DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::PDELab::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator< BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, PointDiagonalLocalOperator, GridFunctionSpace, DomainField, IterativeSolver > Class Template Reference

Local operator that can be used to create a fully matrix-free Jacobi preconditioner. More...

#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/matrixfree/iterativeblockjacobipreconditioner.hh>

Public Types

Flags selective assembly
 Whether to do selective assembly on the elements, i.e. whether or not skip_entity() should be called.
 Whether to do selective assembly on the intersections, i.e. whether or not skip_intersection() should be called.
Flags for the sparsity pattern
 Whether to assemble the pattern on the elements, i.e. whether or not pattern_volume() should be called.
 Whether to assemble the pattern on the elements after the skeleton has been handled, i.e. whether or not pattern_volume_post_skeleton() should be called.
 Whether to assemble the pattern on the interior intersections, i.e. whether or not pattern_skeleton() should be called.
 Whether to assemble the pattern on the boundary intersections, i.e. whether or not pattern_boundary() should be called.
Flags for the non-constant part of the residual and the jacobian
 Whether to call the local operator's alpha_volume(), jacobian_apply_volume() and jacobian_volume().
 Whether to call the local operator's alpha_volume_post_skeleton(), jacobian_apply_volume_post_skeleton() and jacobian_volume_post_skeleton().
 Whether to call the local operator's alpha_skeleton(), jacobian_apply_skeleton() and jacobian_skeleton().
 Whether to call the local operator's alpha_boundary(), jacobian_apply_boundary() and jacobian_boundary().
Flags for the constant part of the residual
 Whether to call the local operator's lambda_volume().
 Whether to call the local operator's lambda_volume_post_skeleton().
 Whether to call the local operator's lambda_skeleton().
 Whether to call the local operator's lambda_boundary().
Special flags
 Whether to visit the skeleton methods from both sides.
 Wheter the local operator describes a linear problem.

Public Member Functions

 IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator (const BlockDiagonalLocalOperator &blockDiagonalLocalOperator, const PointDiagonalLocalOperator &pointDiagonalLocalOperator, const GridFunctionSpace &gridFunctionSpace, SolverStatistics< int > &solverStatiscits, BlockSolverOptions solveroptions, const bool verbose=0)
 Constructor. More...
template<typename EG , typename LFSU , typename X , typename LFSV , typename Y >
void alpha_volume (const EG &eg, const LFSU &lfsu, const X &x, const LFSV &lfsv, Y &y) const
 Prepare fully matrix-free preconditioner. More...
template<typename EG , typename LFSU , typename Z , typename LFSV , typename Y >
void jacobian_apply_volume (const EG &eg, const LFSU &lfsu, const Z &z, const LFSV &lfsv, Y &y) const
 Apply fully matrix-free preconditioner - linear case.
template<typename EG , typename LFSU , typename X , typename Z , typename LFSV , typename Y >
void jacobian_apply_volume (const EG &eg, const LFSU &lfsu, const X &x, const Z &z, const LFSV &lfsv, Y &y) const
 Apply fully matrix-free preconditioner - nonlinear case. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, typename PointDiagonalLocalOperator, typename GridFunctionSpace, typename DomainField, template< typename > class IterativeSolver>
class Dune::PDELab::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator< BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, PointDiagonalLocalOperator, GridFunctionSpace, DomainField, IterativeSolver >

Local operator that can be used to create a fully matrix-free Jacobi preconditioner.

Similar to the partial matrix-free class AssembledBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator this implements a local operator that can be used to implement a matrix-free Jacobi preconditioner. In contrast to the other class this implementation will be fully matrix-free.

A matrix-free Jacobi preconditioner needs to be able to apply the inverse of the block diagonal D to a vector. In the partial matrix-free class mentioned above this was done by assembling the diagonal blocks and inverting this matrix. In order to get a fully matrix-free version we instead use a Krylow solver on the diagonal block. This can once again be done in a matrix-free way but we will need a preconditioner for iterative solver. For this purpose we use another Jacobi preconditioner that operates on a single block. This means we need to assemble the point diagonal of this block and apply the inverse.

For examples see dune-pdelab/dune/pdelab/test/matrixfree/.

Template Parameters
BlockDiagonalLocalOperatorA lop for local application of diagonal blocks
PointDiagonalLocalOperatorA lop for local assembly of point diagonal
GridFunctionSpaceA grid function space
DomainFieldDomain field
IterativeSolverSolver that will be used to 'invert' the diagonal blocks

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator()

template<typename BlockDiagonalLocalOperator , typename PointDiagonalLocalOperator , typename GridFunctionSpace , typename DomainField , template< typename > class IterativeSolver>
Dune::PDELab::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator< BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, PointDiagonalLocalOperator, GridFunctionSpace, DomainField, IterativeSolver >::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator ( const BlockDiagonalLocalOperator &  blockDiagonalLocalOperator,
const PointDiagonalLocalOperator &  pointDiagonalLocalOperator,
const GridFunctionSpace gridFunctionSpace,
SolverStatistics< int > &  solverStatiscits,
BlockSolverOptions  solveroptions,
const bool  verbose = 0 


blockDiagonalLocalOperatorA local operator that can be used to (locally) apply a diagonal block through the <applyLocalDiagonalBlock> function. You can create such a local operator by wrapping your local operator into a <BlockDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper>
pointDiagonalLocalOperatorA local operator that can be used to (locally) assemble the point diagonal of a diagonal block. You can create such a local operator by wrapping your local operator into a <PointDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper>
gridFunctionSpaceA grid function space
solverStatA class for export solver statistics
solveroptionsA class for configuring your solver
verboseControls the amount of output

Member Function Documentation

◆ alpha_volume()

template<typename BlockDiagonalLocalOperator , typename PointDiagonalLocalOperator , typename GridFunctionSpace , typename DomainField , template< typename > class IterativeSolver>
template<typename EG , typename LFSU , typename X , typename LFSV , typename Y >
void Dune::PDELab::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator< BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, PointDiagonalLocalOperator, GridFunctionSpace, DomainField, IterativeSolver >::alpha_volume ( const EG &  eg,
const LFSU &  lfsu,
const X &  x,
const LFSV &  lfsv,
Y &  y 
) const

Prepare fully matrix-free preconditioner.

This assembles the point diagonal of the diagonal block and stores its inverse. During the apply step this will be used as a preconditioner for the solver on the local block.

References Dune::SingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper< GV, c >::index(), and Dune::size().

◆ jacobian_apply_volume()

template<typename BlockDiagonalLocalOperator , typename PointDiagonalLocalOperator , typename GridFunctionSpace , typename DomainField , template< typename > class IterativeSolver>
template<typename EG , typename LFSU , typename X , typename Z , typename LFSV , typename Y >
void Dune::PDELab::IterativeBlockJacobiPreconditionerLocalOperator< BlockDiagonalLocalOperator, PointDiagonalLocalOperator, GridFunctionSpace, DomainField, IterativeSolver >::jacobian_apply_volume ( const EG &  eg,
const LFSU &  lfsu,
const X &  x,
const Z &  z,
const LFSV &  lfsv,
Y &  y 
) const

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