Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)

Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily > Class Template Reference

Grid abstract base class. More...

#include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh>


struct  Codim
 A Traits struct that collects all associated types of one implementation. More...

Exported constants

enum  { dimension =dim }
 A constant that exports the template parameter dim. More...
enum  { dimensionworld =dimworld }
 A constant that exports the template parameter dimworld. More...

Exported types

typedef GridFamily::Traits::LeafGridView LeafGridView
 type of view for leaf grid
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LevelGridView LevelGridView
 type of view for level grid
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LeafIntersection LeafIntersection
 A type that is a model of Dune::Intersection, an intersections of two codimension 1 of two codimension 0 entities in the leaf view.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LevelIntersection LevelIntersection
 A type that is a model of Dune::Intersection, an intersections of two codimension 1 of two codimension 0 entities in a level view.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LeafIntersectionIterator LeafIntersectionIterator
 A type that is a model of Dune::IntersectionIterator which is an iterator that allows to examine, but not to modify, the intersections of codimension 1 of an leaf element (entity of codimension 0) with other leaf elements.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LevelIntersectionIterator LevelIntersectionIterator
 A type that is a model of Dune::IntersectionIterator which is an iterator that allows to examine, but not to modify, the intersections of codimension 1 of an element (entity of codimension 0) with other elements on the same level.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::HierarchicIterator HierarchicIterator
 A type that is a model of Dune::HierarchicIterator A type of iterator that allows to examine, but not to modify, entities of codimension 0 that result from refinement of an entity of codimension 0.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LevelIndexSet LevelIndexSet
 A type that is a model of Dune::IndexSet which provides a consecutive, but non persistent, numbering for entities on a grid level.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LeafIndexSet LeafIndexSet
 A type that is a model of Dune::IndexSet which provides a consecutive, but non persistent, numbering for entities in the leaf grid.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet
 A type that is a model of Dune::IdSet which provides a unique and persistent numbering for all entities in the grid. The numbering is unique over all processes over which the grid is partitioned. The numbering is not necessarily consecutive.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::LocalIdSet LocalIdSet
 A type that is a model of Dune::IdSet which provides a unique and persistent numbering for all entities in the grid. The numbering is only unique in a single process and it is not necessarily consecutive.
typedef GridFamily::Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication
 A type that is a model of Dune::CollectiveCommunication. It provides a portable way for collective communication on the set of processes used by the grid.
typedef ct ctype
 Define type used for coordinates in grid module.

Size methods

int maxLevel () const
 Return maximum level defined in this grid. Levels are numbered 0 ... maxLevel with 0 the coarsest level.
int size (int level, int codim) const
 Return number of grid entities of a given codim on a given level in this process.
int size (int codim) const
 Return number of leaf entities of a given codim in this process.
int size (int level, GeometryType type) const
 Return number of entities per level and geometry type in this process.
int size (GeometryType type) const
 Return number of leaf entities per geometry type in this process.
size_t numBoundarySegments () const
 returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid More...


LevelGridView levelGridView (int level) const
 View for a grid level for All_Partition.
LeafGridView leafGridView () const
 View for the leaf grid for All_Partition.

Access to index and id sets

const GlobalIdSetglobalIdSet () const
 return const reference to the grids global id set
const LocalIdSetlocalIdSet () const
 return const reference to the grids local id set
const LevelIndexSetlevelIndexSet (int level) const
 return const reference to the grids level index set for level level
const LeafIndexSetleafIndexSet () const
 return const reference to the grids leaf index set

Adaptivity and grid refinement

void globalRefine (int refCount)
 Refine the grid refCount times using the default refinement rule. More...
bool mark (int refCount, const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
 Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt. More...
int getMark (const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
 returns adaptation mark for given entity More...
bool preAdapt ()
 To be called after entities have been marked and before adapt() is called. More...
bool adapt ()
 Refine all positive marked leaf entities, coarsen all negative marked entities if possible. More...
void postAdapt ()
 To be called after grid has been adapted and information left over by the adaptation has been processed. More...

Parallel data distribution and communication

const CollectiveCommunicationcomm () const
 return const reference to a collective communication object. The return type is a model of Dune::CollectiveCommunication.
bool loadBalance ()
 Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid,. More...
template<class DataHandle >
bool loadBalance (DataHandle &data)
 Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid and moves the data. More...
template<class EntitySeed >
Codim< EntitySeed::codimension >::Entity entity (const EntitySeed &seed) const
 obtain Entity from EntitySeed.
GridImp & asImp ()
 Barton-Nackman trick.
const GridImp & asImp () const
 Barton-Nackman trick.

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct, class GridFamily>
class Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >

Grid abstract base class.

This class is the base class for all grid implementations. Although no virtual functions are used we call it abstract since its methods do not contain an implementation but forward to the methods of the derived class via the Barton-Nackman trick.

Template Parameters
dimspecifies the dimension of the grid.
dimworldspecifies the dimension of the surrounding space, this can be different from dim, if the grid is defined on a manifold .
ctfield type of the world vector space.
GridFamilytraits class providing all types associated with the grid implementation.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
anonymous enum

A constant that exports the template parameter dim.


The dimension of the grid.

◆ anonymous enum

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
anonymous enum

A constant that exports the template parameter dimworld.


The dimension of the world the grid lives in.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adapt()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
bool Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::adapt ( )

Refine all positive marked leaf entities, coarsen all negative marked entities if possible.

\return true if a least one entity was refined

The complete adaptation process works as follows:

- mark entities with the mark() method
- call preAdapt()
- if preAdapt() returned true: possibly save current solution
- call adapt()
- if adapt() returned true: possibly interpolate the (saved) solution
- call postAdapt()

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp().

◆ getMark()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
int Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::getMark ( const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &  e) const

returns adaptation mark for given entity

[in]eEntity for which adaptation mark should be determined
int adaptation mark currently set for given Entity e

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp().

◆ globalRefine()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
void Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::globalRefine ( int  refCount)

Refine the grid refCount times using the default refinement rule.

This behaves like marking all elements for refinement and then calling preAdapt, adapt and postAdapt. The state after globalRefine is comparable to the state after postAdapt.

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp(), CHECK_AND_CALL_INTERFACE_IMPLEMENTATION, and Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::globalRefine().

Referenced by Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::globalRefine().

◆ loadBalance() [1/2]

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
bool Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::loadBalance ( )

Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid,.

True if the grid has changed.

◆ loadBalance() [2/2]

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
template<class DataHandle >
bool Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::loadBalance ( DataHandle &  data)

Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid and moves the data.

dataA data handle telling the method which data should be communicated and how. Has to adhere to the interface describe by CommDataHandleIf just like the data handle for the communicate methods.
True if the grid has changed.

◆ mark()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
bool Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::mark ( int  refCount,
const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &  e 

Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt.

[in]refCountNumber of subdivisions that should be applied. Negative value means coarsening.
[in]eEntity that should be marked
true if Entity was marked, false otherwise.

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp().

◆ numBoundarySegments()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
size_t Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::numBoundarySegments ( ) const

returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid

number of boundary segments within the macro grid

◆ postAdapt()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
void Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::postAdapt ( )

To be called after grid has been adapted and information left over by the adaptation has been processed.

This removes the isNew flags of the elements from the last adapt call.

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp().

◆ preAdapt()

template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
bool Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::preAdapt ( )

To be called after entities have been marked and before adapt() is called.

This sets the mightVanish flags of the elements for the next adapt call.

true if an entity may be coarsened during a subsequent adapt(), false otherwise.

References Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::asImp().

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