Dune Core Modules (2.4.1)
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- d -
- data_ : Dune::Matrix< T, A >
- DataArrayWriterFactory() : Dune::VTK::DataArrayWriterFactory
- dataBegin() : Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >, Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >
- dataDisplay() : Dune::GrapeDataDisplay< GridType >
- dataEnd() : Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >, Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >
- DataType : Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp >
- deallocate() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DebugAllocator< T >, Dune::MallocAllocator< T >, Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- DebugAllocator() : Dune::DebugAllocator< T >
- debugLevel() : Dune::Amg::Parameters
- DebugStream() : Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
- deconstruct() : Dune::Amg::ConstructionTraits< T >
- decrement() : Dune::Amg::Hierarchy< T, A >::LevelIterator< C, T1 >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::EdgeIterator, Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
- DefaultIndexSet() : Dune::DefaultIndexSet< GridImp, IteratorImp >
- DefaultSmootherArgs() : Dune::Amg::DefaultSmootherArgs< T >
- defaultValue() : Dune::DGFBoundaryParameter
- deleteNext() : Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >
- delimiter : Dune::DGFBoundaryParameter
- delta() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator
- DependencyParameters() : Dune::Amg::DependencyParameters
- DependencyPolicy : Dune::Amg::AggregationCriterion< T >
- depends() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties
- dereference() : Dune::AlbertaGridEntityPointer< codim, GridImp >, Dune::ALU2dGridEntityPointer< codim, GridImp >, Dune::ALU3dGridEntityPointerBase< codim, GridImp >, Dune::ALU3dGridLeafIterator< cdim, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::ALU3dGridLevelIterator< cd, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::Amg::Hierarchy< T, A >::LevelIterator< C, T1 >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::EdgeIterator, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::VertexIterator, Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::IdentityGridEntityPointer< codim, GridImp, HostGridEntityPointer_ >, Dune::IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::LeafIntersectionIteratorWrapper< GridImp >, Dune::LevelIntersectionIteratorWrapper< GridImp >, Dune::SEntityPointer< codim, GridImp >, Dune::SIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >, Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >, Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >, Dune::YaspEntityPointer< codim, GridImp >, Dune::YaspIntersectionIterator< GridImp >
- derived_type : Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >
- DerivedType : Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- descendantElements() : Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >
- destinationIndexSet() : Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- destroy() : Dune::DebugAllocator< T >, Dune::MallocAllocator< T >, Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- destroyGrid() : Dune::GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
- detach() : Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
- determinant() : Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- DGFWriter() : Dune::DGFWriter< GV >
- diagonal() : Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- diagonal_ : Dune::Amg::Dependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricDependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricMatrixDependency< M, N >
- DiagonalMatrix() : Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >
- difference_type : Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >, Dune::base_array< B, A >, Dune::base_array_window< B, A >, Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >
- DifferenceType : Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::DenseIterator< C, T, R >, Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::GenericIterator< C, T, R, D, IteratorFacade >, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- dim() : Dune::block_vector_unmanaged< B, A >, Dune::compressed_block_vector_unmanaged< B, A >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::GeometryType
- dimDomain : Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimD, dimR, Impl >
- dimension : Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityPointer< GridImp, IteratorImp >, Dune::EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >, Dune::GeneralVertexOrder< dim, Index_ >, Dune::GenericGeometry::DuneGeometryTypeProvider< dim, linetype >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::GridFactoryInterface< GridType >, Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::IndexSet< GridImp, IndexSetImp, IndexTypeImp, TypesImp >, Dune::IndexSetDefaultImplementation< GridImp, IndexSetImp >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::RefinementImp::HCube::RefinementImp< dimension_, CoordType >, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim >
- dimensionworld : Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >
- dimGrid : Dune::DGFWriter< GV >
- dimRange : Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimD, dimR, Impl >, Dune::DiscreteCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimR, Impl >, Dune::VTK::SkeletonFunctionInterface< GV, RF >
- dims() : Dune::SGrid< dim, dimworld, _ctype >, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- display() : Dune::CombinedGrapeDisplay< DisplayType >, Dune::GrapeDataDisplay< GridType >, Dune::GrapeGridDisplay< GridType >
- displayVector() : Dune::GrapeDataDisplay< GridType >
- distance() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator, Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >::Intersection
- distanceTo() : Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
- Domain : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >
- domain_type : Dune::BiCGSTABSolver< X >, Dune::BlockPreconditioner< X, Y, C, T >, Dune::CGSolver< X >, Dune::GeneralizedPCGSolver< X >, Dune::GradientSolver< X >, Dune::ILU0SubdomainSolver< M, X, Y >, Dune::ILUSubdomainSolver< M, X, Y >, Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >, Dune::LinearOperator< X, Y >, Dune::LoopSolver< X >, Dune::MINRESSolver< X >, Dune::NonoverlappingBlockPreconditioner< C, P >, Dune::NonoverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::NonoverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct< X, C >, Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::OverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct< X, C >, Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::Preconditioner< X, Y >, Dune::RestartedGMResSolver< X, Y, F >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::ScalarProduct< X >, Dune::SeqGS< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqILU0< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqILUn< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >, Dune::SeqPardiso< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqScalarProduct< X >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SuperLU< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >, Dune::UMFPack< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >
- DomainType : Dune::Function< Domain, Range >
- DomainVector : Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimD, dimR, Impl >
- done() : Dune::ALU2dGridEntityPointer< codim, GridImp >, Dune::ALU3dGridEntityPointerBase< codim, GridImp >
- dot() : Dune::block_vector_unmanaged< B, A >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::NonoverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct< X, C >, Dune::OverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct< X, C >, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >, Dune::ScalarProduct< X >, Dune::SeqScalarProduct< X >
- dune2aluEdge() : Dune::ElementTopologyMapping< type >, Dune::FaceTopologyMapping< type >
- dune2aluFace() : Dune::ElementTopologyMapping< type >
- dune2aluFaceVertex() : Dune::ElementTopologyMapping< type >
- dune2aluVertex() : Dune::ElementTopologyMapping< type >, Dune::FaceTopologyMapping< type >
- DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG() : Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridDefaultImplementation< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::Mapper< G, MapperImp, IndexType >, Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< GV, Layout >, Dune::SingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper< GV, c >, Dune::UniversalMapper< G, IDS, IndexType >
- DuneBoundaryProjectionType : Dune::ALU2dGrid< dim, dimworld, eltype >, Dune::ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >, Dune::ALUGridBoundaryProjection< GridImp, ctype >
- DuneBoundaryProjectionVector : Dune::ALU2dGrid< dim, dimworld, eltype >, Dune::ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
- DuneGridFormatParser() : Dune::DuneGridFormatParser
- duneIndex() : Dune::VTK::Corner< Cell >
- DynamicMatrix() : Dune::DynamicMatrix< K >
- DynamicVector() : Dune::DynamicVector< K, Allocator >
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