Dune Core Modules (2.4.1)

1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <dune/common/nullptr.hh>
11 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/backuprestore.hh>
12 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/capabilities.hh>
13 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/datahandle.hh>
14 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/gridfamily.hh>
15 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/identity.hh>
16 #include <dune/grid/geometrygrid/persistentcontainer.hh>
18 namespace Dune
19 {
21  // DefaultCoordFunction
22  // --------------------
24  template< class HostGrid >
25  class DefaultCoordFunction
26  : public IdenticalCoordFunction< typename HostGrid::ctype, HostGrid::dimensionworld >
27  {};
31  // GeometryGrid
32  // ------------
74  template< class HostGrid, class CoordFunction = DefaultCoordFunction< HostGrid >, class Allocator = std::allocator< void > >
78  < HostGrid::dimension, CoordFunction::dimRange, typename HostGrid::ctype,
79  GeoGrid::GridFamily< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >,
80  public GeoGrid::ExportParams< HostGrid, CoordFunction >,
81  public GeoGrid::BackupRestoreFacilities< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
83  {
87  < HostGrid::dimension, CoordFunction::dimRange, typename HostGrid::ctype,
88  GeoGrid::GridFamily< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
89  Base;
91  friend class GeoGrid::HierarchicIterator< const Grid >;
93  template< int, class, bool > friend class GeoGrid::EntityBase;
94  template< int, int, class > friend class GeoGrid::Geometry;
95  template< class, class, class, PartitionIteratorType > friend class GeoGrid::GridView;
96  template< class, class > friend class GeoGrid::Intersection;
97  template< class, class > friend class GeoGrid::IntersectionIterator;
98  template< class, class > friend class GeoGrid::IdSet;
99  template< class, class > friend class GeoGrid::IndexSet;
100  template< class > friend struct HostGridAccess;
102  template< class, class > friend class GeoGrid::CommDataHandle;
104  public:
106  typedef GeoGrid::GridFamily< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > GridFamily;
113  typedef typename GridFamily::Traits Traits;
121  template< int codim >
122  struct Codim;
130  typedef typename Traits::HierarchicIterator HierarchicIterator;
132  typedef typename Traits::LeafIntersectionIterator LeafIntersectionIterator;
134  typedef typename Traits::LevelIntersectionIterator LevelIntersectionIterator;
142  template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
143  struct Partition
144  {
145  typedef typename GridFamily::Traits::template Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView
146  LevelGridView;
147  typedef typename GridFamily::Traits::template Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView
148  LeafGridView;
149  };
152  typedef typename Partition< All_Partition >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
153  typedef typename Partition< All_Partition >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
169  typedef typename Traits::LeafIndexSet LeafIndexSet;
179  typedef typename Traits::LevelIndexSet LevelIndexSet;
191  typedef typename Traits::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
208  typedef typename Traits::LocalIdSet LocalIdSet;
216  typedef typename Traits::ctype ctype;
219  typedef typename Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication;
235  GeometryGrid ( HostGrid &hostGrid, CoordFunction &coordFunction, const Allocator &allocator = Allocator() )
236  : hostGrid_( &hostGrid ),
237  coordFunction_( coordFunction ),
238  removeHostGrid_( false ),
239  levelIndexSets_( hostGrid_->maxLevel()+1, nullptr, allocator ),
240  storageAllocator_( allocator )
241  {}
252  GeometryGrid ( HostGrid *hostGrid, CoordFunction *coordFunction, const Allocator &allocator = Allocator() )
253  : hostGrid_( hostGrid ),
254  coordFunction_( *coordFunction ),
255  removeHostGrid_( true ),
256  levelIndexSets_( hostGrid_->maxLevel()+1, nullptr, allocator ),
257  storageAllocator_( allocator )
258  {}
263  {
264  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < levelIndexSets_.size(); ++i )
265  {
266  if( levelIndexSets_[ i ] )
267  delete( levelIndexSets_[ i ] );
268  }
270  if( removeHostGrid_ )
271  {
272  delete &coordFunction_;
273  delete hostGrid_;
274  }
275  }
289  int maxLevel () const
290  {
291  return hostGrid().maxLevel();
292  }
302  int size ( int level, int codim ) const
303  {
304  return levelGridView( level ).size( codim );
305  }
313  int size ( int codim ) const
314  {
315  return leafGridView().size( codim );
316  }
326  int size ( int level, GeometryType type ) const
327  {
328  return levelGridView( level ).size( type );
329  }
335  int size ( GeometryType type ) const
336  {
337  return leafGridView().size( type );
338  }
344  size_t numBoundarySegments () const
345  {
346  return hostGrid().numBoundarySegments( );
347  }
350  const GlobalIdSet &globalIdSet () const
351  {
352  if( !globalIdSet_ )
353  globalIdSet_ = GlobalIdSet( hostGrid().globalIdSet() );
354  assert( globalIdSet_ );
355  return globalIdSet_;
356  }
358  const LocalIdSet &localIdSet () const
359  {
360  if( !localIdSet_ )
361  localIdSet_ = LocalIdSet( hostGrid().localIdSet() );
362  assert( localIdSet_ );
363  return localIdSet_;
364  }
366  const LevelIndexSet &levelIndexSet ( int level ) const
367  {
368  assert( levelIndexSets_.size() == (size_t)(maxLevel()+1) );
369  if( (level < 0) || (level > maxLevel()) )
370  {
371  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "LevelIndexSet for nonexisting level " << level
372  << " requested." );
373  }
375  LevelIndexSet *&levelIndexSet = levelIndexSets_[ level ];
376  if( !levelIndexSet )
377  levelIndexSet = new LevelIndexSet( hostGrid().levelIndexSet( level ) );
378  assert( levelIndexSet );
379  return *levelIndexSet;
380  }
382  const LeafIndexSet &leafIndexSet () const
383  {
384  if( !leafIndexSet_ )
385  leafIndexSet_ = LeafIndexSet( hostGrid().leafIndexSet() );
386  assert( leafIndexSet_ );
387  return leafIndexSet_;
388  }
390  void globalRefine ( int refCount )
391  {
392  hostGrid().globalRefine( refCount );
393  update();
394  }
396  bool mark ( int refCount, const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity )
397  {
398  return hostGrid().mark( refCount, getHostEntity< 0 >( entity ) );
399  }
401  int getMark ( const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity ) const
402  {
403  return hostGrid().getMark( getHostEntity< 0 >( entity ) );
404  }
406  bool preAdapt ()
407  {
408  return hostGrid().preAdapt();
409  }
411  bool adapt ()
412  {
413  bool ret = hostGrid().adapt();
414  update();
415  return ret;
416  }
418  void postAdapt ()
419  {
420  hostGrid().postAdapt();
421  }
430  int overlapSize ( int codim ) const
431  {
432  return leafGridView().overlapSize( codim );
433  }
439  int ghostSize( int codim ) const
440  {
441  return leafGridView().ghostSize( codim );
442  }
449  int overlapSize ( int level, int codim ) const
450  {
451  return levelGridView( level ).overlapSize( codim );
452  }
459  int ghostSize ( int level, int codim ) const
460  {
461  return levelGridView( level ).ghostSize( codim );
462  }
477  template< class DataHandle, class Data >
479  InterfaceType interface,
480  CommunicationDirection direction,
481  int level ) const
482  {
483  levelGridView( level ).communicate( dataHandle, interface, direction );
484  }
498  template< class DataHandle, class Data >
500  InterfaceType interface,
501  CommunicationDirection direction ) const
502  {
503  leafGridView().communicate( dataHandle, interface, direction );
504  }
515  {
516  return hostGrid().comm();
517  }
519 #if 0
520  // data handle interface different between geo and interface
531  bool loadBalance ()
532  {
533  const bool gridChanged= hostGrid().loadBalance();
534  if( gridChanged )
535  update();
536  return gridChanged;
537  }
554  template< class DataHandle, class Data >
555  bool loadBalance ( CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, Data > &datahandle )
556  {
557  typedef CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, Data > DataHandleIF;
558  typedef GeoGrid :: CommDataHandle< Grid, DataHandleIF > WrappedDataHandle;
560  WrappedDataHandle wrappedDataHandle( *this, datahandle );
561  const bool gridChanged = hostGrid().loadBalance( wrappedDataHandle );
562  if( gridChanged )
563  update();
564  return gridChanged;
565  }
566 #endif
569  template< class EntitySeed >
570  typename Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::EntityPointer
571  DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("entityPointer() is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid 2.4. Use entity() instead to directly obtain an Entity object.")
572  entityPointer ( const EntitySeed &seed ) const
573  {
574  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::Entity Entity;
575  return DefaultEntityPointer< Entity >( entity( seed ) );
576  }
579  template< class EntitySeed >
580  typename Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::Entity
581  entity ( const EntitySeed &seed ) const
582  {
583  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::EntityImpl EntityImpl;
584  return EntityImpl( *this, seed );
585  }
593  template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
594  typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
595  {
596  typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView View;
597  typedef typename View::GridViewImp ViewImp;
598  return View( ViewImp( *this, hostGrid().levelGridView( level ) ) );
599  }
602  template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
603  typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView () const
604  {
605  typedef typename Traits::template Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView View;
606  typedef typename View::GridViewImp ViewImp;
607  return View( ViewImp( *this, hostGrid().leafGridView() ) );
608  }
611  LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
612  {
613  typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp ViewImp;
614  return LevelGridView( ViewImp( *this, hostGrid().levelGridView( level ) ) );
615  }
618  LeafGridView leafGridView () const
619  {
620  typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp ViewImp;
621  return LeafGridView( ViewImp( *this, hostGrid().leafGridView() ) );
622  }
629  const HostGrid &hostGrid () const
630  {
631  return *hostGrid_;
632  }
634  HostGrid &hostGrid ()
635  {
636  return *hostGrid_;
637  }
647  void update ()
648  {
649  // adapt the coordinate function
650  GeoGrid::AdaptCoordFunction< typename CoordFunction::Interface >::adapt( coordFunction_ );
652  const int newNumLevels = maxLevel()+1;
653  const int oldNumLevels = levelIndexSets_.size();
655  for( int i = newNumLevels; i < oldNumLevels; ++i )
656  {
657  if( levelIndexSets_[ i ] )
658  delete levelIndexSets_[ i ];
659  }
660  levelIndexSets_.resize( newNumLevels, nullptr );
661  }
667  const CoordFunction &coordFunction () const { return coordFunction_; }
668  CoordFunction &coordFunction () { return coordFunction_; }
670  protected:
671  template< int codim >
672  static const typename HostGrid::template Codim< codim >::Entity &
673  getHostEntity( const typename Codim< codim >::Entity &entity )
674  {
675  return getRealImplementation( entity ).hostEntity();
676  }
678  void *allocateStorage ( std::size_t size ) const
679  {
680  return storageAllocator_.allocate( size );
681  }
683  void deallocateStorage ( void *p, std::size_t size ) const
684  {
685  storageAllocator_.deallocate( (char *)p, size );
686  }
688  private:
689  HostGrid *const hostGrid_;
690  CoordFunction &coordFunction_;
691  bool removeHostGrid_;
692  mutable std::vector< LevelIndexSet *, typename Allocator::template rebind< LevelIndexSet * >::other > levelIndexSets_;
693  mutable LeafIndexSet leafIndexSet_;
694  mutable GlobalIdSet globalIdSet_;
695  mutable LocalIdSet localIdSet_;
696  mutable typename Allocator::template rebind< char >::other storageAllocator_;
697  };
701  // GeometryGrid::Codim
702  // -------------------
704  template< class HostGrid, class CoordFunction, class Allocator >
705  template< int codim >
706  struct GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >::Codim
707  : public Base::template Codim< codim >
708  {
716  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity Entity;
722  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >::EntityPointer EntityPointer;
737  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >::Geometry Geometry;
747  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry;
754  template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
755  struct Partition
756  {
757  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >
758  ::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
759  LeafIterator;
760  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< codim >
761  ::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator
763  };
772  typedef typename Partition< All_Partition >::LeafIterator LeafIterator;
781  typedef typename Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator LevelIterator;
784  };
786 } // namespace Dune
788 #endif // #ifndef DUNE_GEOGRID_GRID_HH
CommDataHandleIF describes the features of a data handle for communication in parallel runs using the...
Definition: datahandleif.hh:73
Store a reference to an entity with a minimal memory footprint.
Definition: entityseed.hh:24
Wrapper class for entities.
Definition: entity.hh:62
actual implementation of the entity
Definition: entity.hh:34
grid wrapper replacing the geometries
Definition: grid.hh:83
int maxLevel() const
obtain maximal grid level
Definition: grid.hh:289
Partition< All_Partition >::LevelGridView LevelGridView
View types for All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:152
Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::EntityPointer DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("entityPointer() is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid 2.4. Use entity() instead to directly obtain an Entity object.") entityPointer(const EntitySeed &seed) const
obtain EntityPointer from EntitySeed.
Definition: grid.hh:571
int size(int codim) const
obtain number of leaf entities
Definition: grid.hh:313
int size(int level, GeometryType type) const
obtain number of entites on a level
Definition: grid.hh:326
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typename std::add_lvalue_reference< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typename std::remove_const< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1305
LeafGridView leafGridView() const
View for the leaf grid for All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:618
Traits::LevelIntersectionIterator LevelIntersectionIterator
iterator over intersections with other entities on the same level
Definition: grid.hh:134
Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::Entity entity(const EntitySeed &seed) const
obtain Entity from EntitySeed.
Definition: grid.hh:581
LevelGridView levelGridView(int level) const
View for a grid level for All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:611
int size(int level, int codim) const
obtain number of entites on a level
Definition: grid.hh:302
const CollectiveCommunication & comm() const
obtain CollectiveCommunication object
Definition: grid.hh:514
Traits::LeafIndexSet LeafIndexSet
type of leaf index set
Definition: grid.hh:169
Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView() const
View for the leaf grid.
Definition: grid.hh:603
GeometryGrid(HostGrid *hostGrid, CoordFunction *coordFunction, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator())
Definition: grid.hh:252
Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView(int level) const
View for a grid level.
Definition: grid.hh:594
Traits::HierarchicIterator HierarchicIterator
iterator over the grid hierarchy
Definition: grid.hh:130
Traits::ctype ctype
type of vector coordinates (e.g., double)
Definition: grid.hh:216
GridFamily::Traits Traits
type of the grid traits
Definition: grid.hh:113
Definition: grid.hh:262
int overlapSize(int codim) const
obtain size of overlap region for the leaf grid
Definition: grid.hh:430
void communicate(CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, Data > &dataHandle, InterfaceType interface, CommunicationDirection direction) const
communicate information on leaf entities
Definition: grid.hh:499
Traits::LevelIndexSet LevelIndexSet
type of level index set
Definition: grid.hh:179
int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const
obtain size of ghost region for a grid level
Definition: grid.hh:459
void communicate(CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, Data > &dataHandle, InterfaceType interface, CommunicationDirection direction, int level) const
communicate information on a grid level
Definition: grid.hh:478
Traits::LocalIdSet LocalIdSet
type of local id set
Definition: grid.hh:208
Traits::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet
type of global id set
Definition: grid.hh:191
Traits::LeafIntersectionIterator LeafIntersectionIterator
iterator over intersections with other entities on the leaf level
Definition: grid.hh:132
int ghostSize(int codim) const
obtain size of ghost region for the leaf grid
Definition: grid.hh:439
Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication
communicator with all other processes having some part of the grid
Definition: grid.hh:219
size_t numBoundarySegments() const
returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid
Definition: grid.hh:344
int size(GeometryType type) const
obtain number of leaf entities
Definition: grid.hh:335
GeometryGrid(HostGrid &hostGrid, CoordFunction &coordFunction, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator())
Definition: grid.hh:235
void update()
update grid caches
Definition: grid.hh:647
int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const
obtain size of overlap region for a grid level
Definition: grid.hh:449
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:25
Definition: grid.hh:1030
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typename std::add_lvalue_reference< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typename std::remove_const< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1305
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:243
Define a type for communication direction parameter.
Definition: gridenums.hh:168
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:10
Fallback implementation of the nullptr object in C++0x.
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
traits structure containing types for a codimension
Definition: grid.hh:708
Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator LevelIterator
type of leaf iterator
Definition: grid.hh:781
Partition< All_Partition >::LeafIterator LeafIterator
type of level iterator
Definition: grid.hh:772
Traits::template Codim< codim >::EntityPointer EntityPointer
type of entity pointer
Definition: grid.hh:722
Traits::template Codim< codim >::Geometry Geometry
type of world geometry
Definition: grid.hh:737
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry
type of local geometry
Definition: grid.hh:747
Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity Entity
type of entity
Definition: grid.hh:716
Types for GridView.
Definition: grid.hh:144
provides access to host grid objects from GeometryGrid
Definition: hostgridaccess.hh:27
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