Dune Core Modules (2.7.0)

1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <cstddef> // provides std::size_t
7 #include <cmath> // provides std::sqrt, std::abs
9 #include <type_traits> // provides std::is_same
10 #include <iostream> // provides std::cout, std::endl
11 #include <limits> // provides std::numeric_limits
12 #include <ios> // provides std::left, std::ios::left
13 #include <iomanip> // provides std::setw, std::resetiosflags
14 #include <memory> // provides std::unique_ptr
15 #include <string> // provides std::string
17 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh> // provides DUNE_THROW(...)
19 #include <dune/istl/operators.hh> // provides Dune::LinearOperator
20 #include <dune/istl/solvercategory.hh> // provides Dune::SolverCategory::sequential
21 #include <dune/istl/solvertype.hh> // provides Dune::IsDirectSolver
22 #include <dune/istl/operators.hh> // provides Dune::MatrixAdapter
23 #include <dune/istl/istlexception.hh> // provides Dune::ISTLError
24 #include <dune/istl/io.hh> // provides Dune::printvector(...)
25 #include <dune/istl/solvers.hh> // provides Dune::InverseOperatorResult
27 namespace Dune
28 {
34  namespace Impl {
42  template <class X, class Y = X>
43  class ScalingLinearOperator : public Dune::LinearOperator<X,Y>
44  {
45  public:
46  typedef X domain_type;
47  typedef Y range_type;
48  typedef typename X::field_type field_type;
50  ScalingLinearOperator (field_type immutable_scaling,
51  const field_type& mutable_scaling)
52  : immutable_scaling_(immutable_scaling),
53  mutable_scaling_(mutable_scaling)
54  {}
56  virtual void apply (const X& x, Y& y) const
57  {
58  y = x;
59  y *= immutable_scaling_*mutable_scaling_;
60  }
62  virtual void applyscaleadd (field_type alpha, const X& x, Y& y) const
63  {
64  X temp(x);
65  temp *= immutable_scaling_*mutable_scaling_;
66  y.axpy(alpha,temp);
67  }
70  virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
71  {
73  }
75  protected:
76  const field_type immutable_scaling_;
77  const field_type& mutable_scaling_;
78  };
89  template <class OP1, class OP2>
90  class LinearOperatorSum
91  : public Dune::LinearOperator<typename OP1::domain_type,
92  typename OP1::range_type>
93  {
94  public:
95  typedef typename OP1::domain_type domain_type;
96  typedef typename OP1::range_type range_type;
97  typedef typename domain_type::field_type field_type;
99  LinearOperatorSum (const OP1& op1, const OP2& op2)
100  : op1_(op1), op2_(op2)
101  {
102  static_assert(std::is_same<typename OP2::domain_type,domain_type>::value,
103  "Domain type of both operators doesn't match!");
104  static_assert(std::is_same<typename OP2::range_type,range_type>::value,
105  "Range type of both operators doesn't match!");
106  }
108  virtual void apply (const domain_type& x, range_type& y) const
109  {
110  op1_.apply(x,y);
111  op2_.applyscaleadd(1.0,x,y);
112  }
114  virtual void applyscaleadd (field_type alpha,
115  const domain_type& x, range_type& y) const
116  {
117  range_type temp(y);
118  op1_.apply(x,temp);
119  op2_.applyscaleadd(1.0,x,temp);
120  y.axpy(alpha,temp);
121  }
124  virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
125  {
127  }
129  protected:
130  const OP1& op1_;
131  const OP2& op2_;
132  };
133  } // end namespace Impl
171  template <typename BCRSMatrix, typename BlockVector>
173  {
174  protected:
175  // Type definitions for type of iteration operator (m_ - mu_*I)
178  typedef Impl::ScalingLinearOperator<BlockVector> ScalingOperator;
179  typedef Impl::LinearOperatorSum<MatrixOperator,ScalingOperator> OperatorSum;
181  public:
183  typedef typename BlockVector::field_type Real;
186  typedef OperatorSum IterationOperator;
188  public:
204  const unsigned int nIterationsMax = 1000,
205  const unsigned int verbosity_level = 0)
206  : m_(m), nIterationsMax_(nIterationsMax),
207  verbosity_level_(verbosity_level),
208  mu_(0.0),
209  matrixOperator_(m_),
210  scalingOperator_(-1.0,mu_),
211  itOperator_(matrixOperator_,scalingOperator_),
212  nIterations_(0),
213  title_(" PowerIteration_Algorithms: "),
214  blank_(title_.length(),' ')
215  {
216  // assert that BCRSMatrix type has blocklevel 2
217  static_assert
219  "Only BCRSMatrices with blocklevel 2 are supported.");
221  // assert that BCRSMatrix type has square blocks
222  static_assert
223  (BCRSMatrix::block_type::rows == BCRSMatrix::block_type::cols,
224  "Only BCRSMatrices with square blocks are supported.");
226  // assert that m_ is square
227  const int nrows = m_.M() * BCRSMatrix::block_type::rows;
228  const int ncols = m_.N() * BCRSMatrix::block_type::cols;
229  if (nrows != ncols)
230  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"Matrix is not square ("
231  << nrows << "x" << ncols << ").");
232  }
257  inline void applyPowerIteration (const Real& epsilon,
258  BlockVector& x, Real& lambda) const
259  {
260  // print verbosity information
261  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
262  std::cout << title_
263  << "Performing power iteration approximating "
264  << "the dominant eigenvalue." << std::endl;
266  // allocate memory for auxiliary variables
267  BlockVector y(x);
268  BlockVector temp(x);
270  // perform power iteration
271  x *= (1.0 / x.two_norm());
272  m_.mv(x,y);
274  nIterations_ = 0;
275  while (r_norm > epsilon)
276  {
277  // update and check number of iterations
278  if (++nIterations_ > nIterationsMax_)
279  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"Power iteration did not converge "
280  << "in " << nIterationsMax_ << " iterations "
281  << "(║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << ", epsilon = "
282  << epsilon << ").");
284  // do one iteration of the power iteration algorithm
285  // (use that y = m_ * x)
286  x = y;
287  x *= (1.0 / y.two_norm());
289  // get approximated eigenvalue lambda via the Rayleigh quotient
290  m_.mv(x,y);
291  lambda = x * y;
293  // get norm of residual (use that y = m_ * x)
294  temp = y;
295  temp.axpy(-lambda,x);
296  r_norm = temp.two_norm();
298  // print verbosity information
299  if (verbosity_level_ > 1)
300  std::cout << blank_ << std::left
301  << "iteration " << std::setw(3) << nIterations_
302  << " (║residual║_2 = " << std::setw(11) << r_norm
303  << "): λ = " << lambda << std::endl
304  << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::left);
305  }
307  // print verbosity information
308  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
309  {
310  std::cout << blank_ << "Result ("
311  << "#iterations = " << nIterations_ << ", "
312  << "║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << "): "
313  << "λ = " << lambda << std::endl;
314  if (verbosity_level_ > 2)
315  {
316  // print approximated eigenvector via DUNE-ISTL I/O methods
317  Dune::printvector(std::cout,x,blank_+"x",blank_+"row");
318  }
319  }
320  }
350  template <typename ISTLLinearSolver,
351  bool avoidLinSolverCrime = false>
352  inline void applyInverseIteration (const Real& epsilon,
353  ISTLLinearSolver& solver,
354  BlockVector& x, Real& lambda) const
355  {
356  constexpr Real gamma = 0.0;
357  applyInverseIteration(gamma,epsilon,solver,x,lambda);
358  }
389  template <typename ISTLLinearSolver,
390  bool avoidLinSolverCrime = false>
391  inline void applyInverseIteration (const Real& gamma,
392  const Real& epsilon,
393  ISTLLinearSolver& solver,
394  BlockVector& x, Real& lambda) const
395  {
396  // print verbosity information
397  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
398  {
399  std::cout << title_;
400  if (gamma == 0.0)
401  std::cout << "Performing inverse iteration approximating "
402  << "the least dominant eigenvalue." << std::endl;
403  else
404  std::cout << "Performing inverse iteration with shift "
405  << "gamma = " << gamma << " approximating the "
406  << "eigenvalue closest to gamma." << std::endl;
407  }
409  // initialize iteration operator,
410  // initialize iteration matrix when needed
411  updateShiftMu(gamma,solver);
413  // allocate memory for linear solver statistics
414  Dune::InverseOperatorResult solver_statistics;
416  // allocate memory for auxiliary variables
417  BlockVector y(x);
418  Real y_norm;
419  BlockVector temp(x);
421  // perform inverse iteration with shift
422  x *= (1.0 / x.two_norm());
424  nIterations_ = 0;
425  while (r_norm > epsilon)
426  {
427  // update and check number of iterations
428  if (++nIterations_ > nIterationsMax_)
429  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"Inverse iteration "
430  << (gamma != 0.0 ? "with shift " : "") << "did not "
431  << "converge in " << nIterationsMax_ << " iterations "
432  << "(║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << ", epsilon = "
433  << epsilon << ").");
435  // do one iteration of the inverse iteration with shift algorithm,
436  // part 1: solve (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x for y
437  // (protect x from being changed)
438  temp = x;
439  solver.apply(y,temp,solver_statistics);
441  // get norm of y
442  y_norm = y.two_norm();
444  // compile time switch between accuracy and efficiency
445  if (avoidLinSolverCrime)
446  {
447  // get approximated eigenvalue lambda via the Rayleigh quotient
448  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm)
449  m_.mv(y,temp);
450  lambda = (y * temp) / (y_norm * y_norm);
452  // get norm of residual
453  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm, additionally use that temp = m_ * y)
454  temp.axpy(-lambda,y);
455  r_norm = temp.two_norm() / y_norm;
456  }
457  else
458  {
459  // get approximated eigenvalue lambda via the Rayleigh quotient
460  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm and use that (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x)
461  lambda = gamma + (y * x) / (y_norm * y_norm);
463  // get norm of residual
464  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm and use that (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x)
465  temp = x; temp.axpy(gamma-lambda,y);
466  r_norm = temp.two_norm() / y_norm;
467  }
469  // do one iteration of the inverse iteration with shift algorithm,
470  // part 2: update x
471  x = y;
472  x *= (1.0 / y_norm);
474  // print verbosity information
475  if (verbosity_level_ > 1)
476  std::cout << blank_ << std::left
477  << "iteration " << std::setw(3) << nIterations_
478  << " (║residual║_2 = " << std::setw(11) << r_norm
479  << "): λ = " << lambda << std::endl
480  << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::left);
481  }
483  // print verbosity information
484  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
485  {
486  std::cout << blank_ << "Result ("
487  << "#iterations = " << nIterations_ << ", "
488  << "║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << "): "
489  << "λ = " << lambda << std::endl;
490  if (verbosity_level_ > 2)
491  {
492  // print approximated eigenvector via DUNE-ISTL I/O methods
493  Dune::printvector(std::cout,x,blank_+"x",blank_+"row");
494  }
495  }
496  }
528  template <typename ISTLLinearSolver,
529  bool avoidLinSolverCrime = false>
530  inline void applyRayleighQuotientIteration (const Real& epsilon,
531  ISTLLinearSolver& solver,
532  BlockVector& x, Real& lambda) const
533  {
534  // print verbosity information
535  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
536  std::cout << title_
537  << "Performing Rayleigh quotient iteration for "
538  << "estimated eigenvalue " << lambda << "." << std::endl;
540  // allocate memory for linear solver statistics
541  Dune::InverseOperatorResult solver_statistics;
543  // allocate memory for auxiliary variables
544  BlockVector y(x);
545  Real y_norm;
546  Real lambda_update;
547  BlockVector temp(x);
549  // perform Rayleigh quotient iteration
550  x *= (1.0 / x.two_norm());
552  nIterations_ = 0;
553  while (r_norm > epsilon)
554  {
555  // update and check number of iterations
556  if (++nIterations_ > nIterationsMax_)
557  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"Rayleigh quotient iteration did not "
558  << "converge in " << nIterationsMax_ << " iterations "
559  << "(║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << ", epsilon = "
560  << epsilon << ").");
562  // update iteration operator,
563  // update iteration matrix when needed
564  updateShiftMu(lambda,solver);
566  // do one iteration of the Rayleigh quotient iteration algorithm,
567  // part 1: solve (m_ - lambda*I) * y = x for y
568  // (protect x from being changed)
569  temp = x;
570  solver.apply(y,temp,solver_statistics);
572  // get norm of y
573  y_norm = y.two_norm();
575  // compile time switch between accuracy and efficiency
576  if (avoidLinSolverCrime)
577  {
578  // get approximated eigenvalue lambda via the Rayleigh quotient
579  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm)
580  m_.mv(y,temp);
581  lambda = (y * temp) / (y_norm * y_norm);
583  // get norm of residual
584  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm, additionally use that temp = m_ * y)
585  temp.axpy(-lambda,y);
586  r_norm = temp.two_norm() / y_norm;
587  }
588  else
589  {
590  // get approximated eigenvalue lambda via the Rayleigh quotient
591  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm and use that (m_ - lambda_old*I) * y = x)
592  lambda_update = (y * x) / (y_norm * y_norm);
593  lambda += lambda_update;
595  // get norm of residual
596  // (use that x_new = y / y_norm and use that (m_ - lambda_old*I) * y = x)
597  temp = x; temp.axpy(-lambda_update,y);
598  r_norm = temp.two_norm() / y_norm;
599  }
601  // do one iteration of the Rayleigh quotient iteration algorithm,
602  // part 2: update x
603  x = y;
604  x *= (1.0 / y_norm);
606  // print verbosity information
607  if (verbosity_level_ > 1)
608  std::cout << blank_ << std::left
609  << "iteration " << std::setw(3) << nIterations_
610  << " (║residual║_2 = " << std::setw(11) << r_norm
611  << "): λ = " << lambda << std::endl
612  << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::left);
613  }
615  // print verbosity information
616  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
617  {
618  std::cout << blank_ << "Result ("
619  << "#iterations = " << nIterations_ << ", "
620  << "║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << "): "
621  << "λ = " << lambda << std::endl;
622  if (verbosity_level_ > 2)
623  {
624  // print approximated eigenvector via DUNE-ISTL I/O methods
625  Dune::printvector(std::cout,x,blank_+"x",blank_+"row");
626  }
627  }
628  }
686  template <typename ISTLLinearSolver,
687  bool avoidLinSolverCrime = false>
688  inline void applyTLIMEIteration (const Real& gamma, const Real& eta,
689  const Real& epsilon,
690  ISTLLinearSolver& solver,
691  const Real& delta, const std::size_t& m,
692  bool& extrnl,
693  BlockVector& x, Real& lambda) const
694  {
695  // use same variable names as in [Szyld, 1988]
696  BlockVector& x_s = x;
697  Real& mu_s = lambda;
699  // print verbosity information
700  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
701  std::cout << title_
702  << "Performing TLIME iteration for "
703  << "estimated eigenvalue in the "
704  << "interval (" << gamma - eta << ","
705  << gamma + eta << ")." << std::endl;
707  // allocate memory for linear solver statistics
708  Dune::InverseOperatorResult solver_statistics;
710  // allocate memory for auxiliary variables
711  bool doRQI;
712  Real mu;
713  BlockVector y(x_s);
714  Real omega;
715  Real mu_s_old;
716  Real mu_s_update;
717  BlockVector temp(x_s);
718  Real q_norm, r_norm;
720  // perform TLIME iteration
721  x_s *= (1.0 / x_s.two_norm());
722  extrnl = true;
723  doRQI = false;
725  nIterations_ = 0;
726  while (r_norm > epsilon)
727  {
728  // update and check number of iterations
729  if (++nIterations_ > nIterationsMax_)
730  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"TLIME iteration did not "
731  << "converge in " << nIterationsMax_
732  << " iterations (║residual║_2 = " << r_norm
733  << ", epsilon = " << epsilon << ").");
735  // set shift for next iteration according to inverse iteration
736  // with shift (II) resp. Rayleigh quotient iteration (RQI)
737  if (doRQI)
738  mu = mu_s;
739  else
740  mu = gamma;
742  // update II/RQI iteration operator,
743  // update II/RQI iteration matrix when needed
744  updateShiftMu(mu,solver);
746  // do one iteration of the II/RQI algorithm,
747  // part 1: solve (m_ - mu*I) * y = x for y
748  temp = x_s;
749  solver.apply(y,temp,solver_statistics);
751  // do one iteration of the II/RQI algorithm,
752  // part 2: compute omega
753  omega = (1.0 / y.two_norm());
755  // backup the old Rayleigh quotient
756  mu_s_old = mu_s;
758  // compile time switch between accuracy and efficiency
759  if (avoidLinSolverCrime)
760  {
761  // update the Rayleigh quotient mu_s, i.e. the approximated eigenvalue
762  // (use that x_new = y * omega)
763  m_.mv(y,temp);
764  mu_s = (y * temp) * (omega * omega);
766  // get norm of "the residual with respect to the shift used by II",
767  // use normal representation of q
768  // (use that x_new = y * omega, use that temp = m_ * y)
769  temp.axpy(-gamma,y);
770  q_norm = temp.two_norm() * omega;
772  // get norm of "the residual with respect to the Rayleigh quotient"
773  r_norm = q_norm*q_norm - (gamma-mu_s)*(gamma-mu_s);
774  // prevent that truncation errors invalidate the norm
775  // (we don't want to calculate sqrt of a negative number)
776  if (r_norm >= 0)
777  {
778  // use relation between the norms of r and q for efficiency
779  r_norm = std::sqrt(r_norm);
780  }
781  else
782  {
783  // use relation between r and q
784  // (use that x_new = y * omega, use that temp = (m_ - gamma*I) * y = q / omega)
785  temp.axpy(gamma-mu_s,y);
786  r_norm = temp.two_norm() * omega;
787  }
788  }
789  else
790  {
791  // update the Rayleigh quotient mu_s, i.e. the approximated eigenvalue
792  if (!doRQI)
793  {
794  // (use that x_new = y * omega, additionally use that (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x_s)
795  mu_s = gamma + (y * x_s) * (omega * omega);
796  }
797  else
798  {
799  // (use that x_new = y * omega, additionally use that (m_ - mu_s_old*I) * y = x_s)
800  mu_s_update = (y * x_s) * (omega * omega);
801  mu_s += mu_s_update;
802  }
804  // get norm of "the residual with respect to the shift used by II"
805  if (!doRQI)
806  {
807  // use special representation of q in the II case
808  // (use that x_new = y * omega, additionally use that (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x_s)
809  q_norm = omega;
810  }
811  else
812  {
813  // use special representation of q in the RQI case
814  // (use that x_new = y * omega, additionally use that (m_ - mu_s_old*I) * y = x_s)
815  temp = x_s; temp.axpy(mu_s-gamma,y);
816  q_norm = temp.two_norm() * omega;
817  }
819  // get norm of "the residual with respect to the Rayleigh quotient"
820  // don't use efficient relation between the norms of r and q, as
821  // this relation seems to yield a less accurate r_norm in the case
822  // where linear solver crime is admitted
823  if (!doRQI)
824  {
825  // (use that x_new = y * omega and use that (m_ - gamma*I) * y = x_s)
826  temp = x_s; temp.axpy(gamma-lambda,y);
827  r_norm = temp.two_norm() * omega;
828  }
829  else
830  {
831  // (use that x_new = y * omega and use that (m_ - mu_s_old*I) * y = x_s)
832  temp = x_s; temp.axpy(-mu_s_update,y);
833  r_norm = temp.two_norm() * omega;
834  }
835  }
837  // do one iteration of the II/RQI algorithm,
838  // part 3: update x
839  x_s = y; x_s *= omega;
841  // // for relative residual norm mode, scale with mu_s^{-1}
842  // r_norm /= std::abs(mu_s);
844  // print verbosity information
845  if (verbosity_level_ > 1)
846  std::cout << blank_ << "iteration "
847  << std::left << std::setw(3) << nIterations_
848  << " (" << (doRQI ? "RQI," : "II, ")
849  << " " << (doRQI ? "—>" : " ") << " "
850  << "║r║_2 = " << std::setw(11) << r_norm
851  << ", " << (doRQI ? " " : "—>") << " "
852  << "║q║_2 = " << std::setw(11) << q_norm
853  << "): λ = " << lambda << std::endl
854  << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::left);
856  // check if the eigenvalue closest to gamma lies in J
857  if (!doRQI && q_norm < eta)
858  {
859  // J is not free of eigenvalues
860  extrnl = false;
862  // by theory we know now that mu_s also lies in J
863  assert(std::abs(mu_s-gamma) < eta);
865  // switch to RQI
866  doRQI = true;
867  }
869  // revert to II if J is not free of eigenvalues but
870  // at some point mu_s falls back again outside J
871  if (!extrnl && doRQI && std::abs(mu_s-gamma) >= eta)
872  doRQI = false;
874  // if eigenvalue closest to gamma does not lie in J use RQI
875  // solely to accelerate the convergence to this eigenvalue
876  // when II has become stationary
877  if (extrnl && !doRQI)
878  {
879  // switch to RQI if the relative change of the Rayleigh
880  // quotient indicates that II has become stationary
881  if (nIterations_ >= m &&
882  std::abs(mu_s - mu_s_old) / std::abs(mu_s) < delta)
883  doRQI = true;
884  }
885  }
887  // // compute final residual and lambda again (paranoia....)
888  // m_.mv(x_s,temp);
889  // mu_s = x_s * temp;
890  // temp.axpy(-mu_s,x_s);
891  // r_norm = temp.two_norm();
892  // // r_norm /= std::abs(mu_s);
894  // print verbosity information
895  if (verbosity_level_ > 0)
896  {
897  if (extrnl)
898  std::cout << blank_ << "Interval "
899  << "(" << gamma - eta << "," << gamma + eta
900  << ") is free of eigenvalues, approximating "
901  << "the closest eigenvalue." << std::endl;
902  std::cout << blank_ << "Result ("
903  << "#iterations = " << nIterations_ << ", "
904  << "║residual║_2 = " << r_norm << "): "
905  << "λ = " << lambda << std::endl;
906  if (verbosity_level_ > 2)
907  {
908  // print approximated eigenvector via DUNE-ISTL I/O methods
909  Dune::printvector(std::cout,x,blank_+"x",blank_+"row");
910  }
911  }
912  }
923  {
924  // return iteration operator
925  return itOperator_;
926  }
942  inline const BCRSMatrix& getIterationMatrix () const
943  {
944  // create iteration matrix on demand
945  if (!itMatrix_)
946  itMatrix_ = std::make_unique<BCRSMatrix>(m_);
948  // return iteration matrix
949  return *itMatrix_;
950  }
956  inline unsigned int getIterationCount () const
957  {
958  if (nIterations_ == 0)
959  DUNE_THROW(Dune::ISTLError,"No algorithm applied, yet.");
961  return nIterations_;
962  }
964  protected:
979  template <typename ISTLLinearSolver>
980  inline void updateShiftMu (const Real& mu,
981  ISTLLinearSolver& solver) const
982  {
983  // do nothing if new shift equals the old one
984  if (mu == mu_) return;
986  // update shift mu_, i.e. update iteration operator
987  mu_ = mu;
989  // update iteration matrix when needed
990  if (itMatrix_)
991  {
992  // iterate over entries in iteration matrix diagonal
993  constexpr int rowBlockSize = BCRSMatrix::block_type::rows;
994  constexpr int colBlockSize = BCRSMatrix::block_type::cols;
995  for (typename BCRSMatrix::size_type i = 0;
996  i < itMatrix_->M()*rowBlockSize; ++i)
997  {
998  // access m_[i,i] where i is the flat index of a row/column
999  const Real& m_entry = m_
1000  [i/rowBlockSize][i/colBlockSize][i%rowBlockSize][i%colBlockSize];
1001  // access *itMatrix[i,i] where i is the flat index of a row/column
1002  Real& entry = (*itMatrix_)
1003  [i/rowBlockSize][i/colBlockSize][i%rowBlockSize][i%colBlockSize];
1004  // change current entry in iteration matrix diagonal
1005  entry = m_entry - mu_;
1006  }
1007  // notify linear solver about change of the iteration matrix object
1009  (solver,*itMatrix_);
1010  }
1011  }
1013  protected:
1014  // parameters related to iterative eigenvalue algorithms
1015  const BCRSMatrix& m_;
1016  const unsigned int nIterationsMax_;
1018  // verbosity setting
1019  const unsigned int verbosity_level_;
1021  // shift mu_ used by iteration operator/matrix (m_ - mu_*I)
1022  mutable Real mu_;
1024  // iteration operator (m_ - mu_*I), passing shift mu_ by reference
1025  const MatrixOperator matrixOperator_;
1026  const ScalingOperator scalingOperator_;
1027  OperatorSum itOperator_;
1029  // iteration matrix (m_ - mu_*I), provided on demand when needed
1030  // (e.g. for preconditioning)
1031  mutable std::unique_ptr<BCRSMatrix> itMatrix_;
1033  // memory for storing temporary variables (mutable as they shall
1034  // just be effectless auxiliary variables of the const apply*(...)
1035  // methods)
1036  mutable unsigned int nIterations_;
1038  // constants for printing verbosity information
1039  const std::string title_;
1040  const std::string blank_;
1041  };
1045 } // namespace Dune
A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:425
static constexpr unsigned int blocklevel
increment block level counter
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:465
A::size_type size_type
The type for the index access and the size.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:459
size_type M() const
number of columns (counted in blocks)
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:1936
void mv(const X &x, Y &y) const
y = A x
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:1570
size_type N() const
number of rows (counted in blocks)
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:1930
A vector of blocks with memory management.
Definition: bvector.hh:403
typename Imp::BlockTraits< B >::field_type field_type
export the type representing the field
Definition: bvector.hh:409
derive error class from the base class in common
Definition: istlexception.hh:16
A linear operator.
Definition: operators.hh:65
X::field_type field_type
The field type of the operator.
Definition: operators.hh:72
virtual void applyscaleadd(field_type alpha, const X &x, X &y) const=0
apply operator to x, scale and add:
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const=0
Category of the linear operator (see SolverCategory::Category)
X range_type
The type of the range of the operator.
Definition: operators.hh:70
X domain_type
The type of the domain of the operator.
Definition: operators.hh:68
Adapter to turn a matrix into a linear operator.
Definition: operators.hh:135
Iterative eigenvalue algorithms based on power iteration.
Definition: poweriteration.hh:173
PowerIteration_Algorithms(const PowerIteration_Algorithms &)=delete
void applyInverseIteration(const Real &epsilon, ISTLLinearSolver &solver, BlockVector &x, Real &lambda) const
Perform the inverse iteration algorithm to compute an approximation lambda of the least dominant (i....
Definition: poweriteration.hh:352
void applyTLIMEIteration(const Real &gamma, const Real &eta, const Real &epsilon, ISTLLinearSolver &solver, const Real &delta, const std::size_t &m, bool &extrnl, BlockVector &x, Real &lambda) const
Perform the "two-level iterative method for eigenvalue calculations (TLIME)" iteration algorit...
Definition: poweriteration.hh:688
PowerIteration_Algorithms(const BCRSMatrix &m, const unsigned int nIterationsMax=1000, const unsigned int verbosity_level=0)
Construct from required parameters.
Definition: poweriteration.hh:203
void applyPowerIteration(const Real &epsilon, BlockVector &x, Real &lambda) const
Perform the power iteration algorithm to compute an approximation lambda of the dominant (i....
Definition: poweriteration.hh:257
OperatorSum IterationOperator
Type of iteration operator (m_ - mu_*I)
Definition: poweriteration.hh:186
void applyRayleighQuotientIteration(const Real &epsilon, ISTLLinearSolver &solver, BlockVector &x, Real &lambda) const
Perform the Rayleigh quotient iteration algorithm to compute an approximation lambda of an eigenvalue...
Definition: poweriteration.hh:530
void applyInverseIteration(const Real &gamma, const Real &epsilon, ISTLLinearSolver &solver, BlockVector &x, Real &lambda) const
Perform the inverse iteration with shift algorithm to compute an approximation lambda of the eigenval...
Definition: poweriteration.hh:391
void updateShiftMu(const Real &mu, ISTLLinearSolver &solver) const
Update shift mu_, i.e. update iteration operator/matrix (m_ - mu_*I).
Definition: poweriteration.hh:980
const BCRSMatrix & getIterationMatrix() const
Return the iteration matrix (m_ - mu_*I), provided on demand when needed (e.g. for direct solvers or ...
Definition: poweriteration.hh:942
unsigned int getIterationCount() const
Return the number of iterations in last application of an algorithm.
Definition: poweriteration.hh:956
IterationOperator & getIterationOperator()
Return the iteration operator (m_ - mu_*I).
Definition: poweriteration.hh:922
PowerIteration_Algorithms & operator=(const PowerIteration_Algorithms &)=delete
BlockVector::field_type Real
Type of underlying field.
Definition: poweriteration.hh:183
Helper class for notifying a DUNE-ISTL linear solver about a change of the iteration matrix object in...
Definition: solver.hh:520
A few common exception classes.
Some generic functions for pretty printing vectors and matrices.
decltype(auto) apply(F &&f, ArgTuple &&args)
Apply function with arguments given as tuple.
Definition: apply.hh:46
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
void printvector(std::ostream &s, const V &v, std::string title, std::string rowtext, int columns=1, int width=10, int precision=2)
Print an ISTL vector.
Definition: io.hh:86
auto max(ADLTag< 0 >, const V &v1, const V &v2)
implements binary Simd::max()
Definition: defaults.hh:79
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
Define general, extensible interface for operators. The available implementation wraps a matrix.
Implementations of the inverse operator interface.
Templates characterizing the type of a solver.
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:46
Definition: solvercategory.hh:21
@ sequential
Category for sequential solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:23
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