Dune 2.6.0

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DUNE 2.6 - Release Notes

Module dune-common:

This release is dedicated to Elias Pipping (1986-2017).

  • New class IntegralRange<integral_type> and free standing function range added, providing a feature similar to Python’s range function:

      for (const auto &i : range(5,10))

    See core/dune-common!325

  • Dune::array was deprecated, use std::array from instead. Instead of Dune::make_array, use Dune::Std::make_array from dune/common/std/make_array.hh and instead of Dune::fill_array use Dune::filledArray from dune/common/filledarray.hh.`

    See core/dune-common!359

  • The DUNE_VERSION... macros are deprecated use the new macros DUNE_VERSION_GT, DUNE_VERSION_GTE, DUNE_VERSION_LTE, and DUNE_VERSION_LT instead.

    See core/dune-common!329

  • Added some additional fallback implementation to C++17 features: (e.g. optional, conjunction, disjunction)

  • makeVirtualFunction: allows to easily convert any function object (e.g. lambda) to a VirtualFunction

    See core/dune-common!282

  • Added infrastructure for explicit vectorization (experimental)

    We added experimental support for SIMD data types. We currently provide infrastructure to use Vc and some helper functions to transparently switch between scalar data types and SIMD data types.

  • FieldMatrix now has experimental support for SIMD types from Vc as field types.

    See core/dune-common!121

Module dune-geometry:

  • The enum GeometryType::BasicType is deprecated, and will be removed after Dune 2.6.

  • VirtualRefinement and Refinement now support arbitrary refinements, not just powers of two. Wherever you where passing a parameter int levels (now deprecated), you should now pass a parameter RefinementIntervals intervals. There are convenience functions refinementIntervals(int intervals) and refinementLevels(int levels) to construct parameters of type RefinementIntervals.

    See core/dune-geometry!51

  • The class GeometryType has been cleaned up in major way:

    See core/dune-geometry!64 and core/dune-geometry!55

    • The class and most of its methods are now constexpr.

    • There are new singletons and factory functions in the namespace Dune::GeometryTypes. These are now the official way to obtain a GeometryType.

    • The constructor taking a GeometryType::BasicType and a dimension has been deprecated and will be removed after the release of DUNE 2.6.

    • The assorted member functions GeometryType::make...() have been deprecated and will be removed after the release of DUNE 2.6.

  • The reference element interface has had a substantial overhaul that can break backwards compatibility in some corner cases.

    See core/dune-geometry!52

    • ReferenceElement has value semantics now: You should store instances by value and can freely copy them around. Doing so is not more expensive than storing a const reference.

    • As a consequence of value semantics, ReferenceElement is default constructible now. A default constructed ReferenceElement may only be assigned another ReferenceElement; all other oeprations cause undefined behavior. Moreover, instances are now comparable and hashable to allow storing them in maps.

    • We have added code that tries to warn you if you are still storing a ReferenceElement by const reference; please update all those occurrences.

    • The meaning of Dune::ReferenceElement has changed. It is not a type anymore, but an alias template that looks up the correct implementation for the given template arguments. For now, there is only a single implementation, but we expect people to come up with additional implementations in the future. For this reason, the syntax Dune::ReferenceElement<ctype,dim> is deprecated and will cause compilation failures in the future. If you still need access to that type, use typename Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype,dim>::ReferenceElement instead.

    • You can now directly obtain a reference element for a given geometry using the free function referenceElement(geometry). This function should be called without any namespace qualifiers to enable ADL and you should normally capture the return value of the function using auto, but if you need to explicitly access the type, this is also available as Dune::ReferenceElement<Geometry>.

      In short: If you can, use the following idiom to obtain a reference element for a geometry:

      auto ref_el = referenceElement(geometry);

      The change to the meaning of Dune::ReferenceElement can break compilation if you have function overloads that partially specialize on it, e.g.

      template<typename ctype, int dim>
      void f(const Dune::ReferenceElement<ctype,dim> ref_el)

      Normally, you can just simplify this to the following code that also shows how to extract the missing template parameters:

       template<typename RefEl>
       void f(const RefEl ref_el)
         using ctype = typename RefEl::CoordinateField;
         constexpr auto dim = RefEl::dimension;

Module dune-grid:

  • The deprecated EntityPointer has been removed completely and EntityIterator no longer inherits from it. As a consequence, the dimension EntityIterator::dimension, EntityIterator::codimension, and EntityIterator::mydimension are gone.

  • Experimental grid extensions are now always enabled:

    See core/dune-grid!155

    • The method impl and the type Implementation on the facade classes are always public (and documented), now. Warning: Implementation details may change without prior notification.
    • The method experimental grid extension boundaryId has been removed from the intersection interface. Some grid will continue providing it on their implementation, i.e., it may still be accessible through
    • The DGF block general is now always available and the DGFWriter will always write a boundary id and can write user-defined boundary data, now.
  • MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper: The Layout template parameter has been deprecated in favor of a function object that indicates which geometry types to include in the mapping. The layout function object is passed in the constructor, so instead of

    MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV, MCMGElementLayout> mapper1(gv);
    MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV, MCMGVertexLayout> mapper2(gv);

    please write

    MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV> mapper1(gv, mcmgElementLayout());
    MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GV> mapper2(gv, mcmgVertexLayout());

    See the doxygen documentation for custom layouts and core/dune-grid!177

  • The MCMGMapper can now be used to attach multiple dofs to each entity:

    See core/dune-grid!215

    • the Layout is passed into the constructor and returns the number of dofs to attach to the given geometry type
         MCMGLayout layout = [](GeometryType gt, int griddim) {
           return gt.dim() == griddim? 2:0;
         MCMGMapper mapper(grid,layout);
      Note: the layout can still return a bool with true leading to a single dof being attached.
    • The new method MCMGMapper::indices(entity) returns an iterable range (instance of IntegralRange<Index>) with the indices of dofs attached to the given entity:
        for (const auto& i : mapper.indices(entity) )
          dof = vector[i];
  • Two new method were added to the MCMGMapper: size_type size(GeometryType) and const std::vector< GeometryType >& types (int codim) returning the number of dofs attached to the geometry type and a vector with all geometry types on which dofs are attached, respectively.

    See core/dune-grid!215

  • The StructuredGridFactory now returns a unique_ptr instead of a shared_ptr. Code that relies on a shared_ptr needs to explicitly assign the return value to a shared_ptr variable.

    See core/dune-grid!212

  • SubsamplingVTKWriter now supports arbitrary refinements, not just powers of two. The old constructor taking a parameter int levels has been deprecated, you should now pass a parameter RefinementIntervals intervals instead. There are convenience functions refinementIntervals(int intervals) and refinementLevels(int levels) to construct parameters of type RefinementIntervals in dune-geometry.

    See core/dune-grid!193

  • UGGrid now supports transferring element data during load balancing.

    See core/dune-grid!172

Module dune-istl:

  • BDMatrix objects can now be constructed and assigned from std::initializer_list.

  • BDMatrix and BTDMatrix now implement the setSize method, which allows to resize existing matrix objects.

  • The solver infrastructure was updated to support SIMD data types (see current changes in dune-common). This allows to solve multiple systems simultaneously using vectorization.

Module dune-grid-howto:

Module dune-localfunctions:

  • The diffOrder value has disappeared from the LocalBasisTraits class. This value encoded the highest partial derivative order implemented by a local basis. Encoding this value as a compile-time parameter led to various problems related to the dynamic interface, mainly because it became part of the type of the local finite element. At the same time, it was suspected that very few people ever actually used the parameter.

    More practically, two things have disappeared: the diffOrder member of the LocalBasisTraits class, and the 8th template parameter dorder of that class. There is no replacement, and if you have used diffOrder then you currently have to find a way to live without it. As mentioned we believe that this concerns only a very small number of people.

    If you do use diffOrder and you absolutely need it or something similar, then we’d like to hear from you. One of the reasons why there is no replacement is that we couldn’t really think of a good use case to begin with.

  • The QkLocalFiniteElement class implements second partial derivatives of shape functions now.

  • The clone() method was removed from the raw (non-virtual) LocalFiniteElement implementations. If you want to copy a LocalFiniteElement in a portable way which works for raw implementations as well as for the virtual interface class, you have to replace lfe.clone() by Dune::LocalFiniteElementCloneFactory<LFEType>::clone(lfe).

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