Dune User Meeting 2018
Dune User Meeting 2018 in Stuttgart
We invite all Dune users to participate at the 6th Dune User meeting, to be held in Stuttgart from 05.11.2018 to 06.11.2018.
This meeting should be used to showcase how you’re using Dune, foster future collaborations between the users and provide input to the future development of Dune. The meeting also welcomes contributions from other frameworks such as DuMuX and OPM that are using DUNE.
We keep the format rather informal. All participants are encouraged to give a presentation. In addition, we will reserve plenty of time for more general discussions on Dune.
Financial support for the workshop is provided by the INTPART project InSPiRE funded by the Research Council of Norway.
A online registration and more detailed information can be found at the workshop page.
campus.guest, Universitätsstraße 34, 70569 Stuttgart
Room 202
Monday, November 5, 2018
Time | Title / Person | Description / Talk Title |
9:30 | Welcome | |
10:00-11:20 | User Presentations | Chair: B. Flemisch |
10:00 | D.Kempf | dune-codegen: Using code generation for performance portable implementation of finite elements |
10:40 | T. Leibner | Generic discretization module (dune-gdt) |
11:20-11:50 | Coffee break | |
11:50-12:40 | User Presentations | Chair: A. Dedner |
11:50 | M. Koch | Consistently Orienting Edges of Dune Grids |
12:10 | R. Klöfkorn | Status of hp-Adaptivity in DUNE-Fem and OPM |
12:40-14:00 | Lunch | campus.guest |
14:00-15:20 | User Presentations | Chair: C.-J. Heine |
14:00 | L. Seelinger | Efficient Iterative Solution and Multiscale Approximation of Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Problems |
14:40 | W. Giese | Multi-scale modelling of calcium cycling in cardiomyocytes: Efficient parallel simulations with space-time adaptivity |
15:20-15:50 | Coffee break | |
15:50-16:30 | User Presentations | Chair: R. Klöfkorn |
15:50 | A. Dedner | Writing Python bindings for Dune modules |
16:30-17:15 | Discussion | |
17:15-18:15 | Ice breaker | Bistro campus.guest |
19:00 | Dinner | Restaurant & Cafébar am Allianzstadion, 10 Hessbrühl Straße, 70565 Stuttgart-Vaihingen |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Time | Title / Person | Description / Talk Title |
9:30-10:50 | User Presentations | Chair: R. Klöfkorn |
9:30 | G. Corbin | Making numerical experiments in Dune reproducible |
10:10 | T. Koch | The DuMux Pub: A Concept for Reproducible Research with DuMux |
10:50-11:20 | Coffee break | |
11:20-12:40 | User Presentations | Chair: A. Dedner |
11:20 | M. Utz | Dune-SWF an application for river engineering |
12:00 | L. Stadler | Why we use XDMF/HDF5 for Dune-SWF |
12:40-14:00 | Lunch | campus.guest |
14:00-15:20 | User Presentations | Chair: B. Flemisch |
14:00 | J. Both | Simulating flow in deformable porous media |
14:40 | S. Burbulla | A Finite-Volume Approach to Dynamically Fracturing Porous Media |
15:20-16:00 | Discussion | |
16:00 | Coffee break |
Participant | Affiliation |
Alkämper, Martin | Universität Stuttgart |
Altenbernd, Mirco | Universität Stuttgart |
Blatt, Markus | HPC-Simulation-Software & Services |
Both, Jakub | University of Bergen |
Burbulla, Samuel | Universität Stuttgart |
Chamakuri, Nagaiah | University of Hohenheim |
Corbin, Gregor | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, AG Technomathematik |
Dedner, Andreas | University of Warwick |
Dreier, Nils-Arne | University of Münster |
Engwer, Christian | Universität Münster |
Fahlke, Jorrit | WWU Münster |
Flemisch, Bernd | Universität Stuttgart |
Giese, Wolfgang | Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft |
Heine, Claus-Justus | Universität Stuttgart |
Hilb, Stephan | Universität Stuttgart |
Kane, Birane | NORCE Norwegian Research Center |
Kempf, Dominic | Universität Heidelberg |
Heß, René | IWR, Universität Heidelberg |
Klöfkorn, Robert | NORCE Norwegian Research Center |
Koch, Marcel | Universität Münster |
Koch, Timo | Universität Stuttgart |
Müthing, Steffen | Universität Heidelberg |
Leibner, Tobias | Universität Münster |
Sander, Oliver | TU Dresden |
Seelinger, Linus | Universtät Heidelberg |
Stadler, Leopold | BAW-Federal Engineering and Research Institute |
Utz, Martin | BAW-Federal Engineering and Research Institute |