Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)
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161 return IdentityGridLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition, const IdentityGrid<HostGrid> >(this, level);
168 return IdentityGridLevelIterator<codim,All_Partition, const IdentityGrid<HostGrid> >(this, level, true);
174 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LevelIterator lbegin (int level) const {
181 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LevelIterator lend (int level) const {
182 return IdentityGridLevelIterator<codim,PiType, const IdentityGrid<HostGrid> >(this, level, true);
196 return IdentityGridLeafIterator<codim,All_Partition, const IdentityGrid<HostGrid> >(this, true);
202 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LeafIterator leafbegin() const {
209 typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LeafIterator leafend() const {
401 const typename HostGrid::Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity& getHostEntity(const typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity& e) const
Collective communication interface and sequential default implementation.
Definition: collectivecommunication.hh:80
Store a reference to an entity with a minimal memory footprint.
Definition: entityseed.hh:24
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:277
Definition: grid.hh:855
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typenamestd::add_lvalue_reference< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typenamestd::remove_const< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1026
bool loadBalance()
default implementation of load balance does nothing and returns false
Definition: grid.hh:941
GridFamily::Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication
A type that is a model of Dune::CollectiveCommunication. It provides a portable way for collective co...
Definition: grid.hh:519
The EntitySeed class provides the minimal information needed to restore an Entity using the grid.
Definition: identitygridentityseed.hh:22
The implementation of entities in a IdentityGrid.
Definition: identitygridentity.hh:53
Iterator over the descendants of an entity.Mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit...
Definition: identitygridhierarchiciterator.hh:24
Iterator over all element neighborsMesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all nei...
Definition: identitygridintersectioniterator.hh:27
An intersection with a leaf neighbor elementMesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visi...
Definition: identitygridintersections.hh:31
Iterator over all entities of a given codimension and level of a grid.
Definition: identitygridleafiterator.hh:20
Definition: identitygridindexsets.hh:24
Definition: identitygridintersectioniterator.hh:82
Definition: identitygridintersections.hh:190
Iterator over all entities of a given codimension and level of a grid.
Definition: identitygridleveliterator.hh:19
bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
Mark entity for refinement.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:312
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
Iterator to first leaf entity of given codim.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:188
const Traits::LevelIndexSet & levelIndexSet(int level) const
Access to the LevelIndexSets.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:258
const CollectiveCommunication< IdentityGrid > & comm() const
dummy collective communication
Definition: identitygrid.hh:382
IdentityGridFamily< HostGrid::dimension, HostGrid >::Traits Traits
the Traits
Definition: identitygrid.hh:121
const Traits::LeafIndexSet & leafIndexSet() const
Access to the LeafIndexSet.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:269
int size(int level, int codim) const
Number of grid entities per level and codim.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:216
int size(int level, GeometryType type) const
number of entities per level, codim and geometry type in this process
Definition: identitygrid.hh:233
HostGridType & getHostGrid() const
Returns the hostgrid this IdentityGrid lives in.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:393
unsigned int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const
Size of the ghost cell layer on a given level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:364
void postAdapt()
Clean up refinement markers.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:339
bool adapt()
Triggers the grid refinement process.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:333
HostGrid * hostgrid_
The host grid which contains the actual grid hierarchy structure.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:409
const Traits::GlobalIdSet & globalIdSet() const
Access to the GlobalIdSet.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:246
int size(int codim) const
number of leaf entities per codim in this process
Definition: identitygrid.hh:227
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LeafIterator leafend() const
one past the end of the sequence of leaf entities
Definition: identitygrid.hh:195
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
one past the end on this level
Definition: identitygrid.hh:181
int size(GeometryType type) const
number of leaf entities per codim and geometry type in this process
Definition: identitygrid.hh:239
int maxLevel() const
Return maximum level defined in this grid.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:154
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:174
HostGrid::ctype ctype
The type used to store coordinates, inherited from the HostGrid.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:124
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
one past the end on this level
Definition: identitygrid.hh:167
size_t numBoundarySegments() const
returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid
Definition: identitygrid.hh:222
const Traits::LocalIdSet & localIdSet() const
Access to the LocalIdSet.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:252
IdentityGridFamily< HostGrid::dimension, HostGrid > GridFamily
type of the used GridFamily for this grid
Definition: identitygrid.hh:118
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LeafIterator leafend() const
one past the end of the sequence of leaf entities
Definition: identitygrid.hh:209
unsigned int overlapSize(int codim) const
Size of the overlap on the leaf level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:346
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:160
IdentityGrid(HostGrid &hostgrid)
Definition: identitygrid.hh:131
const HostGrid::Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity & getHostEntity(const typename Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity &e) const
Returns the hostgrid entity encapsulated in given IdentityGrid entity.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:401
unsigned int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const
Size of the overlap on a given level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:358
bool preAdapt()
returns true, if at least one entity is marked for adaption
Definition: identitygrid.hh:327
unsigned int ghostSize(int codim) const
Size of the ghost cell layer on the leaf level.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:352
Traits::template Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::Entity entity(const EntitySeed &seed) const
Create Entity from EntitySeed.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:278
int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
Return refinement mark for entity.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:321
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
Iterator to first leaf entity of given codim.
Definition: identitygrid.hh:202
IndexType size(GeometryType type) const
Return total number of entities of given geometry type in entity set .
Definition: indexidset.hh:220
Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs.
A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation.
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
The IdentityGridEntity class.
The IdentityGridEntitySeed class.
The IdentityGridGeometry class and its specializations.
The IdentityGridHierarchicIterator class.
The index and id sets for the IdentityGrid class.
The IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator and IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator classes.
The IdentityGridLeafIterator class.
The IdentityGridLevelIterator class.
specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid provides an iterator for (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:72
Specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid implements entities for. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:56
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees a conforming leaf grid. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:113
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees conforming level grids. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:104
A traits struct that collects all associated types of one grid model.
Definition: grid.hh:1064
provides access to host grid objects from GeometryGrid
Definition: identitygrid.hh:36
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