DUNE PDELab (unstable)
Dune::PDELab::NavierStokesDGImp::VariableBoundarySlipSwitch< PRM, Dummy > Struct Template Reference
Compile-time switch for the boundary slip factor. More...
#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/dgnavierstokesparameter.hh>
Detailed Description
template<typename PRM, typename Dummy = void>
struct Dune::PDELab::NavierStokesDGImp::VariableBoundarySlipSwitch< PRM, Dummy >
struct Dune::PDELab::NavierStokesDGImp::VariableBoundarySlipSwitch< PRM, Dummy >
Compile-time switch for the boundary slip factor.
If the parameter class declares static const bool enable_variable_slip = true; it may also define a function
template<typename IntersectionGeometry> typename Traits::RangeField boundarySlip (const IntersectionGeometry& ig, const typename Traits::IntersectionDomain& x) const
which returns a value in [0,1] and may be used to define a smooth transition from a slip to a no-slip boundary.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- dune/pdelab/localoperator/dgnavierstokesparameter.hh