 return levelbegin<cd,All_Partition>(maxLevel());
1366 }
1369 template<int cd>
1370 typename Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LeafIterator leafend () const
1371 {
1372 return levelend<cd,All_Partition>(maxLevel());
1373 }
1383 template <typename Seed>
1384 DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("entityPointer() is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid 2.4. Use entity() instead to directly obtain an Entity object.")
1385 typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::EntityPointer
1386 entityPointer(const Seed& seed) const
1387 {
1388 const int codim = Seed::codimension;
1389 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(this->getRealImplementation(seed).level());
1392 typename YGrid::Iterator(g->overlapfront[codim], this->getRealImplementation(seed).coord(),this->getRealImplementation(seed).offset()));
1393 }
1395 // \brief obtain Entity from EntitySeed. */
1396 template <typename Seed>
1397 typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::Entity
1398 entity(const Seed& seed) const
1399 {
1400 const int codim = Seed::codimension;
1401 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(this->getRealImplementation(seed).level());
1403 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::Entity Entity;
1404 typedef YaspEntity<codim,dim,const YaspGrid> EntityImp;
1405 typedef typename YGrid::Iterator YIterator;
1407 return Entity(EntityImp(g,YIterator(g->overlapfront[codim],this->getRealImplementation(seed).coord(),this->getRealImplementation(seed).offset())));
1408 }
1411 int overlapSize (int level, int codim) const
1412 {
1413 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(level);
1414 return g->overlapSize;
1415 }
1418 int overlapSize (int codim) const
1419 {
1421 return g->overlapSize;
1422 }
1425 int ghostSize (int level, int codim) const
1426 {
1427 return 0;
1428 }
1431 int ghostSize (int codim) const
1432 {
1433 return 0;
1434 }
1437 int size (int level, int codim) const
1438 {
1439 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(level);
1441 // sum over all components of the codimension
1442 int count = 0;
1443 typedef typename std::array<YGridComponent<Coordinates>, StaticPower<2,dim>::power>::iterator DAI;
1444 for (DAI it = g->overlapfront[codim].dataBegin(); it != g->overlapfront[codim].dataEnd(); ++it)
1445 count += it->totalsize();
1447 return count;
1448 }
1451 int size (int codim) const
1452 {
1453 return size(maxLevel(),codim);
1454 }
1457 int size (int level, GeometryType type) const
1458 {
1459 return (type.isCube()) ? size(level,dim-type.dim()) : 0;
1460 }
1463 int size (GeometryType type) const
1464 {
1465 return size(maxLevel(),type);
1466 }
1469 size_t numBoundarySegments () const
1470 {
1471 return nBSegments;
1472 }
1475 const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& domainSize () const {
1476 return _L;
1477 }
1483 template<class DataHandleImp, class DataType>
1484 void communicate (CommDataHandleIF<DataHandleImp,DataType> & data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
1485 {
1486 YaspCommunicateMeta<dim,dim>::comm(*this,data,iftype,dir,level);
1487 }
1493 template<class DataHandleImp, class DataType>
1494 void communicate (CommDataHandleIF<DataHandleImp,DataType> & data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir) const
1495 {
1496 YaspCommunicateMeta<dim,dim>::comm(*this,data,iftype,dir,this->maxLevel());
1497 }
1503 template<class DataHandle, int codim>
1504 void communicateCodim (DataHandle& data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
1505 {
1506 // check input
1507 if (!data.contains(dim,codim)) return; // should have been checked outside
1509 // data types
1510 typedef typename DataHandle::DataType DataType;
1512 // access to grid level
1513 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(level);
1515 // find send/recv lists or throw error
1516 const YGridList<Coordinates>* sendlist = 0;
1517 const YGridList<Coordinates>* recvlist = 0;
1520 {
1521 sendlist = &g->send_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim];
1522 recvlist = &g->recv_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim];
1523 }
1524 if (iftype==InteriorBorder_All_Interface)
1525 {
1526 sendlist = &g->send_interiorborder_overlapfront[codim];
1527 recvlist = &g->recv_overlapfront_interiorborder[codim];
1528 }
1530 {
1531 sendlist = &g->send_overlap_overlapfront[codim];
1532 recvlist = &g->recv_overlapfront_overlap[codim];
1533 }
1534 if (iftype==All_All_Interface)
1535 {
1536 sendlist = &g->send_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim];
1537 recvlist = &g->recv_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim];
1538 }
1540 // change communication direction?
1541 if (dir==BackwardCommunication)
1542 std::swap(sendlist,recvlist);
1544 int cnt;
1546 // Size computation (requires communication if variable size)
1547 std::vector<int> send_size(sendlist->size(),-1); // map rank to total number of objects (of type DataType) to be sent
1548 std::vector<int> recv_size(recvlist->size(),-1); // map rank to total number of objects (of type DataType) to be recvd
1549 std::vector<size_t*> send_sizes(sendlist->size(),static_cast<size_t*>(0)); // map rank to array giving number of objects per entity to be sent
1550 std::vector<size_t*> recv_sizes(recvlist->size(),static_cast<size_t*>(0)); // map rank to array giving number of objects per entity to be recvd
1552 // define type to iterate over send and recv lists
1553 typedef typename YGridList<Coordinates>::Iterator ListIt;
1555 if (data.fixedsize(dim,codim))
1556 {
1557 // fixed size: just take a dummy entity, size can be computed without communication
1558 cnt=0;
1559 for (ListIt is=sendlist->begin(); is!=sendlist->end(); ++is)
1560 {
1561 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1562 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1563 send_size[cnt] = is->grid.totalsize() * data.size(*it);
1564 cnt++;
1565 }
1566 cnt=0;
1567 for (ListIt is=recvlist->begin(); is!=recvlist->end(); ++is)
1568 {
1569 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1570 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1571 recv_size[cnt] = is->grid.totalsize() * data.size(*it);
1572 cnt++;
1573 }
1574 }
1575 else
1576 {
1577 // variable size case: sender side determines the size
1578 cnt=0;
1579 for (ListIt is=sendlist->begin(); is!=sendlist->end(); ++is)
1580 {
1581 // allocate send buffer for sizes per entitiy
1582 size_t *buf = new size_t[is->grid.totalsize()];
1583 send_sizes[cnt] = buf;
1585 // loop over entities and ask for size
1586 int i=0; size_t n=0;
1587 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1588 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1589 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1590 itend(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg,true)));
1591 for ( ; it!=itend; ++it)
1592 {
1593 buf[i] = data.size(*it);
1594 n += buf[i];
1595 i++;
1596 }
1598 // now we know the size for this rank
1599 send_size[cnt] = n;
1601 // hand over send request to torus class
1602 torus().send(is->rank,buf,is->grid.totalsize()*sizeof(size_t));
1603 cnt++;
1604 }
1606 // allocate recv buffers for sizes and store receive request
1607 cnt=0;
1608 for (ListIt is=recvlist->begin(); is!=recvlist->end(); ++is)
1609 {
1610 // allocate recv buffer
1611 size_t *buf = new size_t[is->grid.totalsize()];
1612 recv_sizes[cnt] = buf;
1614 // hand over recv request to torus class
1615 torus().recv(is->rank,buf,is->grid.totalsize()*sizeof(size_t));
1616 cnt++;
1617 }
1619 // exchange all size buffers now
1620 torus().exchange();
1622 // release send size buffers
1623 cnt=0;
1624 for (ListIt is=sendlist->begin(); is!=sendlist->end(); ++is)
1625 {
1626 delete[] send_sizes[cnt];
1627 send_sizes[cnt] = 0;
1628 cnt++;
1629 }
1631 // process receive size buffers
1632 cnt=0;
1633 for (ListIt is=recvlist->begin(); is!=recvlist->end(); ++is)
1634 {
1635 // get recv buffer
1636 size_t *buf = recv_sizes[cnt];
1638 // compute total size
1639 size_t n=0;
1640 for (int i=0; i<is->grid.totalsize(); ++i)
1641 n += buf[i];
1643 // ... and store it
1644 recv_size[cnt] = n;
1645 ++cnt;
1646 }
1647 }
1650 // allocate & fill the send buffers & store send request
1651 std::vector<DataType*> sends(sendlist->size(), static_cast<DataType*>(0)); // store pointers to send buffers
1652 cnt=0;
1653 for (ListIt is=sendlist->begin(); is!=sendlist->end(); ++is)
1654 {
1655 // allocate send buffer
1656 DataType *buf = new DataType[send_size[cnt]];
1658 // remember send buffer
1659 sends[cnt] = buf;
1661 // make a message buffer
1662 MessageBuffer<DataType> mb(buf);
1664 // fill send buffer; iterate over cells in intersection
1665 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1666 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1667 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1668 itend(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg,true)));
1669 for ( ; it!=itend; ++it)
1670 data.gather(mb,*it);
1672 // hand over send request to torus class
1673 torus().send(is->rank,buf,send_size[cnt]*sizeof(DataType));
1674 cnt++;
1675 }
1677 // allocate recv buffers and store receive request
1678 std::vector<DataType*> recvs(recvlist->size(),static_cast<DataType*>(0)); // store pointers to send buffers
1679 cnt=0;
1680 for (ListIt is=recvlist->begin(); is!=recvlist->end(); ++is)
1681 {
1682 // allocate recv buffer
1683 DataType *buf = new DataType[recv_size[cnt]];
1685 // remember recv buffer
1686 recvs[cnt] = buf;
1688 // hand over recv request to torus class
1689 torus().recv(is->rank,buf,recv_size[cnt]*sizeof(DataType));
1690 cnt++;
1691 }
1693 // exchange all buffers now
1694 torus().exchange();
1696 // release send buffers
1697 cnt=0;
1698 for (ListIt is=sendlist->begin(); is!=sendlist->end(); ++is)
1699 {
1700 delete[] sends[cnt];
1701 sends[cnt] = 0;
1702 cnt++;
1703 }
1705 // process receive buffers and delete them
1706 cnt=0;
1707 for (ListIt is=recvlist->begin(); is!=recvlist->end(); ++is)
1708 {
1709 // get recv buffer
1710 DataType *buf = recvs[cnt];
1712 // make a message buffer
1713 MessageBuffer<DataType> mb(buf);
1715 // copy data from receive buffer; iterate over cells in intersection
1716 if (data.fixedsize(dim,codim))
1717 {
1718 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1719 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1720 size_t n=data.size(*it);
1721 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1722 itend(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg,true)));
1723 for ( ; it!=itend; ++it)
1724 data.scatter(mb,*it,n);
1725 }
1726 else
1727 {
1728 int i=0;
1729 size_t *sbuf = recv_sizes[cnt];
1730 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1731 it(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg)));
1732 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LevelIterator
1733 itend(YaspLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition,GridImp>(g, typename YGrid::Iterator(is->yg,true)));
1734 for ( ; it!=itend; ++it)
1735 data.scatter(mb,*it,sbuf[i++]);
1736 delete[] sbuf;
1737 }
1739 // delete buffer
1740 delete[] buf; // hier krachts !
1741 cnt++;
1742 }
1743 }
1745 // The new index sets from DDM 11.07.2005
1746 const typename Traits::GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet() const
1747 {
1748 return theglobalidset;
1749 }
1751 const typename Traits::LocalIdSet& localIdSet() const
1752 {
1753 return theglobalidset;
1754 }
1756 const typename Traits::LevelIndexSet& levelIndexSet(int level) const
1757 {
1758 if (level<0 || level>maxLevel()) DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "level out of range");
1759 return *(indexsets[level]);
1760 }
1762 const typename Traits::LeafIndexSet& leafIndexSet() const
1763 {
1764 return leafIndexSet_;
1765 }
1769 const CollectiveCommunicationType& comm () const
1770 {
1771 return ccobj;
1772 }
1774 private:
1776 // number of boundary segments of the level 0 grid
1777 int nBSegments;
1779 // Index classes need access to the real entity
1780 friend class Dune::YaspIndexSet<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates>, true >;
1781 friend class Dune::YaspIndexSet<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates>, false >;
1782 friend class Dune::YaspGlobalIdSet<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >;
1783 friend class Dune::YaspPersistentContainerIndex<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >;
1785 friend class Dune::YaspIntersectionIterator<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >;
1786 friend class Dune::YaspIntersection<const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >;
1787 friend class Dune::YaspEntity<0, dim, const Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >;
1789 template <int codim_, class GridImp_>
1790 friend class Dune::YaspEntityPointer;
1792 template<int codim_, int dim_, class GridImp_, template<int,int,class> class EntityImp_>
1793 friend class Entity;
1795 template<class DT>
1796 class MessageBuffer {
1797 public:
1798 // Constructor
1799 MessageBuffer (DT *p)
1800 {
1801 a=p;
1802 i=0;
1803 j=0;
1804 }
1806 // write data to message buffer, acts like a stream !
1807 template<class Y>
1808 void write (const Y& data)
1809 {
1810 static_assert(( is_same<DT,Y>::value ), "DataType mismatch");
1811 a[i++] = data;
1812 }
1814 // read data from message buffer, acts like a stream !
1815 template<class Y>
1816 void read (Y& data) const
1817 {
1818 static_assert(( is_same<DT,Y>::value ), "DataType mismatch");
1819 data = a[j++];
1820 }
1822 private:
1823 DT *a;
1824 int i;
1825 mutable int j;
1826 };
1829 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1831 {
1832 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(level);
1833 if (level<0 || level>maxLevel()) DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "level out of range");
1835 if (pitype==Interior_Partition)
1836 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->interior[cd].begin());
1837 if (pitype==InteriorBorder_Partition)
1838 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->interiorborder[cd].begin());
1839 if (pitype==Overlap_Partition)
1840 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->overlap[cd].begin());
1841 if (pitype<=All_Partition)
1842 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->overlapfront[cd].begin());
1843 if (pitype==Ghost_Partition)
1844 return levelend <cd, pitype> (level);
1846 DUNE_THROW(GridError, "YaspLevelIterator with this codim or partition type not implemented");
1847 }
1850 template<int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype>
1852 {
1853 YGridLevelIterator g = begin(level);
1854 if (level<0 || level>maxLevel()) DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "level out of range");
1856 if (pitype==Interior_Partition)
1857 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->interior[cd].end());
1858 if (pitype==InteriorBorder_Partition)
1859 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->interiorborder[cd].end());
1860 if (pitype==Overlap_Partition)
1861 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->overlap[cd].end());
1862 if (pitype<=All_Partition || pitype == Ghost_Partition)
1863 return YaspLevelIterator<cd,pitype,GridImp>(g,g->overlapfront[cd].end());
1865 DUNE_THROW(GridError, "YaspLevelIterator with this codim or partition type not implemented");
1866 }
1868 CollectiveCommunicationType ccobj;
1872 std::vector< std::shared_ptr< YaspIndexSet<const YaspGrid<dim,Coordinates>, false > > > indexsets;
1877 iTupel _s;
1878 std::bitset<dim> _periodic;
1879 iTupel _coarseSize;
1881 int _overlap;
1882 bool keep_ovlp;
1883 int adaptRefCount;
1884 bool adaptActive;
1885 };
1889 template <int d, class CC>
1890 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const YaspGrid<d,CC>& grid)
1891 {
1892 int rank = grid.torus().rank();
1894 s << "[" << rank << "]:" << " YaspGrid maxlevel=" << grid.maxLevel() << std::endl;
1896 s << "Printing the torus: " <<std::endl;
1897 s << grid.torus() << std::endl;
1899 for (typename YaspGrid<d,CC>::YGridLevelIterator g=grid.begin(); g!=grid.end(); ++g)
1900 {
1901 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << std::endl;
1902 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "==========================================" << std::endl;
1903 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "level=" << g->level() << std::endl;
1905 for (int codim = 0; codim < d + 1; ++codim)
1906 {
1907 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "overlapfront[" << codim << "]: " << g->overlapfront[codim] << std::endl;
1908 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "overlap[" << codim << "]: " << g->overlap[codim] << std::endl;
1909 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "interiorborder[" << codim << "]: " << g->interiorborder[codim] << std::endl;
1910 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << "interior[" << codim << "]: " << g->interior[codim] << std::endl;
1912 typedef typename YGridList<CC>::Iterator I;
1913 for (I i=g->send_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].begin();
1914 i!=g->send_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].end(); ++i)
1915 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " s_of_of[" << codim << "] to rank "
1916 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1918 for (I i=g->recv_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].begin();
1919 i!=g->recv_overlapfront_overlapfront[codim].end(); ++i)
1920 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " r_of_of[" << codim << "] to rank "
1921 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1923 for (I i=g->send_overlap_overlapfront[codim].begin();
1924 i!=g->send_overlap_overlapfront[codim].end(); ++i)
1925 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " s_o_of[" << codim << "] to rank "
1926 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1928 for (I i=g->recv_overlapfront_overlap[codim].begin();
1929 i!=g->recv_overlapfront_overlap[codim].end(); ++i)
1930 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " r_of_o[" << codim << "] to rank "
1931 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1933 for (I i=g->send_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].begin();
1934 i!=g->send_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].end(); ++i)
1935 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " s_ib_ib[" << codim << "] to rank "
1936 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1938 for (I i=g->recv_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].begin();
1939 i!=g->recv_interiorborder_interiorborder[codim].end(); ++i)
1940 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " r_ib_ib[" << codim << "] to rank "
1941 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1943 for (I i=g->send_interiorborder_overlapfront[codim].begin();
1944 i!=g->send_interiorborder_overlapfront[codim].end(); ++i)
1945 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " s_ib_of[" << codim << "] to rank "
1946 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1948 for (I i=g->recv_overlapfront_interiorborder[codim].begin();
1949 i!=g->recv_overlapfront_interiorborder[codim].end(); ++i)
1950 s << "[" << rank << "]: " << " r_of_ib[" << codim << "] to rank "
1951 << i->rank << " " << i->grid << std::endl;
1952 }
1953 }
1955 s << std::endl;
1957 return s;
1958 }
1960 namespace Capabilities
1961 {
1970 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
1971 struct hasBackupRestoreFacilities< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
1972 {
1973 static const bool v = true;
1974 };
1979 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
1980 struct hasSingleGeometryType< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
1981 {
1982 static const bool v = true;
1983 static const unsigned int topologyId = GenericGeometry :: CubeTopology< dim > :: type :: id ;
1984 };
1989 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
1990 struct isCartesian< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
1991 {
1992 static const bool v = true;
1993 };
1998 template<int dim, class Coordinates, int codim>
1999 struct hasEntity< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates>, codim>
2000 {
2001 static const bool v = true;
2002 };
2007 template<int dim, int codim, class Coordinates>
2008 struct canCommunicate< YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates>, codim >
2009 {
2010 static const bool v = true;
2011 };
2017 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
2018 struct DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") isParallel< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
2019 {
2020 static const bool DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") v = true;
2021 };
2026 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
2027 struct isLevelwiseConforming< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
2028 {
2029 static const bool v = true;
2030 };
2035 template<int dim, class Coordinates>
2036 struct isLeafwiseConforming< YaspGrid<dim, Coordinates> >
2037 {
2038 static const bool v = true;
2039 };
2041 }
2043} // end namespace
A geometry implementation for axis-aligned hypercubes.
Portable very large unsigned integers.
Specialization of CollectiveCommunication for MPI.
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:146
Wrapper class for pointers to entities.
Definition: entitypointer.hh:113
Container for equidistant coordinates in a YaspGrid.
Definition: coordinates.hh:27
Container for equidistant coordinates in a YaspGrid with non-trivial origin.
Definition: coordinates.hh:125
Definition: grid.hh:1030
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typenamestd::add_lvalue_reference< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typenamestd::remove_const< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1305
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("The method lbegin( level ) is superseded by levelGridView( level ).begin.") lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level for PartitionType All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:1043
int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const
ghostSize is zero by default
Definition: grid.hh:1196
void communicate(CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp > &data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
Definition: grid.hh:1209
int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const
overlapSize is zero by default
Definition: grid.hh:1199
Base class for exceptions in Dune grid modules.
Definition: exceptions.hh:18
const LevelIndexSet & levelIndexSet(int level) const
return const reference to the grids level index set for level level
Definition: grid.hh:755
int size(int level, int codim) const
Return number of grid entities of a given codim on a given level in this process.
Definition: grid.hh:568
size_t numBoundarySegments() const
returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid
Definition: grid.hh:601
const GlobalIdSet & globalIdSet() const
return const reference to the grids global id set
Definition: grid.hh:741
const LeafIndexSet & leafIndexSet() const
return const reference to the grids leaf index set
Definition: grid.hh:762
const LocalIdSet & localIdSet() const
return const reference to the grids local id set
Definition: grid.hh:748
const CollectiveCommunication & comm() const
return const reference to a collective communication object. The return type is a model of Dune::Coll...
Definition: grid.hh:921
Intersection of a mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") with a "neighboring" element or with th...
Definition: intersection.hh:161
A real mpi helper.
Definition: mpihelper.hh:160
Default exception class for range errors.
Definition: exceptions.hh:279
A Vector class with statically reserved memory.
Definition: reservedvector.hh:40
size_type size() const
Returns number of elements in the vector.
Definition: reservedvector.hh:173
void resize(size_t s)
Specifies a new size for the vector.
Definition: reservedvector.hh:87
reference back()
Returns reference to last element of vector.
Definition: reservedvector.hh:155
void pop_back()
Erases the last element of the vector, O(1) time.
Definition: reservedvector.hh:101
Coordinate container for a tensor product YaspGrid.
Definition: coordinates.hh:234
Definition: torus.hh:278
Definition: torus.hh:42
Definition: ygrid.hh:72
YGridComponent< Coordinates > move(iTupel v) const
return grid moved by the vector v
Definition: ygrid.hh:260
YGridComponent< Coordinates > intersection(const YGridComponent< Coordinates > &r) const
Return YGridComponent of supergrid of self which is the intersection of self and another YGridCompone...
Definition: ygrid.hh:268
implements a collection of multiple std::deque<Intersection> Intersections with neighboring processor...
Definition: ygrid.hh:821
Iterator over a collection o YGrids A YGrid::Iterator is the heart of an entity in YaspGrid.
Definition: ygrid.hh:591
implements a collection of YGridComponents which form a codimension Entities of given codimension c n...
Definition: ygrid.hh:548
Implement the default load balance strategy of yaspgrid.
Definition: partitioning.hh:35
a base class for the yaspgrid partitioning strategy The name might be irritating. It will probably ch...
Definition: partitioning.hh:24
A pointer to a YaspGrid::Entity.
Definition: yaspgridentitypointer.hh:16
persistent, globally unique Ids
Definition: yaspgrididset.hh:23
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:166
YaspGridFamily< dim, Coordinates > GridFamily
the GridFamily of this grid
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:721
YaspGrid(std::array< std::vector< ctype >, dim > coords, std::bitset< dim > periodic=std::bitset< dim >(0ULL), int overlap=1, CollectiveCommunicationType comm=CollectiveCommunicationType(), const YLoadBalance< dim > *lb=defaultLoadbalancer())
Standard constructor for a tensorproduct YaspGrid.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:878
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
version without second template parameter for convenience
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1335
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
return LeafIterator which points to the first entity in maxLevel
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1363
void globalRefine(int refCount)
refine the grid refCount times.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1208
const Torus< CollectiveCommunicationType, dim > & torus() const
return reference to torus
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:250
int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
returns adaptation mark for given entity
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1292
int globalSize(int i) const
return number of cells on finest level in given direction on all processors
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:256
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator leafend() const
return LeafIterator which points behind the last entity in maxLevel
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1356
void postAdapt()
clean up some markers
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1313
YGridLevelIterator end() const
return iterator pointing to one past the finest level
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:311
YaspGrid(Dune::FieldVector< ctype, dim > lowerleft, Dune::FieldVector< ctype, dim > upperright, std::array< int, dim > s, std::bitset< dim > periodic=std::bitset< dim >(0ULL), int overlap=1, CollectiveCommunicationType comm=CollectiveCommunicationType(), const YLoadBalance< dim > *lb=defaultLoadbalancer())
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:806
int maxLevel() const
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1202
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LeafIterator leafend() const
return LeafIterator which points behind the last entity in maxLevel
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1370
void intersections(const YGridComponent< Coordinates > &sendgrid, const YGridComponent< Coordinates > &recvgrid, std::deque< Intersection > &sendlist, std::deque< Intersection > &recvlist)
Construct list of intersections with neighboring processors.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:564
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
return LeafIterator which points to the first entity in maxLevel
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1349
bool preAdapt()
returns true, if the grid will be coarsened
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1305
iTupel levelSize(int l) const
return size vector of the grid (in cells) on level l
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:274
YaspLevelIterator< cd, pitype, GridImp > levelend(int level) const
Iterator to one past the last entity of given codim on level for partition type.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1851
bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1278
bool isPeriodic(int i) const
return whether the grid is periodic in direction i
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:283
void refineOptions(bool keepPhysicalOverlap)
set options for refinement
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1262
YaspGrid(Dune::FieldVector< ctype, dim > L, std::array< int, dim > s, std::bitset< dim > periodic=std::bitset< dim >(0ULL), int overlap=1, CollectiveCommunicationType comm=CollectiveCommunicationType(), const YLoadBalance< dim > *lb=defaultLoadbalancer())
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:738
YaspLevelIterator< cd, pitype, GridImp > levelbegin(int level) const
one past the end on this level
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1830
bool adapt()
map adapt to global refine
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1298
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
version without second template parameter for convenience
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1342
ReservedVector< YGridLevel, 32 >::const_iterator YGridLevelIterator
Iterator over the grid levels.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:294
void makelevel(const Coordinates &coords, std::bitset< dim > periodic, iTupel o_interior, int overlap)
Make a new YGridLevel structure.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:331
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
Iterator to one past the last entity of given codim on level for partition type.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1328
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
one past the end on this level
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:1321
iTupel globalSize() const
return number of cells on finest level on all processors
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:262
YGridLevelIterator begin(int i) const
return iterator pointing to given level
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:303
Coordinates::ctype ctype
Type used for coordinates.
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:180
int levelSize(int l, int i) const
return size of the grid (in cells) on level l in direction i
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:268
YGridLevelIterator begin() const
return iterator pointing to coarsest level
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:297
YaspHierarchicIterator enables iteration over son entities of codim 0.
Definition: yaspgridhierarchiciterator.hh:19
Implementation of Level- and LeafIndexSets for YaspGrid.
Definition: yaspgridindexsets.hh:23
YaspIntersectionIterator enables iteration over intersections with neighboring codim 0 entities.
Definition: yaspgridintersectioniterator.hh:20
YaspIntersection provides data about intersection with neighboring codim 0 entities.
Definition: yaspgridintersection.hh:20
Iterates over entities of one grid level.
Definition: yaspgridleveliterator.hh:18
implement a consecutive index for all entities of given codim of a YaspGrid
Definition: yaspgridpersistentcontainer.hh:33
Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs.
A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation.
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
This provides container classes for the coordinates to be used in YaspGrid Upon implementation of the...
Describes the parallel communication interface class for MessageBuffers and DataHandles.
Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const array< T, N > &e)
Output operator for array.
Definition: array.hh:26
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:243
Define a type for communication direction parameter.
Definition: gridenums.hh:168
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
@ All_Partition
all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:139
@ Interior_Partition
only interior entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:135
@ InteriorBorder_Partition
interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:136
@ Overlap_Partition
interior, border, and overlap entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:137
@ Ghost_Partition
only ghost entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:140
@ BackwardCommunication
reverse communication direction
Definition: gridenums.hh:170
@ InteriorBorder_All_Interface
send interior and border, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:86
@ All_All_Interface
send all and receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:89
@ Overlap_All_Interface
send overlap, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:88
@ Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface
send overlap, receive overlap and front entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:87
@ InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface
send/receive interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:85
struct DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") isParallel< ALU3dGrid< elType
YaspGrid is parallel.
Provides base classes for index and id sets.
Implements an utility class that provides MPI's collective communication methods.
Helpers for dealing with MPI.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:10
STL namespace.
Various implementations of the power function for run-time and static arguments.
An stl-compliant random-access container which stores everything on the stack.
specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid can communicate data on (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:90
Specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid implements entities for. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:58
Specialize with 'true' for if the codimension 0 entity of the grid has only one possible geometry typ...
Definition: capabilities.hh:27
Specialize with 'true' if the grid is a Cartesian grid. Cartesian grids satisfy the following propert...
Definition: capabilities.hh:48
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees a conforming leaf grid. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:108
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees conforming level grids. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:99
Specialize with 'true' if implementation supports parallelism. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:73
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
A traits struct that collects all associated types of one grid model.
Definition: grid.hh:1344
IdSet< const GridImp, GlobalIdSetImp, GIDType > GlobalIdSet
The type of the global id set.
Definition: grid.hh:1430
IndexSet< const GridImp, LevelIndexSetImp > LevelIndexSet
The type of the level index set.
Definition: grid.hh:1426
IndexSet< const GridImp, LeafIndexSetImp > LeafIndexSet
The type of the leaf index set.
Definition: grid.hh:1428
IdSet< const GridImp, LocalIdSetImp, LIDType > LocalIdSet
The type of the local id set.
Definition: grid.hh:1432
Calculates m^p at compile time.
Definition: power.hh:20
type describing an intersection with a neighboring processor
Definition: ygrid.hh:827
This file provides the infrastructure for toroidal communication in YaspGrid.
Traits for type conversions and type information.
the YaspEntity class and its specializations
The YaspEntityPointer class.
The YaspEntitySeed class.
The YaspGeometry class and its specializations.
level-wise, non-persistent, consecutive indices for YaspGrid
The YaspIntersection class.
The YaspIntersectionIterator class.
The YaspLevelIterator class.
Specialization of the PersistentContainer for YaspGrid.
This provides a YGrid, the elemental component of the yaspgrid implementation.
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