Dune Core Modules (2.5.1)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
3 #ifndef DUNE_ISTL_IO_HH
4 #define DUNE_ISTL_IO_HH
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <complex>
8 #include <limits>
9 #include <ios>
10 #include <iomanip>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <string>
14 #include "matrixutils.hh"
15 #include "istlexception.hh"
16 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
17 #include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
18 #include <dune/common/dynmatrix.hh>
20 #include <dune/common/unused.hh>
22 #include <dune/istl/matrix.hh>
24 #include "bcrsmatrix.hh"
27 namespace Dune {
41  //
42  // pretty printing of vectors
43  //
52  template<class V>
53  void recursive_printvector (std::ostream& s, const V& v, std::string rowtext,
54  int& counter, int columns, int width,
55  int precision)
56  {
57  for (typename V::ConstIterator i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
58  recursive_printvector(s,*i,rowtext,counter,columns,width,precision);
59  }
68  template<class K, int n>
69  void recursive_printvector (std::ostream& s, const FieldVector<K,n>& v,
70  std::string rowtext, int& counter, int columns,
71  int width, int precision)
72  {
74  // we now can print n numbers
75  for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
76  {
77  if (counter%columns==0)
78  {
79  s << rowtext; // start a new row
80  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
81  s.width(4); // set width for counter
82  s << counter; // number of first entry in a line
83  }
84  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
85  s.width(width); // set width for each entry anew
86  s << v[i]; // yeah, the number !
87  counter++; // increment the counter
88  if (counter%columns==0)
89  s << std::endl; // start a new line
90  }
91  }
101  template<class V>
102  void printvector (std::ostream& s, const V& v, std::string title,
103  std::string rowtext, int columns=1, int width=10,
104  int precision=2)
105  {
106  // count the numbers printed to make columns
107  int counter=0;
109  // remember old flags
110  std::ios_base::fmtflags oldflags = s.flags();
112  // set the output format
113  s.setf(std::ios_base::scientific, std::ios_base::floatfield);
114  int oldprec = s.precision();
115  s.precision(precision);
117  // print title
118  s << title << " [blocks=" << v.N() << ",dimension=" << v.dim() << "]"
119  << std::endl;
121  // print data from all blocks
122  recursive_printvector(s,v,rowtext,counter,columns,width,precision);
124  // check if new line is required
125  if (counter%columns!=0)
126  s << std::endl;
128  // reset the output format
129  s.flags(oldflags);
130  s.precision(oldprec);
131  }
135  //
136  // pretty printing of matrices
137  //
146  inline void fill_row (std::ostream& s, int m, int width, int precision)
147  {
148  DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(precision);
149  for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
150  {
151  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
152  s.width(width); // set width for each entry anew
153  s << "."; // yeah, the number !
154  }
155  }
164  template<class M>
165  void print_row (std::ostream& s, const M& A, typename M::size_type I,
166  typename M::size_type J, typename M::size_type therow,
167  int width, int precision)
168  {
169  typename M::size_type i0=I;
170  for (typename M::size_type i=0; i<A.N(); i++)
171  {
172  if (therow>=i0 && therow<i0+MatrixDimension<M>::rowdim(A,i))
173  {
174  // the row is in this block row !
175  typename M::size_type j0=J;
176  for (typename M::size_type j=0; j<A.M(); j++)
177  {
178  // find this block
179  typename M::ConstColIterator it = A[i].find(j);
181  // print row or filler
182  if (it!=A[i].end())
183  print_row(s,*it,i0,j0,therow,width,precision);
184  else
185  fill_row(s,MatrixDimension<M>::coldim(A,j),width,precision);
187  // advance columns
188  j0 += MatrixDimension<M>::coldim(A,j);
189  }
190  }
191  // advance rows
192  i0 += MatrixDimension<M>::rowdim(A,i);
193  }
194  }
203  template<class K, int n, int m>
204  void print_row (std::ostream& s, const FieldMatrix<K,n,m>& A,
205  typename FieldMatrix<K,n,m>::size_type I,
206  typename FieldMatrix<K,n,m>::size_type J,
207  typename FieldMatrix<K,n,m>::size_type therow, int width,
208  int precision)
209  {
211  DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(precision);
213  typedef typename FieldMatrix<K,n,m>::size_type size_type;
215  for (size_type i=0; i<n; i++)
216  if (I+i==therow)
217  for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
218  {
219  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
220  s.width(width); // set width for each entry anew
221  s << A[i][j]; // yeah, the number !
222  }
223  }
232  template<class K>
233  void print_row (std::ostream& s, const FieldMatrix<K,1,1>& A,
234  typename FieldMatrix<K,1,1>::size_type I,
235  typename FieldMatrix<K,1,1>::size_type J,
236  typename FieldMatrix<K,1,1>::size_type therow,
237  int width, int precision)
238  {
240  DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(precision);
242  if (I==therow)
243  {
244  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
245  s.width(width); // set width for each entry anew
246  s << static_cast<K>(A); // yeah, the number !
247  }
248  }
258  template<class M>
259  void printmatrix (std::ostream& s, const M& A, std::string title,
260  std::string rowtext, int width=10, int precision=2)
261  {
263  // remember old flags
264  std::ios_base::fmtflags oldflags = s.flags();
266  // set the output format
267  s.setf(std::ios_base::scientific, std::ios_base::floatfield);
268  int oldprec = s.precision();
269  s.precision(precision);
271  // print title
272  s << title
273  << " [n=" << A.N()
274  << ",m=" << A.M()
275  << ",rowdim=" << MatrixDimension<M>::rowdim(A)
276  << ",coldim=" << MatrixDimension<M>::coldim(A)
277  << "]" << std::endl;
279  // print all rows
280  for (typename M::size_type i=0; i<MatrixDimension<M>::rowdim(A); i++)
281  {
282  s << rowtext; // start a new row
283  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
284  s.width(4); // set width for counter
285  s << i; // number of first entry in a line
286  print_row(s,A,0,0,i,width,precision); // generic print
287  s << std::endl; // start a new line
288  }
290  // reset the output format
291  s.flags(oldflags);
292  s.precision(oldprec);
293  }
316  template<class B, int n, int m, class A>
317  void printSparseMatrix(std::ostream& s,
318  const BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<B,n,m>,A>& mat,
319  std::string title, std::string rowtext,
320  int width=3, int precision=2)
321  {
323  // remember old flags
324  std::ios_base::fmtflags oldflags = s.flags();
325  // set the output format
326  s.setf(std::ios_base::scientific, std::ios_base::floatfield);
327  int oldprec = s.precision();
328  s.precision(precision);
329  // print title
330  s << title
331  << " [n=" << mat.N()
332  << ",m=" << mat.M()
333  << ",rowdim=" << MatrixDimension<Matrix>::rowdim(mat)
334  << ",coldim=" << MatrixDimension<Matrix>::coldim(mat)
335  << "]" << std::endl;
337  typedef typename Matrix::ConstRowIterator Row;
339  for(Row row=mat.begin(); row != mat.end(); ++row) {
340  int skipcols=0;
341  bool reachedEnd=false;
343  while(!reachedEnd) {
344  for(int innerrow=0; innerrow<n; ++innerrow) {
345  int count=0;
346  typedef typename Matrix::ConstColIterator Col;
347  Col col=row->begin();
348  for(; col != row->end(); ++col,++count) {
349  if(count<skipcols)
350  continue;
351  if(count>=skipcols+width)
352  break;
353  if(innerrow==0) {
354  if(count==skipcols) {
355  s << rowtext; // start a new row
356  s << " "; // space in front of each entry
357  s.width(4); // set width for counter
358  s << row.index()<<": "; // number of first entry in a line
359  }
360  s.width(4);
361  s<<col.index()<<": |";
362  } else {
363  if(count==skipcols) {
364  for(typename std::string::size_type i=0; i < rowtext.length(); i++)
365  s<<" ";
366  s<<" ";
367  }
368  s<<" |";
369  }
370  for(int innercol=0; innercol < m; ++innercol) {
371  s.width(9);
372  s<<(*col)[innerrow][innercol]<<" ";
373  }
375  s<<"|";
376  }
377  if(innerrow==n-1 && col==row->end())
378  reachedEnd = true;
379  else
380  s << std::endl;
381  }
382  skipcols += width;
383  s << std::endl;
384  }
385  s << std::endl;
386  }
388  // reset the output format
389  s.flags(oldflags);
390  s.precision(oldprec);
391  }
393  namespace
394  {
395  template<typename T>
396  struct MatlabPODWriter
397  {
398  static std::ostream& write(const T& t, std::ostream& s)
399  {
400  s << t;
401  return s;
402  }
403  };
404  template<typename T>
405  struct MatlabPODWriter<std::complex<T> >
406  {
407  static std::ostream& write(const std::complex<T>& t, std::ostream& s)
408  {
409  s << t.real() << " " << t.imag();
410  return s;
411  }
412  };
413  } // anonymous namespace
424  template <class FieldType, int dim>
425  void writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(const ScaledIdentityMatrix<FieldType,dim>& matrix, int rowOffset, int colOffset, std::ostream& s)
426  {
427  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
428  {
429  //+1 for Matlab numbering
430  s << rowOffset + i + 1 << " " << colOffset + i + 1 << " ";
431  MatlabPODWriter<FieldType>::write(matrix.scalar(), s)<< std::endl;
432  }
433  }
444  template <class FieldType, int dim>
445  void writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(const DiagonalMatrix<FieldType,dim>& matrix, int rowOffset, int colOffset, std::ostream& s)
446  {
447  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
448  {
449  //+1 for Matlab numbering
450  s << rowOffset + i + 1 << " " << colOffset + i + 1 << " ";
451  MatlabPODWriter<FieldType>::write(matrix.diagonal(i), s)<< std::endl;
452  }
453  }
464  template <class FieldType, int rows, int cols>
466  ( const FieldMatrix<FieldType,rows,cols>& matrix, int rowOffset,
467  int colOffset, std::ostream& s)
468  {
469  for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
470  for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
471  //+1 for Matlab numbering
472  s << rowOffset + i + 1 << " " << colOffset + j + 1 << " ";
473  MatlabPODWriter<FieldType>::write(matrix[i][j], s)<< std::endl;
474  }
475  }
486  template <class FieldType>
487  void writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(const DynamicMatrix<FieldType>& matrix, int rowOffset,
488  int colOffset, std::ostream& s)
489  {
490  for (int i=0; i<matrix.N(); i++)
491  for (int j=0; j<matrix.M(); j++) {
492  //+1 for Matlab numbering
493  s << rowOffset + i + 1 << " " << colOffset + j + 1 << " ";
494  MatlabPODWriter<FieldType>::write(matrix[i][j], s)<< std::endl;
495  }
496  }
505  template <class MatrixType>
506  void writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(const MatrixType& matrix,
507  int externalRowOffset, int externalColOffset,
508  std::ostream& s)
509  {
510  // Precompute the accumulated sizes of the columns
511  std::vector<typename MatrixType::size_type> colOffset(matrix.M());
512  if (colOffset.size() > 0)
513  colOffset[0] = 0;
515  for (typename MatrixType::size_type i=0; i<matrix.M()-1; i++)
516  colOffset[i+1] = colOffset[i] +
517  MatrixDimension<MatrixType>::coldim(matrix,i);
519  typename MatrixType::size_type rowOffset = 0;
521  // Loop over all matrix rows
522  for (typename MatrixType::size_type rowIdx=0; rowIdx<matrix.N(); rowIdx++)
523  {
525  const typename MatrixType::row_type& row = matrix[rowIdx];
527  typename MatrixType::row_type::ConstIterator cIt = row.begin();
528  typename MatrixType::row_type::ConstIterator cEndIt = row.end();
530  // Loop over all columns in this row
531  for (; cIt!=cEndIt; ++cIt)
533  externalRowOffset+rowOffset,
534  externalColOffset + colOffset[cIt.index()],
535  s);
537  rowOffset += MatrixDimension<MatrixType>::rowdim(matrix, rowIdx);
538  }
540  }
561  template <class MatrixType>
562  void writeMatrixToMatlab(const MatrixType& matrix,
563  const std::string& filename, int outputPrecision = 18)
564  {
565  std::ofstream outStream(filename.c_str());
566  int oldPrecision = outStream.precision();
567  outStream.precision(outputPrecision);
569  writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(matrix, 0, 0, outStream);
570  outStream.precision(oldPrecision);
571  }
573  // Recursively print all the blocks
574  template<class V>
575  void writeVectorToMatlabHelper (const V& v, std::ostream& stream)
576  {
577  for (const auto& entry : v)
578  writeVectorToMatlabHelper(entry, stream);
579  }
581  // Recursively print all the blocks -- specialization for FieldVector
582  template<class K, int n>
583  void writeVectorToMatlabHelper (const FieldVector<K,n>& v, std::ostream& s)
584  {
585  for (const auto& entry : v)
586  {
587  s << entry << std::endl;
588  }
589  }
591  // Recursively print all the blocks -- specialization for std::vector
592  template<class K>
593  void writeVectorToMatlabHelper (const std::vector<K>& v, std::ostream& s)
594  {
595  for (const auto& entry : v)
596  {
597  s << entry << std::endl;
598  }
599  }
601  // Recursively print all the blocks -- specialization for std::array
602  template<class K, std::size_t n>
603  void writeVectorToMatlabHelper (const std::array<K,n>& v, std::ostream& s)
604  {
605  for (const auto& entry : v)
606  {
607  s << entry << std::endl;
608  }
609  }
628  template <class VectorType>
629  void writeVectorToMatlab(const VectorType& vector,
630  const std::string& filename, int outputPrecision = 18)
631  {
632  std::ofstream outStream(filename.c_str());
633  int oldPrecision = outStream.precision();
634  outStream.precision(outputPrecision);
636  writeVectorToMatlabHelper(vector, outStream);
637  outStream.precision(oldPrecision);
638  }
642 } // namespace Dune
644 #endif
Implementation of the BCRSMatrix class.
A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:423
size_type M() const
number of columns
Definition: densematrix.hh:677
size_type N() const
number of rows
Definition: densematrix.hh:671
A diagonal matrix of static size.
Definition: diagonalmatrix.hh:52
Construct a matrix with a dynamic size.
Definition: dynmatrix.hh:59
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:68
ConstIterator class for sequential access.
Definition: matrix.hh:398
A generic dynamic dense matrix.
Definition: matrix.hh:555
RowIterator end()
Get iterator to one beyond last row.
Definition: matrix.hh:615
RowIterator begin()
Get iterator to first row.
Definition: matrix.hh:609
row_type::const_iterator ConstColIterator
Const iterator for the entries of each row.
Definition: matrix.hh:583
size_type M() const
Return the number of columns.
Definition: matrix.hh:695
size_type N() const
Return the number of rows.
Definition: matrix.hh:690
A multiple of the identity matrix of static size.
Definition: scaledidmatrix.hh:28
const K & scalar() const
Get const reference to the scalar diagonal value.
Definition: scaledidmatrix.hh:459
This file implements a quadratic diagonal matrix of fixed size.
This file implements a dense matrix with dynamic numbers of rows and columns.
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number ...
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
const K & diagonal(size_type i) const
Get const reference to diagonal entry.
Definition: diagonalmatrix.hh:513
void writeMatrixToMatlab(const MatrixType &matrix, const std::string &filename, int outputPrecision=18)
Writes sparse matrix in a Matlab-readable format.
Definition: io.hh:562
void recursive_printvector(std::ostream &s, const V &v, std::string rowtext, int &counter, int columns, int width, int precision)
Recursively print all the blocks.
Definition: io.hh:53
void printmatrix(std::ostream &s, const M &A, std::string title, std::string rowtext, int width=10, int precision=2)
Print a generic block matrix.
Definition: io.hh:259
void printvector(std::ostream &s, const V &v, std::string title, std::string rowtext, int columns=1, int width=10, int precision=2)
Print an ISTL vector.
Definition: io.hh:102
void print_row(std::ostream &s, const M &A, typename M::size_type I, typename M::size_type J, typename M::size_type therow, int width, int precision)
Print one row of a matrix.
Definition: io.hh:165
void writeVectorToMatlab(const VectorType &vector, const std::string &filename, int outputPrecision=18)
Writes vectors in a Matlab-readable format.
Definition: io.hh:629
void printSparseMatrix(std::ostream &s, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< B, n, m >, A > &mat, std::string title, std::string rowtext, int width=3, int precision=2)
Prints a BCRSMatrix with fixed sized blocks.
Definition: io.hh:317
void fill_row(std::ostream &s, int m, int width, int precision)
Print a row of zeros for a non-existing block.
Definition: io.hh:146
void writeMatrixToMatlabHelper(const ScaledIdentityMatrix< FieldType, dim > &matrix, int rowOffset, int colOffset, std::ostream &s)
Helper method for the writeMatrixToMatlab routine.
Definition: io.hh:425
A dynamic dense block matrix class.
Some handy generic functions for ISTL matrices.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:11
This file implements a quadratic matrix of fixed size which is a multiple of the identity.
Definition of the DUNE_UNUSED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
A macro to mark intentionally unused function parameters with.
Definition: unused.hh:18
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