DUNE PDELab (2.7)

Deprecated List
Member Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >::getRealIntersection (const typename Traits::LeafIntersection &intersection) const
"use intersection.impl() instead"
Member Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >::readGridXdr (const std::string &filename, ctype &time)
"Deprecated in Dune 3.0, use readGrid instead."
Member Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >::writeGridXdr (const std::string &filename, ctype time) const
"Deprecated in Dune 3.0, use writeGrid instead."
Member Dune::BlockVector< B, A >::reserve (size_type capacity, bool copyOldValues)

"Use the overload without the second parameter, " "values are always copied"

This method is deprecated, since the extra copyOldValues parameter is unusual, and the previous implementation did not always reduce memory anyway.

Member Dune::BlockVector< B, A >::resize (size_type size, bool copyOldValues)

"Use the overload without the second parameter, " "values are always copied"

This method is deprecated, since the extra copyOldValues parameter is unusual and conflicts with the usual meaning (default value for newly created elements).

Member Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp >::fixedsize (int dim, int codim) const
This method (with the lower-case 's') is deprecated. Use 'fixedSize' instead!
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::topologyId () const

"Use type().id() instead!"

Deprecated in dune-localfunctions 2.7. Use type().id() instead!

Member Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >::integrationOuterNormal (int face) const
After dune-2.6 the return value will no longer be a reference but a copy. Code storing pointers or references to the result must be adjusted.
Member Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >::position (int i, int c) const
After dune-2.6 the return value will no longer be a reference but a copy. Code storing pointers or references to the result must be adjusted.
Member Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >::type () const
After dune-2.6 the return value will no longer be a reference but a copy. Code storing pointers or references to the result must be adjusted.
Member Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >::type (int i, int c) const
After dune-2.6 the return value will no longer be a reference but a copy. Code storing pointers or references to the result must be adjusted.
Member Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >::GeometryGrid (HostGrid *hostGrid, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator())
"Pass the host grid as shared_ptr instead of a raw pointer. This constructor will be removed after Dune 2.7."
Member Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >::GeometryGrid (HostGrid *hostGrid, CoordFunction *coordFunction, const Allocator &allocator=Allocator())
"Pass the host grid and coord function as shared_ptr instead of a raw pointer. This constructor will be removed after Dune 2.7."
Member Dune::GeometryType::GeometryType (unsigned int dim)
"GeometryType(unsigned dim) is deprecated in DUNE 2.7, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::cube(dim) instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::GeometryType (BasicType basicType, unsigned int dim)
"The GeometryType constructor taking BasicType is deprecated and will be removed after DUNE 2.6"
Member Dune::GeometryType::GeometryType (int dim)
"GeometryType(dim) is deprecated in DUNE 2.7, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::cube(dim) instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeCube (unsigned int dim)
"makeCube(dim) is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::cube(dim) instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeFromVertices (unsigned int dim, unsigned int vertices)
"Use the utility function geometryTypeFromVertexCount(...) instead."
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeHexahedron ()
"makeHexahedron() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeLine ()
"makeLine() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::line instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeNone (unsigned int dim)
"makeNone(dim) is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::none(dim) instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makePrism ()
"makePrism() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::prism instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makePyramid ()
"makePyramid() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::pyramid instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeQuadrilateral ()
"makeQuadrilateral() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeSimplex (unsigned int dim)
"makeSimplex(dim) is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::simplex(dim) instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeTetrahedron ()
"makeTetrahedron() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeTriangle ()
"makeTriangle() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle instead"
Member Dune::GeometryType::makeVertex ()
"makeVertex() is deprecated in DUNE 2.6, please use Dune::GeometryTypes::vertex instead"
Member Dune::GlobalUniversalMapper< G >::GlobalUniversalMapper (const G &grid)
"GlobalUniversalMapper is deprecated in DUNE 2.6"
Member Dune::GridDefaultImplementation< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::getRealImplementation (InterfaceType &&i)
"use the facade class' `impl()` method instead"
Class Dune::has_nan< T >
has_nan is deprecated, use Dune::HasNaN instead
Class Dune::is_indexable< T, I >
is_indexable is deprecated, use Dune::IsIndexable instead
Class Dune::is_range< T, typename >
is_range is deprecated, use Dune::IsIterable instead
Member Dune::LagrangeCubeLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, k >::LagrangeCubeLocalFiniteElement ()
This explicit implementation only exists to work around a bug in clang 3.8 which disappeared in clang 6
Member Dune::LagrangePrismLocalFiniteElement< D, R, k >::LagrangePrismLocalFiniteElement ()
This explicit implementation only exists to work around a bug in clang 3.8 which disappeared in clang 6
Member Dune::LagrangePyramidLocalFiniteElement< D, R, k >::LagrangePyramidLocalFiniteElement ()
This explicit implementation only exists to work around a bug in clang 3.8 which disappeared in clang 6
Member Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< G, LayoutClass >::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper (const G &grid, const LayoutClass< G::dimension > layout={})

Use the constructor taking a MCMGLayout instead.

"Use the constructor taking a `MCMGLayout` functional instead"

Member Dune::LevelMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< G, LayoutClass >::LevelMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper (const G &grid, int level, const LayoutClass< G::dimension > layout={})

Use the constructor taking a MCMGLayout instead.

"Use the constructor taking a `MCMGLayout` functional instead"

Member Dune::LocalUniversalMapper< G >::LocalUniversalMapper (const G &grid)
"LocalUniversalMapper is deprecated in DUNE 2.6"
Class Dune::MCMGElementLayout< dimgrid >
Use mcmgElementLayout() instead.
Class Dune::MCMGVertexLayout< dim >
Use mcmgVertexLayout() instead.
Member Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< GV, LayoutClass >::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper (const GV &gridView, const LayoutClass< GV::dimension > layout={})

Use the constructor taking a MCMGLayout instead.

"Use the constructor taking a `MCMGLayout` functional instead"

Member Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >::size ()
"Use method 'N' instead"
Member Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::count () const
"Use method 'N' instead"
Member Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >::getSolverCategory () const
"This method is deprecated and will be removed after Dune 2.7, use category() instead."
Member Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >::setSolverCategory (SolverCategory::Category set)
"The solver category can only be set in the constructor. This method is deprecated and will be removed after Dune 2.7"
Member Dune::P1LocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Member Dune::P23DLocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Member Dune::P2LocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Member Dune::PDELab::FastDGGridOperator< GFSU, GFSV, LOP, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV >::nonlinear_jacobian_apply (const Domain &solution, const Domain &update, Range &result) const
"nonlinear_jacobian_apply(x,z,r) is deprecated. Please use jacobian_apply(solution, update, result) instead!"
Member Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace< GV, FEM, CE, B, O >::SizeTag
Member Dune::PDELab::GridOperator< GFSU, GFSV, LOP, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV >::nonlinear_jacobian_apply (const Domain &solution, const Domain &update, Range &result) const
"nonlinear_jacobian_apply(x,z,r) is deprecated. Please use jacobian_apply(solution, update, result) instead!"
Member Dune::Pk1DLocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Member Dune::Pk2DLocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Member Dune::Pk3DLocalFiniteElement
This class is obsolete. Please use LagrangeSimplexLocalFiniteElement instead!
Class Dune::Power< p >
Please use the method power from math.hh instead!
Member Dune::PrismP1LocalFiniteElement
Please use LagrangePrismLocalFiniteElement<D,R,2> instead!
Member Dune::PrismP2LocalFiniteElement
Please use LagrangePrismLocalFiniteElement<D,R,2> instead!
Member Dune::PyramidP1LocalFiniteElement
Please use LagrangePyramidLocalFiniteElement<D,R,1> instead!
Member Dune::PyramidP2LocalFiniteElement
Please use LagrangePyramidLocalFiniteElement<D,R,2> instead!
Member Dune::Q1LocalFiniteElement
This class is deprecated! Please use LagrangeCubeLocalFiniteElement instead.
Member Dune::QkLocalFiniteElement
This class is deprecated! Please use LagrangeCubeLocalFiniteElement instead.
Member Dune::ReferenceElement
Using the syntax Dune::ReferenceElement<ctype,dim> is deprecated in DUNE 2.6. You have the following alternatives:
Class Dune::SeqILU0< M, X, Y, l >
Use SeqILU instead!
Class Dune::SeqILUn< M, X, Y, l >
Use SeqILU instead!
Class Dune::StaticPower< m, p >
Please use the method power from math.hh instead!
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::eBegin (int level)
"eBegin(int) is deprecated, use eBegin(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::eEnd (int level)
"eEnd(int) is deprecated, use eEnd(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::nElements (int level)
"nElements(int) is deprecated, use nElements(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::nVertices (int level)
"nVertices(int) is deprecated, use nVertices(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels})"
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::vBegin (int level)
"vBegin(int) is deprecated, use vBegin(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels})"
Member Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >::vEnd (int level)
"nEnd(int) is deprecated, use vEnd(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Class Dune::SubsamplingVTKSequenceWriter< GridView >
Please use VTKSequenceWriter together with a SubsamplingVTKWriter instead!
Member Dune::SubsamplingVTKWriter< GridView >::SubsamplingVTKWriter (const GridView &gridView, int level_, bool coerceToSimplex_=false)
"SubsampligVTKWriter(GV,int,bool) is deprecated, use SubsamplingVTKWriter(GV,Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int),bool)"
Member Dune::ToUniquePtr< T >::operator pointer () noexcept
"Cast to raw pointer is deprecated. Use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr instead."
Member Dune::UGGrid< dim >::setDefaultHeapSize (unsigned size)
"Do not set the UGGrid default heap size---it is ignored anyway!"
Member Dune::UniversalMapper< G, IDS, IndexType >::UniversalMapper (const G &grid, const IDS &idset)
"UniversalMapper is deprecated in DUNE 2.6"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::eBegin (int level) const
"eBegin(int) is deprecated, use eBegin(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::eEnd (int level) const
"eEnd(int) is deprecated, use eEnd(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::nElements (int level) const =0
"nElements(int) is deprecated, use nElements(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::nVertices (int level) const =0
"nVertices(int) is deprecated, use nVertices(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::vBegin (int level) const
"vBegin(int) is deprecated, use vBegin(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::vEnd (int level) const
"vEnd(int) is deprecated, use vEnd(Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))"
Member Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >::addCellData (F &&f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
f may also be a VTKFunction object, but you are strongly discouraged from using VTKFunctions.
Member Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >::addVertexData (F &&f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
f may also be a VTKFunction object, but you are strongly discouraged from using VTKFunctions.
File simd.hh
Use the newer simd architecture from dune/common/simd/simd.hh instead.
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