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Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS > Class Template Reference

iterate over the points of some corner range More...

#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/pointiterator.hh>

Public Types

typedef const Corner< std::remove_const< std::iterator_traits< CellIterator >::value_type >::type > * Pointer
 The pointer to the Value.

Public Member Functions

 PointIterator (const CellIterator &cellit, const CellIterator &cellend, const IS &is_)
 construct a CornerIterator More...
 PointIterator (const CellIterator &cellend_)
 construct a CornerIterator More...
Reference operator* () const
 Dereferencing operator.
DerivedTypeoperator++ ()
 Preincrement operator.
DerivedType operator++ (int)
 Postincrement operator.

Detailed Description

template<typename CellIterator, typename IS>
class Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS >

iterate over the points of some corner range

This iterator essentially filters the output from CornerIterator to visit each point only once.

Template Parameters
CellIteratorType of the iterators over cells. The usual codim0 EntityIterators should work here.
ISType of the indexset.

The IndexSet must provide methods and member types:

  • size(unsigned codimension) should return the number of vertices in the indexset. The dimension of the cells will be passed as the codimension parameter value.
  • subIndex(const Cell& cell, unsigned subIndex, unsigned codimension) should return the index of the point with local Dune index subIndex in cell cell. The codimension parameter will again be the dimension of the cell.
  • IndexType should be the type of the indices returned by subIndex().

The requirements are crafted in such a way that the indexsets provided by the grid should fulfill them as long as the cells are codim=0 Entities.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PointIterator() [1/2]

template<typename CellIterator , typename IS >
Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS >::PointIterator ( const CellIterator &  cellit,
const CellIterator &  cellend,
const IS &  is_ 

construct a CornerIterator

cellitThe begin iterator of the underlying range.
cellendThe end iterator of the underlying range.
is_A reference to the indexset to use.

◆ PointIterator() [2/2]

template<typename CellIterator , typename IS >
Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS >::PointIterator ( const CellIterator &  cellend_)

construct a CornerIterator

This constructs a passed-the-end iterator value.

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