DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::PDELab::ConvectionDiffusionModelProblem< GV, RF > Class Template Reference

Parameter class for solving the linear convection-diffusion equation. More...

#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/convectiondiffusionparameter.hh>

Public Member Functions

Traits::PermTensorType A (const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x) const
 tensor diffusion coefficient
Traits::RangeType b (const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x) const
 velocity field
Traits::RangeFieldType c (const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x) const
 sink term
Traits::RangeFieldType f (const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x) const
 source term
BCType bctype (const typename Traits::IntersectionType &is, const typename Traits::IntersectionDomainType &x) const
 boundary condition type function
Traits::RangeFieldType g (const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x) const
 Dirichlet boundary condition value.
Traits::RangeFieldType j (const typename Traits::IntersectionType &is, const typename Traits::IntersectionDomainType &x) const
 Neumann boundary condition.
Traits::RangeFieldType o (const typename Traits::IntersectionType &is, const typename Traits::IntersectionDomainType &x) const
 outflow boundary condition

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr bool permeabilityIsConstantPerCell ()
 tensor diffusion constant per cell? return false if you want more than one evaluation of A per cell.

Detailed Description

template<typename GV, typename RF>
class Dune::PDELab::ConvectionDiffusionModelProblem< GV, RF >

Parameter class for solving the linear convection-diffusion equation.

A parameter class for the linear convection-diffusion equation

\begin{align*} \nabla\cdot(-A(x) \nabla u + b(x) u) + c(x)u &=& f \mbox{ in } \Omega, \\ u &=& g \mbox{ on } \partial\Omega_D \\ (b(x) u - A(x)\nabla u) \cdot n &=& j \mbox{ on } \partial\Omega_N \\ -(A(x)\nabla u) \cdot n &=& o \mbox{ on } \partial\Omega_O \end{align*}


  • This formulation is valid for velocity fields which are non-divergence free.
  • Outflow boundary conditions should only be set on the outflow boundary
  • A is evaluated cell-wise by default. If you want more evaluations per cell, set permeabilityIsConstantPerCell() to false.
Template Parameters
GVThe GridView type
RFThe range field type

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