DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement< LP, dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF > Class Template Reference

Lagrange local finite elements for a given set of interpolation points. More...

#include <dune/localfunctions/lagrange.hh>

Public Member Functions

 LagrangeLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, unsigned int order)
const Traits::LocalBasisTypelocalBasis () const
const Traits::LocalCoefficientsTypelocalCoefficients () const
const Traits::LocalInterpolationTypelocalInterpolation () const
unsigned int size () const
 Number of shape functions in this finite element.
GeometryType type () const

Detailed Description

template<template< class, unsigned int > class LP, unsigned int dimDomain, class D, class R, class SF = R, class CF = SF>
class Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement< LP, dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >

Lagrange local finite elements for a given set of interpolation points.

The class LP provides the points for the interpolation. It has two template arguments, the first is the Field type to use for evaluating the points the second the dimension of the reference elements on which to construct the points. It is instantiated with the desired order and has a template method build taking a Topology to construct the points (a std::vector of FieldVectors). It also provides a static template method supports to indicate if the point set can be build for a specified Topology.

Examples include:

  • EquidistantPointSet: standard point set for Lagrange points
  • LobattoPointSet: an approximate Freget type point set (provided for simplex and generalized prism topologies (i.e. not for a 3d pyramid)
Template Parameters
LPa template class defining the points for the lagrange interpolation
dimDomaindimension of reference elements
Ddomain for basis functions
Rrange for basis functions
SFstorage field for basis matrix
CFcompute field for basis matrix

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LagrangeLocalFiniteElement()

template<template< class, unsigned int > class LP, unsigned int dimDomain, class D , class R , class SF = R, class CF = SF>
Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement< LP, dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement ( const GeometryType gt,
unsigned int  order 
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Member Function Documentation

◆ localBasis()

const Traits::LocalBasisType & Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< LagrangeBasisFactory< LP, dimDomain, R, R > , LagrangeCoefficientsFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > , LagrangeInterpolationFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > >::localBasis ( ) const
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◆ localCoefficients()

const Traits::LocalCoefficientsType & Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< LagrangeBasisFactory< LP, dimDomain, R, R > , LagrangeCoefficientsFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > , LagrangeInterpolationFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > >::localCoefficients ( ) const
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◆ localInterpolation()

const Traits::LocalInterpolationType & Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< LagrangeBasisFactory< LP, dimDomain, R, R > , LagrangeCoefficientsFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > , LagrangeInterpolationFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > >::localInterpolation ( ) const
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◆ type()

GeometryType Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< LagrangeBasisFactory< LP, dimDomain, R, R > , LagrangeCoefficientsFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > , LagrangeInterpolationFactory< LP, dimDomain, R > >::type ( ) const
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