Dune Developer Meeting 2018 in Stuttgart
The developer meeting is held on November 7th and 8th, 2018 in Stuttgart.
The meeting is co-located with the Dune User Meeting 2018.
- Andreas Dedner
- Christoph Grüninger
- Christian Engwer
- Robert Klöfkorn
- Oliver Sander
- Jorrit Fahlke
- Claus Heine
- Marcel Koch
- Nils-Arne Dreier
- Dominic Kempf
- Bernd Flemisch
- Birane Kane
- Linus Seelinger
- Steffen Müthing
- Stephan Hilb
- Mirco Altenberg
- Martin Alkämper
- Samuel Burbulla
- Markus Blatt
- Timo Koch
Proposed topics
Please use the edit function to add your topics or write an email to the organizers.
RK: Stability of the gitlab infrastructure. How can we help to improve it?
CGü: I’d like to see an hour of cleaning up. Together we scan (one or two of)
- merge requests
- bugs
- the remaining open FlySpray tasks
- Git branches
and decide which can be closed / deleted right away and which to keep.
OS: ALUGrid has been implementing some improvements to the distributed grids interface. Can we make some of the part of the official interface?
- RK: That would be nice and should not be much work or disturbance for other grid implementations.
- CGü: Do you have concret suggestions what to include?
RK: Should we add a grid implementation providing polyhedral grids?
- CE: I’m in favor of adding a wide range of different grids to the core to improve the first shot user experience.
RK: What is needed to make dune-istl a more self contained LA solver package?
CE: I’d like to finish our long standing effort of fully dynamic solver interfaces and a solver factory. There are a few smaller questions where I’d like to have some feedback from the core developers.
OS: The fact that FieldVector<X,1> and FieldMatrix<X,1,1> get special treatment is the source of various inconsistencies and general unhappiness. Can we review that decision? There are two competing proposals:
- Make nesting recursion end at regular number types, rather than at FieldVector/FieldMatrix.
For example, allow
and make it do what people would expect. - Introduce a dedicated new type
that should wrap number types T and that should be used to end recursions. This would mean thatBCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double,1,1> >
should be replaced byBCRSMatrix<Field<double> >
The interesting question: Can we do that in a backward-compatible way?
- Make nesting recursion end at regular number types, rather than at FieldVector/FieldMatrix.
For example, allow
Discretization modules (FEM, PDELab, …)
- CE: can we agree on a new common discrete function interface based on dune-functions? Current state is
- dune-functions defines interfaces for functions and global bases.
- a couple of people are now working directly with dune-functions, without any other discretization module.
- PDELab supports the new function interface together with “old-style” PDELab gridfunctionspaces
- FUFEM is now mostly based on dune-functions
- CGrä: Some comments on CE’s proposal above:
- Notice that dune-functions
interface is already supported in theVTKWriter
- When discussing the proposal please mention the subtleties of
to avoid later surprises.
- Notice that dune-functions
python support
- CE: How do we envision future code development regarding python?
User Meeting Input
- Parallel grid construction
- would be possible with a discussed extension of the grid interface, boundary segments will not work
- Data I/O (HDF5 / XDMF)
- will be a working group on second day of Dune dev meeting
- Binary operators for dense linear algebra
- does currently not exist because of past performance concerns
- Oliver will provide an example implementation, Oliver thinks about which operators needs to be implemented
- needs benchmarking (to prevent performance penalty), will be done by Jö
- Dune packaging for spack https://github.com/spack/spack
- users seem not to be interested
- interesting concept, might be enough to get get Dominic working on it
- News entries on homepage for applications to build application showcases
- idea: new section latest publications, last three on start page with link “more” to complete list; new list ist above or below nes entries (Andreas and Robert will investigate this)
- Periodic Boundaries
- Yasp implements periodicity as ghost elements and requires parallel execution
- ALUGrid and SPGrid implements that differently by identifying entities
- Yasp does not correctly answer
on periodic boundary - Alu and SPGrid does not transform outsideElements at periodic boundary
- Timo and Dominic will complete the documentation
Suggestion by Oliver: working groups
- Documentation / website
- Build system: WG (Steffen, Markus, Dominic, Jö, Linus)
- Discuss new Dune paper: Thursday
- Development Process (handling of MRs etc.)
- Bindings for other programming languages
- Infrastructure
- MPI rework
- New way of handling scalar LA entities (
) (Jö, Oliver, Claus) - Minimal versions of toolchain components
- Dynamic selection of solver components in ISTL
- I/O: WG (Steffen, Timo, Markus)
- dune-localfunctions interface: WG (Oliver, Andreas, Christian)
- twists and grid topology: WG (Marcel, Christian, Claus, Robert)
- First approach: Avoiding twis problem by creating edge consistent grids -> module from Marcel.
- Make functionality usable without dune?
- Grids need flags: will consistency be preserved during loading/refinement/load balancing
- Different ways of refinement (conforming/nonconforming) -> document behaviour
- Second approach: How to handle non edge consistent grids
- Load local dofs, for every subentity transform according to inconsistency, revert transformation before writing into global data structure
- Transformation not always permutation: Momentums, Raviart Thomas, …
- Local Finite Element should provide object that can provide transformation for subentity dofs
- Special implementation if transformation only permutation or only integers in matrix
- Local Finite Element should provide information about pullback
- dune-functions as a foundation for discretization modules
- parallel grid interface including parallel grid construction: WG (Robert, Markus, Linus, Oliver, Andreas, Christian, Nils)
- communicate on Grid will return a future object, should act like std::future< void >/MPIFuture?
- interface for repartition should be discussed based on AluGrid/UGGrid implementations
- conclude that existing entity iterators are sufficient to compute border entity ranges
- overlapSize and ghostSize?
- ghost elements in ALUGrid, fix documentation
- provide constexpr functions to gain DoF for entities etc. (Christian and Steffen extract use-cases from PDELab)
Build System
- Oliver: Alias
dunecontrol cmake
fordunecontrol configure
- Build without dunecontrol
- “Master CMake project” with subprojects for each module
- conan.io package manager
Result from working group
- Steffen has an aged proposal
- if not too much work for downstream modules, adapt his approach
- CMake features tests (e.g. searching for MPI) are only performed once
- no longer call to module-specific test from cmake/modules/Dune
Macros.cmake, they should be revised and integrated in the top-level CMakeLists.txt - libraries are re-exposed with CMake target mechanism
- every dune module has a CMake target, maybe header only, pulling in all module dependency to external librarys (including dependencies between Dune modules)
- down-stream modules, which do not have CMake feature tests, should work without breaking change (some calls should be removed or changed, but for a smooth transition it should be possible to provide according methods for one release)
- config.h renamed per module, e.g., dune-common-config.h
- no longer support static and dynamic libraries
- plan: Steffen will tidy up his prototype, further development in branches, we will discuss before merging (hopefully without breaking too much)
- Add a rotating image gallery (JavaScript anyone?)
- (Issue #54) Grid documentation: Make it easier to find list of grid features
- What does
do?- Nobody knows whether it’s needed
- Remove it
GeometryType::GeometryType(int dim)
andGeometryType::GeometryType(unsigned int dim)
- only work for vertices and lines
- remove
- Improve deprecation macros to encode version
why not const ref?
Release Procedure
- Time-Based releases
- Requires automatic testing
- Do we want to support generic backup / restore using
or something similar? - Use Python bridge for backup / restore
- Improve backup / restore documentation
dune-localfunctions interface
Result from working group
dynamic interface has a lot of flaws and few users
run-time interface uses type erasure
infrastructure for type erasure exists in parts in dune-functions
create merge request for dune-localfunctions
deprecate dynamic interface
issues with interpolate, no consensus
provide a way to get points of degree of freedom for local subentity
currently discretization modules remap local keys anyway, but should be kept
Future of GitLab infrastructure
- People taking care of GitLab might leave academia in summer 2019
- Migrate to GitLab Cloud, downsides are Git commit hooks, less control
- current server issues are resolved
extend Dune grid interface
methods from ALUGrid that would be beneficial for all
parallel grid creation
- UG should implement them, too (Oliver Sander thinks it could be done)
- two methods
- change accepted, waiting for merge request
rebalance grid partition
- method
- just discussion, no decision
- method
unify grid readers
- dune-grid issue 23, dune-grid merge request 90
should have a second form accepting an input stream- return parameters for element/boundary data should be unified
- Maybe use an object instead of static methods, maybe this object should behave more like a grid factory
output of matrices and vectors
- need a simple interface to output matrices and vertices
- Linus will propose a merge request
asynchronous MPI
- dune-common merge request 526
- introduce asynchronous MPI features like future
- data abstraction for communicate and serialization
- comments in MR
result of I/O group
General formats?
- DGF (simple data), Gmsh (simple data), …
- VTK (visual + simple data)
- XDMF/HDF5 (visual + complex data)
- use backup-restore facility (does it get a stream?)
- check-pointing is specialized for each user/discretization module
- exadune has a prototype for serializing a DG simulation in HDF5
- dune-pdelab has an implementation, dune-fem has an implementation for restart
- generalized interface in dune is generally wishful, but should we invest the time? and who?
- Checkpointing: dune-fem/dumux/pdelab have their own solutions. Should we invest work to clean those up and have something in the core modules?
- dune-hdf5
- put all implementations in an experimental folder
- improve HDF CMake check
- lightweight HDF5 C++ Wrapper
- HDF for dumping grid and data for visualization
- XDMFWriter optionally gets HDF5Writer from outside
- VtkWriter double precision -> try runtime penalty for if/else for
every field (runtime) (-> Timo)
- VtkWriter gets outputFieldType for grid (default to float)
- every function gets field type in FieldInfo (default to float)
- otherwise template argument for Writer and every field
- deprecate old VtkFunction
- set counter bei sequence writer (-> Bernd)
- setting the vector of time steps from outside might be what this actually means
- should be suitable for restart
- Reader should have a corresponding writer and the other way around with hopefully high number of matching features
- Sequential reader interface, reads on process 0, distributes (-> Dumux team)
- Supports different grid managers (depending on what the format gives us, e.g. structured/unstructured)
- gives out unique_ptr
- gives out data (codim-dim codim-0 boundaries) as
std::vector< std::vector<FieldType> >
- provides mappings (in case of resorting), grid factory?
- can do load-balacing of data