DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet > Class Template Reference

#include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/default.hh>

Public Types

typedef BaseType::EntityType EntityType
 entity type
typedef BaseType::Geometry Geometry
typedef Geometry::ctype ctype
 type of coordinate field
typedef BaseType::ShapeFunctionSetType ShapeFunctionSetType
 shape function set type
typedef ToNewDimDomainFunctionSpace< LocalFunctionSpaceType, Geometry::coorddimension >::Type FunctionSpaceType
 type of function space
typedef FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
 range type
typedef FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType
 domain type
typedef FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
 jacobian range type
typedef FunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType
 hessian range type
typedef std::decay_t< decltype(Dune::ReferenceElements< ctype, Geometry::coorddimension >::general(std::declval< const Dune::GeometryType & >())) > ReferenceElementType
 type of reference element

Public Member Functions

 DefaultBasisFunctionSet ()
 DefaultBasisFunctionSet (const EntityType &entity, const ShapeFunctionSet &shapeFunctionSet=ShapeFunctionSet())
template<class QuadratureType , class Vector , class DofVector >
void axpy (const QuadratureType &quad, const Vector &values, DofVector &dofs) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class QuadratureType , class VectorA , class VectorB , class DofVector >
void axpy (const QuadratureType &quad, const VectorA &valuesA, const VectorB &valuesB, DofVector &dofs) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs More...
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void axpy (const Point &x, const RangeType &valueFactor, DofVector &dofs) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void axpy (const Point &x, const JacobianRangeType &jacobianFactor, DofVector &dofs) const
 evaluate all derivatives of all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void axpy (const Point &x, const RangeType &valueFactor, const JacobianRangeType &jacobianFactor, DofVector &dofs) const
 evaluate all basis function and derivatives and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void axpy (const Point &x, const HessianRangeType &hessianFactor, DofVector &dofs) const
 Add H:D^2phi to each dof.
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class RangeArray >
void evaluateAll (const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, RangeArray &ranges) const
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void evaluateAll (const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, RangeType &value) const
template<class Point , class RangeArray >
void evaluateAll (const Point &x, RangeArray &values) const
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class JacobianArray >
void jacobianAll (const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, JacobianArray &jacobians) const
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void jacobianAll (const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, JacobianRangeType &jacobian) const
template<class Point , class JacobianRangeArray >
void jacobianAll (const Point &x, JacobianRangeArray &jacobians) const
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class HessianArray >
void hessianAll (const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, HessianArray &hessians) const
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void hessianAll (const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, HessianRangeType &hessian) const
template<class Point , class HessianRangeArray >
void hessianAll (const Point &x, HessianRangeArray &hessians) const
const ShapeFunctionSetTypeshapeFunctionSet () const
 return shape function set
int order () const
 return order of basis function set
std::size_t size () const
 return size of basis function set
const Entityentity () const
 return entity
bool valid () const
 return true if entity pointer is set
const Geometrygeometry () const
 return geometry
Dune::GeometryType type () const
 return geometry type
const ReferenceElementTypereferenceElement () const
 return reference element
void bind (const EntityType &entity)
 set new entity object and geometry if enabled
void unbind ()
 release entity and geometry object

Protected Member Functions

template<class QuadratureType , class RangeArray , class DofVector >
void axpyImpl (const QuadratureType &quad, const RangeArray &rangeFactors, DofVector &dofs, const RangeType &) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class QuadratureType , class JacobianArray , class DofVector >
void axpyImpl (const QuadratureType &quad, const JacobianArray &jacobianFactors, DofVector &dofs, const JacobianRangeType &) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
template<class QuadratureType , class HessianArray , class DofVector >
void axpyImpl (const QuadratureType &quad, const HessianArray &hessianFactors, DofVector &dofs, const HessianRangeType &) const
 evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs

Detailed Description

template<class Entity, class ShapeFunctionSet>
class Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >
   \brief implementation of a basis function set for given entity

   \tparam  Entity            entity type
   \tparam  ShapeFunctionSet  shape function set

   \note ShapeFunctionSet must be a copyable object. For most
         non-trivial implementations, you may want to use a
         proxy, see file

Member Function Documentation

◆ axpy()

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class QuadratureType , class VectorA , class VectorB , class DofVector >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::axpy ( const QuadratureType &  quad,
const VectorA &  valuesA,
const VectorB &  valuesB,
DofVector &  dofs 
) const

evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs

valuesA and valuesB can be vectors of RangeType or JacobianRangeType

References Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::axpyImpl().

◆ evaluateAll() [1/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::evaluateAll ( const Point &  x,
const DofVector &  dofs,
RangeType value 
) const
please doc me

◆ evaluateAll() [2/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class RangeArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::evaluateAll ( const Point &  x,
RangeArray &  values 
) const
please doc me

◆ evaluateAll() [3/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class RangeArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::evaluateAll ( const QuadratureType &  quad,
const DofVector &  dofs,
RangeArray &  ranges 
) const

◆ hessianAll() [1/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::hessianAll ( const Point &  x,
const DofVector &  dofs,
HessianRangeType hessian 
) const

◆ hessianAll() [2/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class HessianRangeArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::hessianAll ( const Point &  x,
HessianRangeArray &  hessians 
) const

◆ hessianAll() [3/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class HessianArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::hessianAll ( const QuadratureType &  quad,
const DofVector &  dofs,
HessianArray &  hessians 
) const

◆ jacobianAll() [1/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class DofVector >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::jacobianAll ( const Point &  x,
const DofVector &  dofs,
JacobianRangeType jacobian 
) const

◆ jacobianAll() [2/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class Point , class JacobianRangeArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::jacobianAll ( const Point &  x,
JacobianRangeArray &  jacobians 
) const

◆ jacobianAll() [3/3]

template<class Entity , class ShapeFunctionSet >
template<class QuadratureType , class DofVector , class JacobianArray >
void Dune::Fem::DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet >::jacobianAll ( const QuadratureType &  quad,
const DofVector &  dofs,
JacobianArray &  jacobians 
) const

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