Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)

Construct a matrix with a dynamic size. More...

#include <dune/common/dynmatrix.hh>

Public Types

 We are at the leaf of the block recursion.
typedef Traits::derived_type derived_type
 type of derived matrix class
typedef Traits::value_type field_type
 export the type representing the field
typedef Traits::value_type block_type
 export the type representing the components
typedef Traits::row_reference row_reference
 The type used to represent a reference to a row (usually row_type &)
typedef Traits::const_row_reference const_row_reference
 The type used to represent a reference to a constant row (usually const row_type &)
typedef DenseIterator< DenseMatrix, row_type, row_referenceIterator
 Iterator class for sequential access.
typedef Iterator iterator
 typedef for stl compliant access
typedef Iterator RowIterator
 rename the iterators for easier access
typedef std::remove_reference< row_reference >::type::Iterator ColIterator
 rename the iterators for easier access
typedef DenseIterator< const DenseMatrix, const row_type, const_row_referenceConstIterator
 Iterator class for sequential access.
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator
 typedef for stl compliant access
typedef ConstIterator ConstRowIterator
 rename the iterators for easier access
typedef std::remove_reference< const_row_reference >::type::ConstIterator ConstColIterator
 rename the iterators for easier access

Public Member Functions

 DynamicMatrix ()
 Default constructor.
 DynamicMatrix (size_type r, size_type c, value_type v=value_type())
 Constructor initializing the whole matrix with a scalar.
 DynamicMatrix (std::initializer_list< DynamicVector< K > > const &ll)
 Constructor initializing the matrix from a list of vector.
void resize (size_type r, size_type c, value_type v=value_type())
 resize matrix to r × c More...
row_reference operator[] (size_type i)
 random access
size_type size () const
 size method (number of rows)
Iterator begin ()
 begin iterator
ConstIterator begin () const
 begin iterator
Iterator end ()
 end iterator
ConstIterator end () const
 end iterator
Iterator beforeEnd ()
ConstIterator beforeEnd () const
Iterator beforeBegin ()
ConstIterator beforeBegin () const
derived_typeoperator+= (const DenseMatrix< Other > &y)
 vector space addition
derived_typeoperator-= (const DenseMatrix< Other > &y)
 vector space subtraction
derived_typeoperator*= (const field_type &k)
 vector space multiplication with scalar
derived_typeoperator/= (const field_type &k)
 vector space division by scalar
derived_typeaxpy (const field_type &k, const DenseMatrix< Other > &y)
 vector space axpy operation (*this += k y)
bool operator== (const DenseMatrix< Other > &y) const
 Binary matrix comparison.
bool operator!= (const DenseMatrix< Other > &y) const
 Binary matrix incomparison.
void mv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y = A x
void mtv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y = A^T x
void umv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += A x
void umtv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += A^T x
void umhv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += A^H x
void mmv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y -= A x
void mmtv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y -= A^T x
void mmhv (const X &x, Y &y) const
 y -= A^H x
void usmv (const typename FieldTraits< Y >::field_type &alpha, const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += alpha A x
void usmtv (const typename FieldTraits< Y >::field_type &alpha, const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += alpha A^T x
void usmhv (const typename FieldTraits< Y >::field_type &alpha, const X &x, Y &y) const
 y += alpha A^H x
FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type frobenius_norm () const
 frobenius norm: sqrt(sum over squared values of entries)
FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type frobenius_norm2 () const
 square of frobenius norm, need for block recursion
FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm () const
 infinity norm (row sum norm, how to generalize for blocks?)
FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm () const
 infinity norm (row sum norm, how to generalize for blocks?)
FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm_real () const
 simplified infinity norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm_real () const
 simplified infinity norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
void solve (V &x, const V &b) const
 Solve system A x = b. More...
void invert ()
 Compute inverse. More...
field_type determinant () const
 calculates the determinant of this matrix
DynamicMatrix< K > & leftmultiply (const DenseMatrix< M2 > &M)
 Multiplies M from the left to this matrix.
DynamicMatrix< K > & rightmultiply (const DenseMatrix< M2 > &M)
 Multiplies M from the right to this matrix.
size_type N () const
 number of rows
size_type M () const
 number of columns
size_type rows () const
 number of rows
size_type cols () const
 number of columns
bool exists (size_type i, size_type j) const
 return true when (i,j) is in pattern

Detailed Description

template<class K>
class Dune::DynamicMatrix< K >

Construct a matrix with a dynamic size.

Template Parameters
Kis the field type (use float, double, complex, etc)

Member Function Documentation

◆ beforeBegin() [1/2]

Iterator Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::beforeBegin ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeBegin() [2/2]

ConstIterator Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::beforeBegin ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeEnd() [1/2]

Iterator Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::beforeEnd ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector, i.e. at the last entry.

◆ beforeEnd() [2/2]

ConstIterator Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::beforeEnd ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector. i.e. at the last element

◆ invert()

void Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::invert ( )

Compute inverse.

FMatrixErrorif the matrix is singular

◆ resize()

template<class K >
void Dune::DynamicMatrix< K >::resize ( size_type  r,
size_type  c,
value_type  v = value_type() 

resize matrix to r × c

Resize the matrix to r × c, using v as the value of all entries.

All previous entries are lost, even when the matrix was not actually resized.
rnumber of rows
cnumber of columns
vvalue of matrix entries

◆ solve()

void Dune::DenseMatrix< DynamicMatrix< K > >::solve ( V &  x,
const V &  b 
) const

Solve system A x = b.

FMatrixErrorif the matrix is singular

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