DUNE Numerics

Dune User Meeting 2015 in Heidelberg


We invite all Dune users to participate at the 3rd Dune User meeting, to be held at Heidelberg from 28.09.2015 morning to 29.09.2015 noon.

This is your, the users’ meeting and should be used to showcase how you are using DUNE, foster future collaborations between the users, and the users and developers, and provide input for the future development of DUNE. Therefore we keep the format rather informal. All participants should indicate if they want to give a presentation. In addition, we will reserve plenty of time for more general discussions on Dune.


September 28-29, 2015
starts on Monday morning and ends on Tuesday at lunch

The Dune Developer Meeting 2015 takes place afterwards on September 29-30, 2015. Users are welcome to join the discussions.

Get together

On Sunday evening 7:30 pm, we are having a get together. It takes place at the Restaurant “Das Bootshaus”, Schurmanstr. 2, 69115 Heidelberg. Please indicate in the participation table whether you would be interested to join.


Every presentation will get a 20 minute time slot, 15 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Time Title Description
19:30-?? GetTogether Restaurant das Bootshaus together with the C++ User Group Rhein Neckar

Monday, September 28, 2015

Time Title / Person Description / Talk Title
9:00-9:20 Welcome Short introduction of participants (Markus Blatt)
9:20-10:40 User Presentations Chair: Bernd Flemisch
S. Girke Atherosclerosis, Multiphysics and DUNE-FEM-DG
L. Lubkoll FunG - Biomechanical Models in Modern C++
J. Vorwerk New approaches to solve the EEG forward problem with DUNE-PDELab
A. Nüßing Unfitted Discontinuous Galerkin in Brain Research and the Topology Preserving Marching Cubes
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:30 User Presentations Chair: N.N. / core developer
D. Kempf dune-testtools: Modelling dynamic and static variations of system tests through ini files
R. Milk Developing DUNE-Multiscale: Tools, Workflow and Results
R. Kloefkorn OPM and DUNE in Scientific and Industrial Applications
S. Müthing What’s this EXA-DUNE anyway and what the heck are people doing in there?
12:30-14:00 Lunch break Volkswirtschaft of Tati
14:00-14:30 User Polls / Dune Users statistics Bernd Flemisch
14:30-15:30 dune-functions presentations Chair: Christoph Grüninger
O. Sander Function space bases in the dune-functions module
C. Gräser Type-erased interfaces in dune-functions
C. Engwer pdelab cleanup in the light of dune-functions
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:40 User Presentations Chair: Robert Klöfkorn
F. Gruber dune-dpg: A Library for Petrov–Galerkin Using Optimal Test Spaces
A. Klewinghaus dune-dpg: A Library for Petrov–Galerkin Using Optimal Test Spaces
C.-J. Heine ACFem — Adaptive Convenient Finite Elements with Dune::Fem
E. Mueller Matrix-free block-Jacobi preconditioners for higher-order DG methods
M. Nolte Finite Volumes on Arbitrary Polynomial Grids in DUNE
19:30 Dinner at Klosterhof Neuburg http://www.klosterhof-neuburg.de

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Time Title / Person Description / Talk Title
9:00-10:20 User Presentations Chair: Steffen Müthing
M. Zabiégo Use of the DUNE environment for the development of a vapor explosion calculation tool
T. Malkmus Coupling DUNE grids with different dimensions: A FSI application
L. Riedel DORiE - Solving the Richards Equation with DUNE-PDELab
B. Kane Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Porous-Media Flow with DUNE-FEM
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:50 User Presentations Chair: Christian Engwer
T. Koch dune-foamgrid
A. Fomins Introduce the curvilinear grid
M. Alkämper Distributed Newest Vertex Bisection (in dune-ALUGrid)
11:50-12:20 DUNE Discussion What users anticipate from further development (Markus Blatt)
12:20-12:30 Farewell
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Volkswirtschaft of Tati
14:00 Dune Developer Meeting


Meeting Venue

The meeting will take place close to Heidelberg main station at

Dezernat 16
Emil-Maier-Straße 16
69115 Heidelberg

Room: Former Turnhalle on the fourth floor (German: 3. Stock).

The entrance of the building is on the right side of it, i.e. right to Cafe Leitstelle.

It is just a few minutes to walk here from the main station. If you exit the main station keep left until the second traffic light (you will see a bridge crossing the rails in front of you, the station is behind you). Turn right here. Dezernat 16 (the former fire departement) is on the left after the next traffic light, and directly before the gas station.

Markus blocked some rooms for Sept. 27-30 at the Ibis hotel close to the main station. The rooms are blocked until July 20. Single room incl. breakfast costs 88 €, double room 109 € (both fully flexible rates). Please reserve your room directly with the hotel either by telephone, email, or fax. Make sure to mention the keyword “DUNE Meeting”. Note that this is not a special price but just to make sure that there are at least 20 rooms available. The street price might be competitive.

Venue GetTogether 7:30 p.m. Sunday Sep. 27, 2015

The GetToGether will take place at the Restaurant “Das Bootshaus”, Schurmanstr. 2, 69115 Heidelberg. It it to the right of the Thermalbad and about a 10 minute walk from the main station.

Venue Dinner 7:30 p.m. Monday Sep. 28, 2015

The Dinner on Monday will happen at Klosterhof Neuburg, which is a little bit outside of Heidelberg near Ziegelhausen. One can easily reach it from the main station using bus number 34 (direction Heiligkreuzsteinach). Exit at stop “Ziegelhausen, Stift Neuburg” and walk up the hill. After two curves of the street you are there. Buses leave 9 and 49 minutes past the hour and take about 15 minutes. For a complete bus schedule see the VRN website
The buses back to Heidelberg leave every hour at 21 and 51 minutes after the hour until 11:51 p.m.


A map created with http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de. Marker 1 is “Das Bootshaus” where the get-together on Sunday takes place, marker 2 is the Dezernat 16, and marker 3 is Volksküche at Restaurant Tati where the lunch breaks will take place. To get to Tati walk left from Dezernat 16, at the traffic light turn right. Cross the next street and turn right at the tram station and keep right afterwards.


Please add your name below (ordered by last name) or send the necessary information (name, institution, and presentation title) via email to gruenich@dune-project.org.

All further communication is done via the Dune user mailing list dune@lists.dune-project.org; please follow the list

Name Institution Country Get together Tentative Presentation Title
Martin Alkämper University of Stuttgart, IANS Germany yes Distributed Newest Vertex Bisection (in dune-ALUGrid)
Peter Bastian University of Heidelberg, IWR Germany ?
Markus Blatt Blatt HPC-Simulation-Software & Services Germany yes
Ansgar Burchardt TU Dresden Germany probably
Andreas Dedner Warwick UK probably
Christian Engwer Uni Münster Germany yes pdelab cleanup in the light of dune-functions
Jorrit Fahlke Uni Münster Germany yes
Andreas Fischle TU Dresden Germany yes
Bernd Flemisch University of Stuttgart, LH2 Germany no
Christophe Fochesato CEA Cadarache France no
Aleksejs Fomins LSPR AG Switzerland probably Introduce the curvilinear grid
Stefan Girke Uni Münster Germany yes Atherosclerosis, Multiphysics and DUNE-FEM-DG
Carsten Gräser FU Berlin Germany ? Type-erased interfaces in dune-functions
Felix Gruber RWTH Aachen Germany yes dune-dpg: A Library for Petrov–Galerkin Using Optimal Test Spaces
Christoph Grüninger University of Stuttgart, LH2 Germany no
Claus-Justus Heine University of Stuttgart, IANS Germany probably ACFem — Adaptive Convenient Finite Elements with Dune::Fem
Birane Kane University of Stuttgart, IANS Germany no Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Porous-Media Flow with DUNE-FEM
Dominic Kempf University of Heidelberg, IWR Germany yes dune-testtools: Modelling dynamic and static variations of system tests through ini files
Angela Klewinghaus RWTH Aachen Germany yes dune-dpg: A Library for Petrov–Galerkin Using Optimal Test Spaces
Robert Kloefkorn IRIS Norway no OPM and DUNE in Scientific and Industrial Applications
Timo Koch University of Stuttgart, LH2 Germany no dune-foamgrid
Christoph Lehrenfeld Uni Muenster Germany yes
Lars Lubkoll Germany yes FunG - Biomechanical Models in Modern C++
Tobias Malkmus University of Freiburg Germany yes Coupling DUNE grids with different dimensions: A FSI application
René Milk Uni Münster Germany no Developing DUNE-Multiscale: Tools, Workflow and Results
Eike Mueller University of Bath UK yes Matrix-free block-Jacobi preconditioners for higher-order DG methods
Steffen Müthing Heidelberg University Germany yes What’s this EXA-DUNE anyway and what the heck are people doing in there?
Martin Nolte University of Freiburg Germany yes Finite Volumes on Arbitrary Polygonal Grids in DUNE
Andreas Nüßing Uni Münster Germany yes Unfitted Discontinuous Galerkin in Brain Research and the Topology Preserving Marching Cubes
Marian Piatkowski University of Heidelberg Germany yes
Lukas Riedel University of Heidelberg, IUP Germany yes DORiE - Solving the Richards Equation with DUNE-PDELab
Oliver Sander TU Dresden Germany yes Function space bases in the dune-functions module
Johannes Vorwerk Uni Münster Germany no New approaches to solve the EEG forward problem with DUNE-PDELab
Magali Zabiégo CEA Cadarache France no Use of the DUNE environment for the development of a vapor explosion calculation tool


A special issue in the Archive of Numerical Software will be dedicated to the User Meeting Proceedings. It will be edited by Markus Blatt, Bernd Flemisch and Oliver Sander.
Manuscripts should be submitted until 31.1.16. Please follow the ANS Author Guidelines.

Authors Tentative Title
M. Alkämper Using Dune::ACFemA non-smooth minimization problem
A. Dedner, S. Girke, R. Klöfkorn, T. Malkmus Dune-Fem-Dg — A modular toolbox for Solving PDEs
A. Dedner, A. Radcliffe A module for parallel coupling of surface bulk PDEs for both FEM FEM and FEM BEM formulations
F. Gruber, A. Klewinghaus, O. Mula The dune-dpg library for solving PDEs with Discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin finite elements
C. Grüninger, T. Fetzer et al. Coupling of Stokes and Darcy flow
C.-J. Heine ACFemAdaptive Convenient Finite Elements with Dune::Fem
B. Kane Adaptive higher order Discontinuous Galerkin methods for strongly heterogeneous porous-media flow with DUNE-FEM
D. Kempf, T. Koch, P. Bastian, B. Flemisch Automated system tests for quality assurance of numerical software at the example of Dune
R. Klöfkorn, M. Nolte Finite Volumes on Polyhedral Grids in DUNE
L. Lubkoll FunG — Invariant-based modeling
T. Leibner, R. Milk, F. Schindler Extending DUNE: The dune-xt modules
O. Sander, T. Koch, N. Schröder, B. Flemisch The Dune FoamGrid implementation for surface and network grids
C. Engwer, C. Gräser, S. Müthing, O. Sander The interface for functions in the dune-functions module


The Dune user meeting 2015 is organized by Markus Blatt, Bernd Flemisch and Christoph Grüninger.

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