DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::PDELab::RaviartThomasLocalFiniteElementMap< GV, D, R, k, basic_type > Class Template Reference

Raviart-Thomas elements of order k. More...

#include <dune/pdelab/finiteelementmap/raviartthomasfem.hh>

Public Member Functions

 RaviartThomasLocalFiniteElementMap (const GV &gv)
 Constructs a finite element map on the GridView gv.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int dimension = GV::dimension
 The dimension of the finite elements returned by this map.

Detailed Description

template<typename GV, typename D, typename R, std::size_t k, GeometryType::BasicType basic_type = BasicTypeFromDimensionAndTopologyId< GV::dimension, Capabilities::hasSingleGeometryType<typename GV::Grid>::topologyId >::value>
class Dune::PDELab::RaviartThomasLocalFiniteElementMap< GV, D, R, k, basic_type >

Raviart-Thomas elements of order k.

This LocalFiniteElementMap provides Raviart-Thomas elements of order k for the given GridView GV. It currently supports

  • RT0, RT1 and RT2 for cubes in 2D,
  • RT0 and RT1 for simplices in 2D,
  • RT0 and RT1 for cubes in 3D.

We try to infer the type of the reference element (cube / simplex) from the GridView, but that only works for grids with a single element type that is fixed at compile time. For potentially mixed grids like UGGrid, you need to provide the GeometryType::BasicType of the cell reference element as an additional template parameter.

Template Parameters
GVThe GridView on which to construct the finite element map.
DThe domain field type of the elements.
RThe range field type of the elements.
kThe order of the finite elements.
basic_typeThe GeometryType::BasicType of the grid cells. You only need to provide this template parameter for mixed grids (if you don't provide the parameter for a mixed grid, you get a compiler error).

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