DUNE PDELab (git)

ordering Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ordering:


file  chunkedblockordering.hh [code]
file  decorator.hh [code]
file  directleaflocalordering.hh [code]
file  entityblockedlocalordering.hh [code]
file  gridviewordering.hh [code]
file  interleavedordering.hh [code]
file  leafgridviewordering.hh [code]
file  leaflocalordering.hh [code]
file  leaforderingbase.hh [code]
file  lexicographicordering.hh [code]
file  localorderingbase.hh [code]
file  orderingbase.hh [code]
file  permutedordering.hh [code]
file  singlecodimleafordering.hh [code]
file  subordering.hh [code]
file  transformations.hh [code]
 Define and register ordering related transformations. This header defines the two transformations gfs_to_ordering and gfs_to_local_ordering. As both the PowerGFS and the CompositeGFS transformations use a single descriptor that is specialized for the individual orderings, the prototype of those descriptors are also declared in this file and are registered with the TypeTree transformation system.
file  utility.hh [code]
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