DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::PDELab::GridOperatorTraits< GFSU, GFSV, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV, A, LA > Struct Template Reference

Traits class for the grid operator. More...

#include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/common/gridoperatorutilities.hh>

Public Types

typedef GFSU TrialGridFunctionSpace
 The trial grid function space.
typedef GFSV TestGridFunctionSpace
 The test grid function space.
typedef CU TrialGridFunctionSpaceConstraints
 The type of the trial grid function space constraints.
typedef CV TestGridFunctionSpaceConstraints
 The type of the test grid function space constraints.
typedef MB MatrixBackend
 The matrix backend of the grid operator.
typedef DF DomainField
 The field type of the domain (solution).
using Domain = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector< GFSU, DF >
 The type of the domain (solution).
typedef RF RangeField
 The field type of the range (residual).
using Range = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector< GFSV, RF >
 The type of the range (residual).
typedef JF JacobianField
 The field type of the jacobian.
using Jacobian = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix< MB, Domain, Range, JF >
 The type of the jacobian.
typedef A Assembler
 The global assembler of the grid operator.
typedef LA LocalAssembler
 The local assembler of the grid operator.

Detailed Description

template<typename GFSU, typename GFSV, typename MB, typename DF, typename RF, typename JF, typename CU, typename CV, typename A, typename LA>
struct Dune::PDELab::GridOperatorTraits< GFSU, GFSV, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV, A, LA >

Traits class for the grid operator.

This class collects types and auxilliary information about the grid operator.

Template Parameters
GFSUThe trial function space.
GFSVThe test function space.
MBThe matrix backend.
DFThe domain (solution) field type.
RFThe range (residual) field type.
JFThe jacobian field type.
CUThe type of the trial grid function space constraints.
CVThe type of the test grid function space constraints.
AThe global assembler.
LAThe local assembler.

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