Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

Base class for Dune-Exceptions. More...

#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>

Public Member Functions

void message (const std::string &msg)
 store string in internal message buffer
const char * what () const noexcept override
 output internal message buffer

Static Public Member Functions

static void registerHook (ExceptionHook *hook)
 add a functor which is called before a Dune::Exception is emitted (see Dune::ExceptionHook) More...
static void clearHook ()
 remove all hooks

Detailed Description

Base class for Dune-Exceptions.

all Dune exceptions are derived from this class via trivial subclassing:

class MyException : public Dune::Exception {};
Base class for Dune-Exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:96

You should not throw a Dune::Exception directly but use the macro DUNE_THROW() instead which fills the message-buffer of the exception in a standard way and features a way to pass the result in the operator<<-style

See also
DUNE_THROW, IOError, MathError

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