Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Dune::base_array_window< B, A > Class Template Reference

Extend base_array_unmanaged by functions to manipulate. More...

#include <dune/istl/basearray.hh>

Public Types

typedef B member_type
 export the type representing the components
typedef A allocator_type
 export the allocator type
typedef base_array_unmanaged< B, A >::iterator iterator
 make iterators available as types
typedef base_array_unmanaged< B, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
 make iterators available as types
typedef base_array_unmanaged< B, A >::size_type size_type
 The type used for the index access.
typedef A::difference_type difference_type
 The type used for the difference between two iterator positions.

Public Member Functions

 base_array_window ()
 makes empty array
 base_array_window (B *_p, size_type _n)
 make array from given pointer and size
void set (size_type _n, B *_p)
 set pointer and length
void advance (difference_type newsize)
 advance pointer by newsize elements and then set size to new size
void move (difference_type offset, size_type newsize)
 increment pointer by offset and set size
void move (difference_type offset)
 increment pointer by offset, leave size
B * getptr ()
 return the pointer
B & operator[] (size_type i)
 random access to blocks
const B & operator[] (size_type i) const
 same for read only access
iterator begin ()
 begin iterator
const_iterator begin () const
 begin const_iterator
iterator end ()
 end iterator
const_iterator end () const
 end const_iterator
iterator beforeEnd ()
const_iterator beforeEnd () const
iterator beforeBegin ()
const_iterator beforeBegin () const
iterator find (size_type i)
 random access returning iterator (end if not contained)
const_iterator find (size_type i) const
 random access returning iterator (end if not contained)
size_type size () const
 number of blocks in the array (are of size 1 here)

Detailed Description

template<class B, class A = std::allocator<B>>
class Dune::base_array_window< B, A >

Extend base_array_unmanaged by functions to manipulate.

This container has *NO* memory management at all,
copy constuctor, assignment and destructor are all default.
A container can be constructed as empty or from a given pointer

and size. This class is used to implement a view into a larger array.

You can copy such an object to a base_array to make a real copy.

Error checking: no error checking is provided normally.
Setting the compile time switch DUNE_ISTL_WITH_CHECKING
enables error checking.

This class is an implementation detail, and should not be used outside of dune-istl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ beforeBegin() [1/2]

iterator Dune::base_array_unmanaged< B, std::allocator< B > >::beforeBegin ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeBegin() [2/2]

const_iterator Dune::base_array_unmanaged< B, std::allocator< B > >::beforeBegin ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeEnd() [1/2]

iterator Dune::base_array_unmanaged< B, std::allocator< B > >::beforeEnd ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector, i.e. at the last entry.

◆ beforeEnd() [2/2]

const_iterator Dune::base_array_unmanaged< B, std::allocator< B > >::beforeEnd ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector. i.e. at the last element.

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