DUNE PDELab (2.8)


Simple backend for CSR matrices.

Simple backend for CSR matricesMatrix stored as a: nnz Number of nonzero elements data CSR format data array of the matrix indices CSR format index array of the matrix rowptr CSR format index pointer array of the matrix

Consider the following 3x3 matrix [1, 0, 2] [0, 0, 3] [4, 5, 6] the data would be stored as nnz=6 data=[1 2 3 4 5 6] indices=[0 2 2 0 1 2] rowptr=[0 2 3 6]

// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <dune/pdelab/backend/interface.hh>
#include <dune/pdelab/backend/common/uncachedmatrixview.hh>
#include <dune/pdelab/backend/simple/descriptors.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace PDELab {
namespace Simple {
class SparseMatrixPattern
: public std::vector< std::unordered_set<std::size_t> >
typedef std::unordered_set<std::size_t> col_type;
template<typename RI, typename CI>
void add_link(const RI& ri, const CI& ci)
SparseMatrixPattern(std::size_t rows)
: std::vector< std::unordered_set<std::size_t> >(rows)
template<template<typename> class C, typename ET, typename I>
struct SparseMatrixData
typedef ET ElementType;
typedef I index_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
std::size_t _rows;
std::size_t _cols;
std::size_t _non_zeros;
C<ElementType> _data;
C<index_type> _colindex;
C<index_type> _rowoffset;
template<typename GFSV, typename GFSU, template<typename> class C, typename ET, typename I>
class SparseMatrixContainer
: public Backend::impl::Wrapper<SparseMatrixData<C,ET,I> >
typedef SparseMatrixData<C,ET,I> Container;
friend Backend::impl::Wrapper<Container>;
typedef ET ElementType;
typedef ElementType field_type;
typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
typedef I index_type;
typedef GFSU TrialGridFunctionSpace;
typedef GFSV TestGridFunctionSpace;
typedef typename GFSV::Ordering::Traits::ContainerIndex RowIndex;
typedef typename GFSU::Ordering::Traits::ContainerIndex ColIndex;
template<typename RowCache, typename ColCache>
using LocalView = UncachedMatrixView<SparseMatrixContainer,RowCache,ColCache>;
template<typename RowCache, typename ColCache>
using ConstLocalView = ConstUncachedMatrixView<const SparseMatrixContainer,RowCache,ColCache>;
typedef SparseMatrixPattern Pattern;
template<typename GO>
SparseMatrixContainer(const GO& go)
: _container(std::make_shared<Container>())
allocate_matrix(_container, go, ElementType(0));
template<typename GO>
SparseMatrixContainer(const GO& go, const ElementType& e)
: _container(std::make_shared<Container>())
allocate_matrix(_container, go, e);
explicit SparseMatrixContainer(Backend::unattached_container = Backend::unattached_container())
explicit SparseMatrixContainer(Backend::attached_container)
: _container(std::make_shared<Container>())
SparseMatrixContainer(const SparseMatrixContainer& rhs)
: _container(std::make_shared<Container>(*(rhs._container)))
SparseMatrixContainer& operator=(const SparseMatrixContainer& rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
if (attached())
(*_container) = (*(rhs._container));
_container = std::make_shared<Container>(*(rhs._container));
return *this;
void detach()
void attach(std::shared_ptr<Container> container)
_container = container;
bool attached() const
return bool(_container);
const std::shared_ptr<Container>& storage() const
return _container;
size_type N() const
return _container->_rows;
size_type M() const
return _container->_cols;
SparseMatrixContainer& operator=(const ElementType& e)
return *this;
SparseMatrixContainer& operator*=(const ElementType& e)
using namespace std::placeholders;
return *this;
template<typename V>
void mv(const V& x, V& y) const
assert(y.N() == N());
assert(x.N() == M());
for (std::size_t r = 0; r < N(); ++r)
y.base()[r] = sparse_inner_product(r,x);
template<typename V>
void usmv(const ElementType alpha, const V& x, V& y) const
assert(y.N() == N());
assert(x.N() == M());
for (std::size_t r = 0; r < N(); ++r)
y.base()[r] += alpha * sparse_inner_product(r,x);
ElementType& operator()(const RowIndex& ri, const ColIndex& ci)
// entries are in ascending order
auto begin = _container->_colindex.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]];
auto end = _container->_colindex.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]+1];
auto it = std::lower_bound(begin,end,ci[0]);
assert (it != end);
return _container->_data[it - _container->_colindex.begin()];
const ElementType& operator()(const RowIndex& ri, const ColIndex& ci) const
// entries are in ascending order
auto begin = _container->_colindex.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]];
auto end = _container->_colindex.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]+1];
auto it = std::lower_bound(begin,end,ci[0]);
assert(it != end);
return _container->_data[it - _container->_colindex.begin()];
const Container& base() const
return *_container;
Container& base()
return *_container;
const Container& native() const
return *_container;
Container& native()
return *_container;
void flush()
void finalize()
void clear_row(const RowIndex& ri, const ElementType& diagonal_entry)
_container->_data.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]],
_container->_data.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]+1], ElementType(0));
(*this)(ri,ri) = diagonal_entry;
void clear_row_block(const RowIndex& ri, const ElementType& diagonal_entry)
_container->_data.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]],
_container->_data.begin() + _container->_rowoffset[ri[0]+1], ElementType(0));
(*this)(ri,ri) = diagonal_entry;
template<typename GO>
static void allocate_matrix(std::shared_ptr<Container> & c, const GO & go, const ElementType& e)
typedef typename Pattern::col_type col_type;
Pattern pattern(go.testGridFunctionSpace().ordering().blockCount());
c->_rows = go.testGridFunctionSpace().size();
c->_cols = go.trialGridFunctionSpace().size();
// compute row offsets
size_type offset = 0;
auto calc_offset = [=](const col_type & entry) mutable -> size_t { offset += entry.size(); return offset; };
std::transform(pattern.begin(), pattern.end(),
// compute non-zeros
c->_non_zeros = c->_rowoffset.back();
// allocate col/data vectors
c->_data.resize(c->_non_zeros, e);
// copy pattern
auto colit = c->_colindex.begin();
c->_rowoffset[0] = 0;
for (auto & row : pattern)
auto last = std::copy(row.begin(),row.end(),colit);
std::sort(colit, last);
colit = last;
template<typename V>
ElementType sparse_inner_product (std::size_t row, const V & x) const {
std::size_t begin = _container->_rowoffset[row];
std::size_t end = _container->_rowoffset[row+1];
auto accu = [](const ElementType & a, const ElementType & b) -> ElementType { return a+b; };
auto mult = [=](const ElementType & a, const index_type & i) -> ElementType { return a * x.base()[i]; };
return std::inner_product(
accu, mult
std::shared_ptr< Container > _container;
} // namespace Simple
} // namespace PDELab
} // namespace Dune
Various tags for influencing backend behavior.
Traits for type conversions and type information.
constexpr index_constant< 1 > _1
Compile time index with value 1.
Definition: indices.hh:54
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:11
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