DUNE PDELab (2.7)

11#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/vector.hh>
12#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
13#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/bcrsmatrixbackend.hh>
14#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/ovlpistlsolverbackend.hh>
15#include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/gridoperator.hh>
17namespace Dune {
18 namespace PDELab {
28 template<class DGMatrix, class DGPrec, class CGPrec, class P>
29 class SeqDGAMGPrec : public Dune::Preconditioner<typename DGPrec::domain_type,typename DGPrec::range_type>
30 {
31 DGMatrix& dgmatrix;
32 DGPrec& dgprec;
33 CGPrec& cgprec;
34 P& p;
35 int n1,n2;
36 bool firstapply;
38 public:
39 typedef typename DGPrec::domain_type X;
40 typedef typename DGPrec::range_type Y;
41 typedef typename CGPrec::domain_type CGX;
42 typedef typename CGPrec::range_type CGY;
45 {
47 }
56 SeqDGAMGPrec (DGMatrix& dgmatrix_, DGPrec& dgprec_, CGPrec& cgprec_, P& p_, int n1_, int n2_)
57 : dgmatrix(dgmatrix_), dgprec(dgprec_), cgprec(cgprec_), p(p_), n1(n1_), n2(n2_),
58 firstapply(true)
59 {
60 }
67 virtual void pre (X& x, Y& b) override
68 {
69 dgprec.pre(x,b);
70 CGY cgd(p.M());
71 cgd = 0.0;
72 CGX cgv(p.M());
73 cgv = 0.0;
74 cgprec.pre(cgv,cgd);
75 }
82 virtual void apply (X& x, const Y& b) override
83 {
84 // need local copies to store defect and solution
85 Y d(b);
86 X v(x);
88 // pre-smoothing on DG matrix
89 for (int i=0; i<n1; i++)
90 {
91 v = 0.0;
92 dgprec.apply(v,d);
93 dgmatrix.mmv(v,d);
94 x += v;
95 }
97 // restrict defect to CG subspace
98 CGY cgd(p.M());
99 p.mtv(d,cgd);
100 CGX cgv(p.M());
101 cgv = 0.0;
103 // apply AMG
104 cgprec.apply(cgv,cgd);
106 // prolongate correction
107 p.mv(cgv,v);
108 dgmatrix.mmv(v,d);
109 x += v;
111 // pre-smoothing on DG matrix
112 for (int i=0; i<n2; i++)
113 {
114 v = 0.0;
115 dgprec.apply(v,d);
116 dgmatrix.mmv(v,d);
117 x += v;
118 }
119 }
126 virtual void post (X& x) override
127 {
128 dgprec.post(x);
129 CGX cgv(p.M());
130 cgv = 0.0;
131 cgprec.post(cgv);
132 }
133 };
145 template<class DGGO, class CGGFS, class TransferLOP, template<class,class,class,int> class DGPrec, template<class> class Solver>
146 class ISTLBackend_SEQ_AMG_4_DG : public Dune::PDELab::LinearResultStorage
147 {
148 // DG grid function space
149 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace GFS;
151 // vectors and matrices on DG level
152 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::Jacobian M; // wrapped istl DG matrix
153 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::Domain V; // wrapped istl DG vector
154 typedef Backend::Native<M> Matrix; // istl DG matrix
155 typedef Backend::Native<V> Vector; // istl DG vector
156 typedef typename Vector::field_type field_type;
158 // vectors and matrices on CG level
159 using CGV = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<CGGFS,field_type>; // wrapped istl CG vector
160 typedef Backend::Native<CGV> CGVector; // istl CG vector
162 // prolongation matrix
164 typedef Dune::PDELab::EmptyTransformation CC;
165 typedef TransferLOP CGTODGLOP; // local operator
167 typedef typename PGO::Jacobian PMatrix; // wrapped ISTL prolongation matrix
168 typedef Backend::Native<PMatrix> P; // ISTL prolongation matrix
170 // CG subspace matrix
172 typedef typename Dune::MatMultMatResult<PTADG,P>::type ACG; // istl coarse space matrix
173 typedef ACG CGMatrix; // another name
175 // AMG in CG-subspace
181 DGGO& dggo;
182 CGGFS& cggfs;
183 std::shared_ptr<CGOperator> cgop;
184 std::shared_ptr<AMG> amg;
185 Parameters amg_parameters;
186 unsigned maxiter;
187 int verbose;
188 bool reuse;
189 bool firstapply;
190 bool usesuperlu;
191 std::size_t low_order_space_entries_per_row;
193 CGTODGLOP cgtodglop; // local operator to assemble prolongation matrix
194 PGO pgo; // grid operator to assemble prolongation matrix
195 PMatrix pmatrix; // wrapped prolongation matrix
196 ACG acg; // CG-subspace matrix
198 public:
199 ISTLBackend_SEQ_AMG_4_DG(DGGO& dggo_, CGGFS& cggfs_, unsigned maxiter_=5000, int verbose_=1, bool reuse_=false, bool usesuperlu_=true)
200 : dggo(dggo_)
201 , cggfs(cggfs_)
202 , amg_parameters(15,2000)
203 , maxiter(maxiter_)
204 , verbose(verbose_)
205 , reuse(reuse_)
206 , firstapply(true)
207 , usesuperlu(usesuperlu_)
208 , low_order_space_entries_per_row(StaticPower<3,GFS::Traits::GridView::dimension>::power)
209 , cgtodglop()
210 , pgo(cggfs,dggo.trialGridFunctionSpace(),cgtodglop,MBE(low_order_space_entries_per_row))
211 , pmatrix(pgo)
212 , acg()
213 {
214 amg_parameters.setDefaultValuesIsotropic(GFS::Traits::GridViewType::Traits::Grid::dimension);
215 amg_parameters.setDebugLevel(verbose_);
217 if (usesuperlu == true)
218 {
219 std::cout << "WARNING: You are using AMG without SuperLU!"
220 << " Please consider installing SuperLU,"
221 << " or set the usesuperlu flag to false"
222 << " to suppress this warning." << std::endl;
223 }
226 // assemble prolongation matrix; this will not change from one apply to the next
227 pmatrix = 0.0;
228 if (verbose>0) std::cout << "allocated prolongation matrix of size " << pmatrix.N() << " x " << pmatrix.M() << std::endl;
229 CGV cgx(cggfs,0.0); // need vector to call jacobian
230 pgo.jacobian(cgx,pmatrix);
231 }
233 ISTLBackend_SEQ_AMG_4_DG(DGGO& dggo_, CGGFS& cggfs_, const ParameterTree& params)//unsigned maxiter_=5000, int verbose_=1, bool usesuperlu_=true)
234 : dggo(dggo_)
235 , cggfs(cggfs_)
236 , amg_parameters(15,2000)
237 , maxiter(params.get<int>("max_iterations",5000))
238 , verbose(params.get<int>("verbose",1))
239 , reuse(params.get<bool>("reuse", false))
240 , firstapply(true)
241 , usesuperlu(params.get<bool>("use_superlu",true))
242 , low_order_space_entries_per_row(params.get<std::size_t>("low_order_space.entries_per_row",StaticPower<3,GFS::Traits::GridView::dimension>::power))
243 , cgtodglop()
244 , pgo(cggfs,dggo.trialGridFunctionSpace(),cgtodglop,MBE(low_order_space_entries_per_row))
245 , pmatrix(pgo)
246 {
247 amg_parameters.setDefaultValuesIsotropic(GFS::Traits::GridViewType::Traits::Grid::dimension);
248 amg_parameters.setDebugLevel(params.get<int>("verbose",1));
250 if (usesuperlu == true)
251 {
252 std::cout << "WARNING: You are using AMG without SuperLU!"
253 << " Please consider installing SuperLU,"
254 << " or set the usesuperlu flag to false"
255 << " to suppress this warning." << std::endl;
256 }
260 // assemble prolongation matrix; this will not change from one apply to the next
261 pmatrix = 0.0;
262 if (verbose>0) std::cout << "allocated prolongation matrix of size " << pmatrix.N() << " x " << pmatrix.M() << std::endl;
263 CGV cgx(cggfs,0.0); // need vector to call jacobian
264 pgo.jacobian(cgx,pmatrix);
265 }
271 typename V::ElementType norm (const V& v) const
272 {
273 return Backend::native(v).two_norm();
274 }
280 void setParameters(const Parameters& amg_parameters_)
281 {
282 amg_parameters = amg_parameters_;
283 }
292 const Parameters& parameters() const
293 {
294 return amg_parameters;
295 }
298 void setReuse(bool reuse_)
299 {
300 reuse = reuse_;
301 }
304 bool getReuse() const
305 {
306 return reuse;
307 }
316 void apply (M& A, V& z, V& r, typename Dune::template FieldTraits<typename V::ElementType >::real_type reduction)
317 {
318 using Backend::native;
319 // do triple matrix product ACG = P^T ADG P
320 Dune::Timer watch;
321 watch.reset();
322 // only do triple matrix product if the matrix changes
323 double triple_product_time = 0.0;
324 // no need to set acg here back to zero, this is done in matMultmat
325 if(reuse == false || firstapply == true) {
326 PTADG ptadg;
327 Dune::transposeMatMultMat(ptadg,native(pmatrix),native(A));
328 Dune::matMultMat(acg,ptadg,native(pmatrix));
329 triple_product_time = watch.elapsed();
330 if (verbose>0)
331 std::cout << "=== triple matrix product " << triple_product_time << " s" << std::endl;
332 //Dune::printmatrix(std::cout,acg,"triple product matrix","row",10,2);
333 }
334 else if (verbose>0)
335 std::cout << "=== reuse CG matrix, SKIPPING triple matrix product " << std::endl;
337 // set up AMG solver for the CG subspace
338 typedef typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits<Smoother>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
339 SmootherArgs smootherArgs;
340 smootherArgs.iterations = 1;
341 smootherArgs.relaxationFactor = 1.0;
343 Criterion criterion(amg_parameters);
344 watch.reset();
346 // only construct a new AMG for the CG-subspace if the matrix changes
347 double amg_setup_time = 0.0;
348 if(reuse == false || firstapply == true) {
349 cgop.reset(new CGOperator(acg));
350 amg.reset(new AMG(*cgop,criterion,smootherArgs));
351 firstapply = false;
352 amg_setup_time = watch.elapsed();
353 if (verbose>0)
354 std::cout << "=== AMG setup " <<amg_setup_time << " s" << std::endl;
355 }
356 else if (verbose>0)
357 std::cout << "=== reuse CG matrix, SKIPPING AMG setup " << std::endl;
359 // set up hybrid DG/CG preconditioner
361 DGPrec<Matrix,Vector,Vector,1> dgprec(native(A),1,1);
363 HybridPrec hybridprec(native(A),dgprec,*amg,native(pmatrix),2,2);
365 // set up solver
366 Solver<Vector> solver(op,hybridprec,reduction,maxiter,verbose);
368 // solve
370 watch.reset();
371 solver.apply(native(z),native(r),stat);
372 double amg_solve_time = watch.elapsed();
373 if (verbose>0) std::cout << "=== Hybrid total solve time " << amg_solve_time+amg_setup_time+triple_product_time << " s" << std::endl;
374 res.converged = stat.converged;
375 res.iterations = stat.iterations;
376 res.elapsed = amg_solve_time+amg_setup_time+triple_product_time;
377 res.reduction = stat.reduction;
378 res.conv_rate = stat.conv_rate;
379 }
381 };
382 }
Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration.
Definition: amg.hh:62
The criterion describing the stop criteria for the coarsening process.
Definition: matrixhierarchy.hh:283
All parameters for AMG.
Definition: parameters.hh:391
Adapter to turn a matrix into a linear operator.
Definition: operators.hh:135
void jacobian(const Domain &x, Jacobian &a) const
Assembler jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:180
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix< MBE, Domain, Range, field_type > Jacobian
The type of the jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:47
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:147
void setParameters(const Parameters &amg_parameters_)
set AMG parameters
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:280
void setReuse(bool reuse_)
Set whether the AMG should be reused again during call to apply().
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:298
const Parameters & parameters() const
Get the parameters describing the behaviuour of AMG.
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:292
bool getReuse() const
Return whether the AMG is reused during call to apply()
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:304
V::ElementType norm(const V &v) const
compute global norm of a vector
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:271
void apply(M &A, V &z, V &r, typename Dune::template FieldTraits< typename V::ElementType >::real_type reduction)
solve the given linear system
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:316
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:30
SeqDGAMGPrec(DGMatrix &dgmatrix_, DGPrec &dgprec_, CGPrec &cgprec_, P &p_, int n1_, int n2_)
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:56
virtual void pre(X &x, Y &b) override
Prepare the preconditioner.
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:67
virtual void apply(X &x, const Y &b) override
Apply the precondioner.
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:82
virtual void post(X &x) override
Clean up.
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:126
SolverCategory::Category category() const override
Category of the preconditioner (see SolverCategory::Category)
Definition: seq_amg_dg_backend.hh:44
Hierarchical structure of string parameters.
Definition: parametertree.hh:35
std::string get(const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) const
get value as string
Definition: parametertree.cc:183
Base class for matrix free definition of preconditioners.
Definition: preconditioner.hh:30
Sequential SSOR preconditioner.
Definition: preconditioners.hh:138
A simple stop watch.
Definition: timer.hh:41
void reset() noexcept
Reset timer while keeping the running/stopped state.
Definition: timer.hh:55
double elapsed() const noexcept
Get elapsed user-time from last reset until now/last stop in seconds.
Definition: timer.hh:75
Describes the parallel communication interface class for MessageBuffers and DataHandles.
Various implementations of the power function for run-time and static arguments.
void setDebugLevel(int level)
Set the debugging level.
Definition: parameters.hh:399
void setDefaultValuesIsotropic(std::size_t dim, std::size_t diameter=2)
Sets reasonable default values for an isotropic problem.
Definition: parameters.hh:107
int iterations
The numbe of iterations to perform.
Definition: smoother.hh:46
void transposeMatMultMat(BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, n >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
Calculate product of a transposed sparse matrix with another sparse matrices ( ).
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:590
void matMultMat(BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
Calculate product of two sparse matrices ( ).
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:575
provides functions for sparse matrix matrix multiplication.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
A hierarchical structure of string parameters.
The default class for the smoother arguments.
Definition: smoother.hh:37
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:46
int iterations
Number of iterations.
Definition: solver.hh:65
double reduction
Reduction achieved: .
Definition: solver.hh:68
double conv_rate
Convergence rate (average reduction per step)
Definition: solver.hh:74
bool converged
True if convergence criterion has been met.
Definition: solver.hh:71
Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( )
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:509
Backend using (possibly nested) ISTL BCRSMatrices.
Definition: bcrsmatrixbackend.hh:188
Definition: solvercategory.hh:21
@ sequential
Category for sequential solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:23
Calculates m^p at compile time.
Definition: power.hh:24
Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( )
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:534
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