Dune Core Modules (2.7.1)

Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalInterpolation< LB > Class Template Reference

Lowest order Raviart-Thomas shape functions on the reference hexahedron. More...

#include <dune/localfunctions/raviartthomas/raviartthomas0cube3d/raviartthomas0cube3dall.hh>

Public Member Functions

 RT0Cube3DLocalInterpolation (unsigned int s=0)
 Make set number s, where 0 <= s < 64.

Detailed Description

template<class LB>
class Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalInterpolation< LB >

Lowest order Raviart-Thomas shape functions on the reference hexahedron.

Template Parameters
LBcorresponding LocalBasis giving traits

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