Dune Core Modules (2.7.0)

1 #pragma once
3 #include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
4 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
6 #include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
7 #include<dune/istl/solver.hh>
8 #include <dune/istl/solverfactory.hh>
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <memory>
13 #include <cholmod.h>
15 namespace Dune {
17 namespace Impl{
27  struct NoIgnore
28  {
29  const NoIgnore& operator[](std::size_t) const { return *this; }
30  explicit operator bool() const { return false; }
31  std::size_t count() const { return 0; }
32  };
34 } //namespace Impl
36 template<class T>
37 class Cholmod;
43 template<class T, class A, int k>
44 class Cholmod<BlockVector<FieldVector<T,k>, A>>
45  : public InverseOperator<BlockVector<FieldVector<T,k>, A>, BlockVector<FieldVector<T,k>, A>>
46 {
47 public:
49  // type of unknown
50  using X = BlockVector<FieldVector<T,k>, A>;
51  // type of rhs
52  using B = BlockVector<FieldVector<T,k>, A>;
61  {
62  cholmod_start(&c_);
63  }
71  {
72  if (L_)
73  cholmod_free_factor(&L_, &c_);
74  cholmod_finish(&c_);
75  }
77  // forbid copying to avoid freeing memory twice
78  Cholmod(const Cholmod&) = delete;
79  Cholmod& operator=(const Cholmod&) = delete;
84  void apply (X& x, B& b, double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
85  {
87  apply(x,b,res);
88  }
95  void apply(X& x, B& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
96  {
97  // do nothing if N=0
98  if ( nIsZero_ )
99  {
100  return;
101  }
103  if (x.size() != b.size())
104  DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Error in apply(): sizes of x and b do not match!");
106  const auto& blocksize = k;
108  // cast to double array
109  auto b2 = std::make_unique<double[]>(L_->n);
110  auto x2 = std::make_unique<double[]>(L_->n);
112  // copy to cholmod
113  auto bp = b2.get();
114  if (inverseSubIndices_.empty()) // no ignore field given
115  {
116  // simply copy all values
117  for (const auto& bi : b)
118  for (const auto& bii : bi)
119  *bp++ = bii;
120  }
121  else // use the mapping from not ignored entries
122  {
123  // iterate over inverseSubIndices and resolve the block indices
124  for (const auto& idx : inverseSubIndices_)
125  *bp++ = b[ idx / blocksize ][ idx % blocksize ];
126  }
128  // create a cholmod dense object
129  auto b3 = make_cholmod_dense(cholmod_allocate_dense(L_->n, 1, L_->n, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c_), &c_);
130  // cast because void-ptr
131  auto b4 = static_cast<double*>(b3->x);
132  std::copy(b2.get(), b2.get() + L_->n, b4);
134  // solve for a cholmod x object
135  auto x3 = make_cholmod_dense(cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_A, L_, b3.get(), &c_), &c_);
136  // cast because void-ptr
137  auto xp = static_cast<double*>(x3->x);
139  // copy into x
140  if (inverseSubIndices_.empty()) // no ignore field given
141  {
142  // simply copy all values
143  for (int i=0, s=x.size(); i<s; i++)
144  for (int ii=0, ss=x[i].size(); ii<ss; ii++)
145  x[i][ii] = *xp++;
146  }
147  else // use the mapping from not ignored entries
148  {
149  // iterate over inverseSubIndices and resolve the block indices
150  for (const auto& idx : inverseSubIndices_)
151  x[ idx / blocksize ][ idx % blocksize ] = *xp++;
152  }
154  // statistics for a direct solver
155  res.iterations = 1;
156  res.converged = true;
157  }
166  {
167  const Impl::NoIgnore* noIgnore = nullptr;
168  setMatrix(matrix, noIgnore);
169  }
185  template<class Ignore>
186  void setMatrix(const BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,k,k>>& matrix, const Ignore* ignore)
187  {
189  const auto blocksize = k;
191  // Total number of rows
192  int N = blocksize * matrix.N();
193  if ( ignore )
194  N -= ignore->count();
196  nIsZero_ = (N <= 0);
198  if ( nIsZero_ )
199  {
200  return;
201  }
203  // number of nonzeroes
204  const int nnz = blocksize * blocksize * matrix.nonzeroes();
205  // number of diagonal entries
206  const int nDiag = blocksize * blocksize * matrix.N();
207  // number of nonzeroes in the dialgonal
208  const int nnzDiag = (blocksize * (blocksize+1)) / 2 * matrix.N();
209  // number of nonzeroes in triangular submatrix (including diagonal)
210  const int nnzTri = (nnz - nDiag) / 2 + nnzDiag;
212  /*
213  * CHOLMOD uses compressed-column sparse matrices, but for symmetric
214  * matrices this is the same as the compressed-row sparse matrix used
215  * by DUNE. So we can just store Mᵀ instead of M (as M = Mᵀ).
216  */
217  const auto deleter = [c = &this->c_](auto* p) {
218  cholmod_free_sparse(&p, c);
219  };
220  auto M = std::unique_ptr<cholmod_sparse, decltype(deleter)>(
221  cholmod_allocate_sparse(N, // # rows
222  N, // # cols
223  nnzTri, // # of nonzeroes
224  1, // indices are sorted ( 1 = true)
225  1, // matrix is "packed" ( 1 = true)
226  -1, // stype of matrix ( -1 = cosider the lower part only )
227  CHOLMOD_REAL, // xtype of matrix ( CHOLMOD_REAL = single array, no complex numbers)
228  &c_ // cholmod_common ptr
229  ), deleter);
231  // copy the data of BCRS matrix to Cholmod Sparse matrix
232  int* Ap = static_cast<int*>(M->p);
233  int* Ai = static_cast<int*>(M->i);
234  double* Ax = static_cast<double*>(M->x);
236  // vector mapping all indices in flat order to the not ignored indices
237  std::vector<std::size_t> subIndices;
239  if ( ignore )
240  {
241  // init the mappings
242  inverseSubIndices_.resize(N); // size = number of not ignored entries
243  subIndices.resize(matrix.M()*blocksize); // size = number of all entries
245  std::size_t j=0;
246  for( std::size_t block=0; block<matrix.N(); block++ )
247  {
248  for( std::size_t i=0; i<blocksize; i++ )
249  {
250  if( not (*ignore)[block][i] )
251  {
252  subIndices[ block*blocksize + i ] = j;
253  inverseSubIndices_[j] = block*blocksize + i;
254  j++;
255  }
256  }
257  }
258  }
260  // Copy the data to the CHOLMOD array
261  int n = 0;
262  for (auto rowIt = matrix.begin(); rowIt != matrix.end(); rowIt++)
263  {
264  const auto row = rowIt.index();
265  for (std::size_t i=0; i<blocksize; i++)
266  {
267  if( ignore and (*ignore)[row][i] )
268  continue;
270  // col start
271  *Ap++ = n;
273  for (auto colIt = rowIt->begin(); colIt != rowIt->end(); ++colIt)
274  {
275  const auto col = colIt.index();
277  // are we already in the lower part?
278  if (col < row)
279  continue;
281  for (auto j = (row == col ? i : 0); j<blocksize; j++)
282  {
283  if( ignore and (*ignore)[col][j] )
284  continue;
286  const auto jj = ignore ? subIndices[ blocksize*col + j ] : blocksize*col + j;
288  // set the current index and entry
289  *Ai++ = jj;
290  *Ax++ = (*colIt)[i][j];
291  // increase number of set values
292  n++;
293  }
294  }
295  }
296  }
297  // set last col start
298  *Ap = n;
300  // Now analyse the pattern and optimal row order
301  L_ = cholmod_analyze(M.get(), &c_);
303  // Do the factorization (this may take some time)
304  cholmod_factorize(M.get(), L_, &c_);
305  }
308  {
309  return SolverCategory::Category::sequential;
310  }
312 private:
314  // create a destrucable unique_ptr
315  auto make_cholmod_dense(cholmod_dense* x, cholmod_common* c)
316  {
317  const auto deleter = [c](auto* p) {
318  cholmod_free_dense(&p, c);
319  };
320  return std::unique_ptr<cholmod_dense, decltype(deleter)>(x, deleter);
321  }
323  cholmod_common c_;
324  cholmod_factor* L_ = nullptr;
326  // indicator for a 0x0 problem (due to ignore dof's)
327  bool nIsZero_ = false;
329  // mapping from the not ignored indices in flat order to all indices in flat order
330  // it also holds the info about ignore nodes: if it is empty => no ignore field
331  std::vector<std::size_t> inverseSubIndices_;
333 };
335  struct CholmodCreator{
336  template<class F> struct isValidBlock : std::false_type{};
337  template<int k> struct isValidBlock<FieldVector<double,k>> : std::true_type{};
338  template<int k> struct isValidBlock<FieldVector<float,k>> : std::true_type{};
340  template<class TL, typename M>
341  std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
342  typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
343  operator()(TL /*tl*/, const M& mat, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
344  std::enable_if_t<isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
345  {
346  using D = typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type;
347  auto solver = std::make_shared<Dune::Cholmod<D>>();
348  solver->setMatrix(mat);
349  return solver;
350  };
352  // second version with SFINAE to validate the template parameters of Cholmod
353  template<typename TL, typename M>
354  std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
355  typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
356  operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& /*mat*/, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
357  std::enable_if_t<!isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
358  {
359  DUNE_THROW(UnsupportedType, "Unsupported Type in Cholmod");
360  };
361  };
362  DUNE_REGISTER_DIRECT_SOLVER("cholmod", Dune::CholmodCreator());
364 } /* namespace Dune */
Implementation of the BCRSMatrix class.
This file implements a vector space as a tensor product of a given vector space. The number of compon...
A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:425
A vector of blocks with memory management.
Definition: bvector.hh:403
void apply(X &x, B &b, double reduction, InverseOperatorResult &res)
simple forward to apply(X&, Y&, InverseOperatorResult&)
Definition: cholmod.hh:84
void setMatrix(const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, k >> &matrix)
Set matrix without ignore nodes.
Definition: cholmod.hh:165
Definition: cholmod.hh:70
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
Category of the solver (see SolverCategory::Category)
Definition: cholmod.hh:307
Default constructor.
Definition: cholmod.hh:60
void setMatrix(const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, k >> &matrix, const Ignore *ignore)
Set matrix and ignore nodes.
Definition: cholmod.hh:186
void apply(X &x, B &b, InverseOperatorResult &res)
solve the linear system Ax=b (possibly with respect to some ignore field)
Definition: cholmod.hh:95
Base class for Dune-Exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:94
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:69
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:96
Abstract base class for all solvers.
Definition: solver.hh:97
Hierarchical structure of string parameters.
Definition: parametertree.hh:35
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number ...
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
decltype(auto) apply(F &&f, ArgTuple &&args)
Apply function with arguments given as tuple.
Definition: apply.hh:46
A macro to mark intentionally unused function parameters with.
Definition: unused.hh:25
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
Define general, extensible interface for inverse operators.
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:46
int iterations
Number of iterations.
Definition: solver.hh:65
bool converged
True if convergence criterion has been met.
Definition: solver.hh:71
Definition: solvercategory.hh:21
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