Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType > Class Template Referenceabstract

VirtualRefinement base class. More...

#include <dune/geometry/virtualrefinement.hh>


struct  Codim
 codim database of VirtualRefinement More...

Public Types

typedef Codim< dimension >::SubEntityIterator VertexIterator
 The VertexIterator of the VirtualRefinement.
typedef Codim< 0 >::SubEntityIterator ElementIterator
 The ElementIterator of the VirtualRefinement.
typedef FieldVector< CoordType, dimension > CoordVector
 The CoordVector of the VirtualRefinement. More...
typedef std::vector< int > IndexVector
 The IndexVector of the VirtualRefinement. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual int nVertices (int level) const =0
 Get the number of Vertices.
VertexIterator vBegin (int level) const
 Get a VertexIterator.
VertexIterator vEnd (int level) const
 Get a VertexIterator.
virtual int nElements (int level) const =0
 Get the number of Elements.
ElementIterator eBegin (int level) const
 Get an ElementIterator.
ElementIterator eEnd (int level) const
 Get an ElementIterator.
virtual ~VirtualRefinement ()

Detailed Description

template<int dimension, class CoordType>
class Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >

VirtualRefinement base class.

dimensionThe dimension of the element to refine
CoordTypeThe C++ type of the coordinates

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CoordVector

template<int dimension, class CoordType >
typedef FieldVector<CoordType, dimension> Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::CoordVector

The CoordVector of the VirtualRefinement.

This is always a typedef to a FieldVector

◆ IndexVector

template<int dimension, class CoordType >
typedef std::vector<int> Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >::IndexVector

The IndexVector of the VirtualRefinement.

This is always a typedef to a std::vector

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