Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration. More...

#include <dune/istl/paamg/amg.hh>

Public Types

enum  { category = S::category }
typedef M Operator
 The matrix operator type.
typedef PI ParallelInformation
 The type of the parallel information. Either OwnerOverlapCommunication or another type describing the parallel data distribution and providing communication methods.
typedef MatrixHierarchy< M, ParallelInformation, A > OperatorHierarchy
 The operator hierarchy type.
typedef OperatorHierarchy::ParallelInformationHierarchy ParallelInformationHierarchy
 The parallal data distribution hierarchy type.
typedef X Domain
 The domain type.
typedef X Range
 The range type.
typedef InverseOperator< X, X > CoarseSolver
 the type of the coarse solver.
typedef S Smoother
 The type of the smoother. More...
typedef SmootherTraits< Smoother >::Arguments SmootherArgs
 The argument type for the construction of the smoother.
typedef X domain_type
 The domain type of the preconditioner.
typedef X range_type
 The range type of the preconditioner.
typedef X::field_type field_type
 The field type of the preconditioner.

Public Member Functions

 AMG (const OperatorHierarchy &matrices, CoarseSolver &coarseSolver, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs, const Parameters &parms)
 Construct a new amg with a specific coarse solver. More...
template<class C >
 AMG (const Operator &fineOperator, const C &criterion, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs=SmootherArgs(), const ParallelInformation &pinfo=ParallelInformation())
 Construct an AMG with an inexact coarse solver based on the smoother. More...
 AMG (const AMG &amg)
 Copy constructor.
void pre (Domain &x, Range &b)
 Prepare the preconditioner. More...
void apply (Domain &v, const Range &d)
 Apply one step of the preconditioner to the system A(v)=d. More...
void post (Domain &x)
 Clean up. More...
template<class A1 >
void getCoarsestAggregateNumbers (std::vector< std::size_t, A1 > &cont)
 Get the aggregate number of each unknown on the coarsest level. More...
void recalculateHierarchy ()
 Recalculate the matrix hierarchy. More...
bool usesDirectCoarseLevelSolver () const
 Check whether the coarse solver used is a direct solver. More...

Detailed Description

template<class M, class X, class S, class PI = SequentialInformation, class A = std::allocator<X>>
class Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >

Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration.

Template Parameters
MThe matrix type
XThe vector type
AAn allocator for X

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