Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Dune::FloatCmp Namespace Reference


struct  DefaultEpsilon
 mapping from a value type and a compare style to a default epsilon More...
struct  EpsilonType
 Mapping of value type to epsilon type. More...
struct  EpsilonType< FieldVector< T, n > >
 Specialization of EpsilonType for Dune::FieldVector. More...
struct  EpsilonType< std::vector< T, A > >
 Specialization of EpsilonType for std::vector. More...


enum  CmpStyle { relativeWeak , relativeStrong , absolute , defaultCmpStyle = relativeWeak }
enum  RoundingStyle {
  towardZero , towardInf , downward , upward ,
  defaultRoundingStyle = towardZero


template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool eq (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test for equality using epsilon More...
template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool ne (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test for inequality using epsilon More...
template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool gt (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test if first greater than second More...
template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool lt (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test if first lesser than second More...
template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool ge (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test if first greater or equal second More...
template<class T , CmpStyle style>
bool le (const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, style >::value())
 test if first lesser or equal second More...
template<class I , class T , CmpStyle cstyle, RoundingStyle rstyle>
round (const T &val, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, cstyle >::value())
 round using epsilon More...
template<class I , class T , CmpStyle cstyle, RoundingStyle rstyle>
trunc (const T &val, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon=DefaultEpsilon< T, cstyle >::value())
 truncate using epsilon More...

Detailed Description

FloatCmp namespace

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