Dune Core Modules (2.4.1)

Dune::ALUGrid< dim, dimworld, elType, refineType, Comm > Class Template Reference

[ provides Dune::Grid ] More...

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int dimworld, ALUGridElementType elType, ALUGridRefinementType refineType, class Comm = No_Comm>
class Dune::ALUGrid< dim, dimworld, elType, refineType, Comm >

[ provides Dune::Grid ]

grid with support for quadrilateral and hexahedral grid (template parameter cube) and simplicial meshes (template parameter simplex) in 2d and 3d.

The ALUGrid implements the Dune GridInterface for 2d quadrilateral and 3d hexahedral as well as 2d triangular and 3d tetrahedral meshes. This grid can be locally adapted (non-conforming and conforming bisection) and used in parallel computations using dynamic load balancing.

(see ALUGrid homepage: http://www.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/IAM/Research/alugrid/)
  • Available Implementations
    • quadrilateral and hexahedral elements only nonconforming refinement
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, cube, nonconforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, cube, nonconforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, cube, nonconforming >
    • simplicial elements and nonconforming refinement
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, simplex, nonconforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, simplex, nonconforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, nonconforming >
    • simplicial elements and bisection refinement
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, simplex, conforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, simplex, conforming >
      • Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, conforming > (work in progress)
template parameter Comm defaults to MPI_Comm, if MPI is available, No_Comm otherwise.

For installation instructions see http://www.dune-project.org/external_libraries/install_alugrid.html .

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