DUNE PDELab (2.7)

4 #include <tuple>
6 #include <dune/common/hybridutilities.hh>
8 #include <dune/pdelab/gridfunctionspace/interpolate.hh>
9 #include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/common/borderdofexchanger.hh>
10 #include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/common/gridoperatorutilities.hh>
11 #include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/default/assembler.hh>
12 #include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/default/localassembler.hh>
14 namespace Dune{
15  namespace PDELab{
30  template<typename GFSU, typename GFSV, typename LOP,
31  typename MB, typename DF, typename RF, typename JF,
32  typename CU=Dune::PDELab::EmptyTransformation,
33  typename CV=Dune::PDELab::EmptyTransformation
34  >
36  {
37  public:
43  using Domain = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<GFSU,DF>;
45  using Range = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<GFSV,RF>;
47  using Jacobian = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix<MB,Domain,Range,JF>;
50  typedef typename MB::template Pattern<Jacobian,GFSV,GFSU> Pattern;
53  typedef DefaultLocalAssembler<
55  LOP,
56  GFSU::Traits::EntitySet::Partitions::partitionIterator() == InteriorBorder_Partition
59  // Fix this as soon as the default Partitions are constexpr
60  typedef typename std::conditional<
61  GFSU::Traits::EntitySet::Partitions::partitionIterator() == InteriorBorder_Partition,
63  OverlappingBorderDOFExchanger<GridOperator>
64  >::type BorderDOFExchanger;
68  <GFSU,GFSV,MB,DF,RF,JF,CU,CV,Assembler,LocalAssembler> Traits;
70  template <typename MFT>
71  struct MatrixContainer{
72  typedef typename Traits::Jacobian Type;
73  };
76  GridOperator(const GFSU & gfsu_, const CU & cu_, const GFSV & gfsv_, const CV & cv_, LOP & lop_, const MB& mb_ = MB())
77  : global_assembler(gfsu_,gfsv_,cu_,cv_)
78  , dof_exchanger(std::make_shared<BorderDOFExchanger>(*this))
79  , local_assembler(lop_, cu_, cv_,dof_exchanger)
80  , backend(mb_)
81  {}
84  GridOperator(const GFSU & gfsu_, const GFSV & gfsv_, LOP & lop_, const MB& mb_ = MB())
85  : global_assembler(gfsu_,gfsv_)
86  , dof_exchanger(std::make_shared<BorderDOFExchanger>(*this))
87  , local_assembler(lop_,dof_exchanger)
88  , backend(mb_)
89  {}
92  const GFSU& trialGridFunctionSpace() const
93  {
94  return global_assembler.trialGridFunctionSpace();
95  }
98  const GFSV& testGridFunctionSpace() const
99  {
100  return global_assembler.testGridFunctionSpace();
101  }
104  typename GFSU::Traits::SizeType globalSizeU () const
105  {
106  return trialGridFunctionSpace().globalSize();
107  }
110  typename GFSV::Traits::SizeType globalSizeV () const
111  {
112  return testGridFunctionSpace().globalSize();
113  }
115  Assembler & assembler() { return global_assembler; }
117  const Assembler & assembler() const { return global_assembler; }
119  LocalAssembler & localAssembler() const { return local_assembler; }
124  template <typename GridOperatorTuple>
126  {
128  : index(0), size(std::tuple_size<GridOperatorTuple>::value) {}
130  template <typename T>
131  void visit(T& elem) {
132  elem.localAssembler().preProcessing(index == 0);
133  elem.localAssembler().postProcessing(index == size-1);
134  ++index;
135  }
137  int index;
138  const int size;
139  };
144  template<typename GridOperatorTuple>
145  static void setupGridOperators(GridOperatorTuple tuple)
146  {
148  Hybrid::forEach(tuple,
149  [&](auto &el) { setup_visitor.visit(el); });
150  }
153  template<typename F, typename X>
154  void interpolate (const X& xold, F& f, X& x) const
155  {
156  // Interpolate f into grid function space and set corresponding coefficients
157  Dune::PDELab::interpolate(f,global_assembler.trialGridFunctionSpace(),x);
159  // Copy non-constrained dofs from old time step
161  }
164  void fill_pattern(Pattern & p) const
165  {
166  typedef typename LocalAssembler::LocalPatternAssemblerEngine PatternEngine;
167  PatternEngine & pattern_engine = local_assembler.localPatternAssemblerEngine(p);
168  global_assembler.assemble(pattern_engine);
169  }
172  void residual(const Domain & x, Range & r) const
173  {
174  typedef typename LocalAssembler::LocalResidualAssemblerEngine ResidualEngine;
175  ResidualEngine & residual_engine = local_assembler.localResidualAssemblerEngine(r,x);
176  global_assembler.assemble(residual_engine);
177  }
180  void jacobian(const Domain & x, Jacobian & a) const
181  {
182  typedef typename LocalAssembler::LocalJacobianAssemblerEngine JacobianEngine;
183  JacobianEngine & jacobian_engine = local_assembler.localJacobianAssemblerEngine(a,x);
184  global_assembler.assemble(jacobian_engine);
185  }
188  void jacobian_apply(const Domain & update, Range & result) const
189  {
190  if (not local_assembler.localOperator().isLinear)
191  DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "Your trying to use a non linear jacobian apply for a linear problem.");
192  global_assembler.assemble(local_assembler.localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(update, result));
193  }
196  void jacobian_apply(const Domain & solution, const Domain & update, Range & result) const
197  {
198  if (local_assembler.localOperator().isLinear)
199  DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "Your trying to use a non linear jacobian apply for a linear problem.");
200  global_assembler.assemble(local_assembler.localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(solution, update, result));
201  }
204  void DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("nonlinear_jacobian_apply(x,z,r) is deprecated. Please use jacobian_apply(solution, update, result) instead!")
205  nonlinear_jacobian_apply(const Domain & solution, const Domain & update, Range & result) const
206  {
207  if (local_assembler.localOperator().isLinear)
208  DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "Your trying to use a non linear jacobian apply for a linear problem.");
209  global_assembler.assemble(local_assembler.localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(solution, update, result));
210  }
212  void make_consistent(Jacobian& a) const
213  {
214  dof_exchanger->accumulateBorderEntries(*this,a);
215  }
217  void update()
218  {
219  // the DOF exchanger has matrix information, so we need to update it
220  dof_exchanger->update(*this);
221  }
224  const typename Traits::MatrixBackend& matrixBackend() const
225  {
226  return backend;
227  }
229  private:
230  Assembler global_assembler;
231  std::shared_ptr<BorderDOFExchanger> dof_exchanger;
233  mutable LocalAssembler local_assembler;
234  MB backend;
236  };
238  }
239 }
Base class for Dune-Exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:94
The assembler for standard DUNE grid.
Definition: assembler.hh:22
const GFSU & trialGridFunctionSpace() const
Get the trial grid function space.
Definition: assembler.hh:67
const GFSV & testGridFunctionSpace() const
Get the test grid function space.
Definition: assembler.hh:73
The local assembler for DUNE grids.
Definition: localassembler.hh:35
LocalJacobianAssemblerEngine & localJacobianAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::Jacobian &a, const typename Traits::Solution &x)
Definition: localassembler.hh:169
LocalResidualAssemblerEngine & localResidualAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::Residual &r, const typename Traits::Solution &x)
Definition: localassembler.hh:159
LocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine & localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(const typename Traits::Domain &update, typename Traits::Range &result)
Definition: localassembler.hh:179
LOP & localOperator()
get a reference to the local operator
Definition: localassembler.hh:100
LocalPatternAssemblerEngine & localPatternAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::MatrixPattern &p)
Definition: localassembler.hh:150
Standard grid operator implementation.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:36
static void setupGridOperators(GridOperatorTuple tuple)
Definition: gridoperator.hh:145
GridOperator(const GFSU &gfsu_, const CU &cu_, const GFSV &gfsv_, const CV &cv_, LOP &lop_, const MB &mb_=MB())
Constructor for non trivial constraints.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:76
GFSV::Traits::SizeType globalSizeV() const
Get dimension of space v.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:110
void nonlinear_jacobian_apply(const Domain &solution, const Domain &update, Range &result) const
Apply jacobian matrix to the vector update without explicitly assembling it.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:205
const Traits::MatrixBackend & matrixBackend() const
Get the matrix backend for this grid operator.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:224
DefaultAssembler< GFSU, GFSV, CU, CV > Assembler
The global assembler type.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:40
const GFSV & testGridFunctionSpace() const
Get the test grid function space.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:98
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector< GFSU, DF > Domain
The type of the domain (solution).
Definition: gridoperator.hh:43
Dune::PDELab::GridOperatorTraits< GFSU, GFSV, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV, Assembler, LocalAssembler > Traits
The grid operator traits.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:68
void jacobian(const Domain &x, Jacobian &a) const
Assembler jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:180
void interpolate(const X &xold, F &f, X &x) const
Interpolate the constrained dofs from given function.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:154
MB::template Pattern< Jacobian, GFSV, GFSU > Pattern
The sparsity pattern container for the jacobian matrix.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:50
const GFSU & trialGridFunctionSpace() const
Get the trial grid function space.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:92
void jacobian_apply(const Domain &solution, const Domain &update, Range &result) const
Apply jacobian matrix to the vector update without explicitly assembling it.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:196
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector< GFSV, RF > Range
The type of the range (residual).
Definition: gridoperator.hh:45
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix< MB, Domain, Range, JF > Jacobian
The type of the jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:47
void fill_pattern(Pattern &p) const
Fill pattern of jacobian matrix.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:164
void jacobian_apply(const Domain &update, Range &result) const
Apply jacobian matrix to the vector update without explicitly assembling it.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:188
GridOperator(const GFSU &gfsu_, const GFSV &gfsv_, LOP &lop_, const MB &mb_=MB())
Constructor for empty constraints.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:84
void residual(const Domain &x, Range &r) const
Assemble residual.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:172
GFSU::Traits::SizeType globalSizeU() const
Get dimension of space u.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:104
DefaultLocalAssembler< GridOperator, LOP, GFSU::Traits::EntitySet::Partitions::partitionIterator()==InteriorBorder_Partition > LocalAssembler
The local assembler type.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:57
const CU & trialConstraints() const
get the constraints on the trial grid function space
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:205
Helper class for adding up matrix entries on border.
Definition: borderdofexchanger.hh:68
Mark some entity as deprecated.
Definition: deprecated.hh:169
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
@ InteriorBorder_Partition
interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:136
void interpolate(const F &f, const GFS &gfs, XG &xg)
interpolation from a given grid function
Definition: interpolate.hh:174
void copy_nonconstrained_dofs(const CG &cg, const XG &xgin, XG &xgout)
Definition: constraints.hh:987
constexpr void forEach(Range &&range, F &&f)
Range based for loop.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:267
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
Traits class for the grid operator.
Definition: gridoperatorutilities.hh:34
MB MatrixBackend
The matrix backend of the grid operator.
Definition: gridoperatorutilities.hh:51
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix< MB, Domain, Range, JF > Jacobian
The type of the jacobian.
Definition: gridoperatorutilities.hh:72
Definition: gridoperator.hh:126
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