

This is a fork of the old UG finite element software, stripped of everything but the grid data structure. You need this module if you want to use the UGGrid grid implementation from dune-grid.

Maintainer: Oliver Sander oliver.sander@tu-dresden.de
Git repository:


This is a fork of the old UG finite element software, wrapped as a Dune module, and stripped of everything but the grid data structure. You need this module if you want to use the UGGrid grid implementation from the dune-grid module.

To use this module, simply have it available when building dune-grid. The Dune build system will then pick it up when building dune-grid, and the UGGrid grid implementation becomes available.


The UGGrid grid data structure is very powerful and flexible. Its main features are:

  • Unstructured two- and three-dimensional grids
  • Grids with more than one element type: triangles and quadrilaterals in 2d, tetrahedra, hexahedra, prisms and pyramids in 3d
  • Adaptive red-green refinement, and nonconforming refinement
  • Anisotropic refinement
  • Distributed grids on large numbers of processes, connected by MPI
  • Free-form domain boundaries: Individual grids always have polyhedral boundaries, but refining the grids will approximate the actual (free-form) boundary better and better.

The features of UGGrid are described in more detail in the Dune book.

Planned features

The following features are natural next steps in the development of dune-uggrid.

  • Checkpointing: Save the entire grid hierarchy to a file, and read it back in again.
  • Direct construction of distributed grids (instead of constructing the grid on rank 0 and then distributing)
  • Two-dimensional grids in a three-dimensional world


Although technically not a “Dune core module”, dune-uggrid is released together with the Dune core modules. Starting with version 2.10 you can find dune-uggrid release tarballs at the same site as the Dune core module releases.

Older release tarballs can be found at the following links:

version source signature
2.9.1 dune-uggrid-2.9.1.tar.gz dune-uggrid-2.9.1.tar.gz.asc
2.8.0 dune-uggrid-2.8.0.tar.gz dune-uggrid-2.8.0.tar.gz.asc


The dune-uggrid module is currently maintained by Oliver Sander.

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