Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Dune::Capabilities::viewThreadSafe< Grid > Struct Template Reference

Specialize with 'true' if the grid implementation is thread safe, while it is not modified. (default=false) More...

#include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh>

Detailed Description

template<class Grid>
struct Dune::Capabilities::viewThreadSafe< Grid >

Specialize with 'true' if the grid implementation is thread safe, while it is not modified. (default=false)

This capability is 'true' if the grid is thread safe, at least while working on a GridView. This means especially that all grid modification, like load balancing and grid adaption are not necessarily thread safe.

See also
that the communicate method can only be called by one individual thread, as the whole Dune parallel components are (i.e. cannot be) not thread safe.
the methods leafGridView(), levelGridView(level) on the Grid can only be called single-threaded
calling the methods indexSet(), idSet(), globalIdSet() on the Grid or the GridView is only allowed, if they were called once before starting the threads.

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