Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

Dune::ALU3dGridEntity< cd, dim, GridImp > Class Template Reference

#include <dune/grid/alugrid/3d/entity.hh>

Public Types

typedef GridImp::template Codim< cd >::EntitySeed EntitySeed
 typedef of my type
 know your own codimension
 Dimension of the grid.
 Know dimension of the entity.

Public Member Functions

int level () const
 level of this element
PartitionType partitionType () const
 return partition type of this entity ( see grid.hh )
 ALU3dGridEntity (const FactoryType &factory, int level)
 ALU3dGridEntity (const ALU3dGridEntity &org)
 copy Constructor
Geometry geometry () const
 geometry of this entity
GeometryType type () const
 type of geometry of this entity
void setGhost (const HBndSegType &ghost)
 setGhost is not valid for this codim
void removeElement ()
 reset item pointer to NULL
void reset (int l)
 reset item pointer to NULL
bool equals (const ALU3dGridEntity< cd, dim, GridImp > &org) const
 compare 2 elements by comparing the item pointers
void setEntity (const ALU3dGridEntity< cd, dim, GridImp > &org)
 set item from other entity, mainly for copy constructor of entity pointer
const GridImp & grid () const
 return reference to grid
const FactoryType & factory () const
 return reference to factory
EntitySeed seed () const
 return seed of entity

Detailed Description

template<int cd, int dim, class GridImp>
class Dune::ALU3dGridEntity< cd, dim, GridImp >

A Grid is a container of grid entities. An entity is parametrized by the codimension. An entity of codimension c in dimension d is a d-c dimensional object.

Here: the general template

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