Dune Core Modules (2.4.1)

Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp > Class Template Reference

#include <dune/grid/alugrid/2d/geometry.hh>

Public Types

typedef FieldMatrix< ctype, cdim, mydim > JacobianInverseTransposed
 type of jacobian inverse transposed
typedef FieldMatrix< ctype, mydim, cdim > JacobianTransposed
 type of jacobian transposed

Public Member Functions

 ALU2dGridGeometry ()
 ALU2dGridGeometry (const ALU2dGridGeometry &)
 copy constructor copying pointer and increasing reference counter
 ~ALU2dGridGeometry ()
 destructor releasing object
ALU2dGridGeometryoperator= (const ALU2dGridGeometry &)
 assigment operator
const GeometryType type () const
int corners () const
 return the number of corners of this element. Corners are numbered 0...n-1
GlobalCoordinate corner (int i) const
 access to coordinates of corners. Index is the number of the corner
GlobalCoordinate global (const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 LocalCoordinate (const GlobalCoordinate &global) const
alu2d_ctype integrationElement (const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 A(l) , see grid.hh.
alu2d_ctype volume () const
 return volume of geometry
bool affine () const
 return true if geometry has affine mapping
const FieldMatrix< alu2d_ctype, cdim, mydim > & jacobianInverseTransposed (const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 jacobian inverse transposed
const FieldMatrix< alu2d_ctype, mydim, cdim > & jacobianTransposed (const LocalCoordinate &local) const
 jacobian transposed
bool buildGeom (const HElementType &item)
 Methods that not belong to the Interface, but have to be public. More...
template<class GeometryType , class LocalGeomType >
bool buildLocalGeom (const GeometryType &geo, const LocalGeomType &lg)
bool buildLocalGeometry (const int faceNumber, const int twist, const int coorns)
 build local geometry given local face number
GlobalCoordinategetCoordVec (int i)
 return non-const reference to coord vecs
void print (std::ostream &ss) const
 print internal data
bool buildGeomInFather (const Geometry &fatherGeom, const Geometry &myGeom)
 build geometry with local coords of child in reference element
GlobalCoordinate center () const
 return center of the geometry

Protected Member Functions

void assign (const ALU2dGridGeometry &other)
 assign pointer
void removeObj ()
 remove pointer object
void getObject ()
 get a new pointer object

Static Protected Member Functions

static GeometryProviderTypegeoProvider ()
 return storage provider for geometry objects

Detailed Description

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp>
class Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >

Defines the geometry part of a mesh entity. Works for all dimensions, element types and dimensions of world. Provides reference element and mapping between local and global coordinates. The element may have different implementations because the mapping can be done more efficient for structured meshes than for unstructured meshes.

dim: An element is a polygonal in a hyperplane of dimension dim. 0 <= dim <= 2 is typically dim=0 is a point.

dimworld: Each corner is a point with dimworld coordinates. ALU2dGridGeometry Empty definition, needs to be specialized for element type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ALU2dGridGeometry()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::ALU2dGridGeometry ( )

for makeRefGeometry == true a Geometry with the coordinates of the reference element is made

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildGeom()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
bool Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::buildGeom ( const HElementType &  item)

Methods that not belong to the Interface, but have to be public.

generate the geometry for out of given ALU2dGridElement

◆ buildLocalGeom()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
template<class GeometryType , class LocalGeomType >
bool Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::buildLocalGeom ( const GeometryType geo,
const LocalGeomType &  lg 

build geometry for intersectionSelfLocal and intersectionNeighborLocal

◆ global()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
GlobalCoordinate Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::global ( const LocalCoordinate local) const

maps a local coordinate within reference element to global coordinate in element

◆ LocalCoordinate()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::LocalCoordinate ( const GlobalCoordinate global) const

maps a global coordinate within the element to a local coordinate in its reference element

◆ type()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp >
const GeometryType Dune::ALU2dGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >::type ( ) const

return the element type identifier line , triangle or tetrahedron, depends on dim

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