Dune Core Modules (2.5.1)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6#include <dune/grid/common/intersection.hh>
8#include "dgfparser.hh"
10namespace Dune
13 // External Forward Declarations
14 // -----------------------------
16 template< class GridImp, class IntersectionImp >
17 class Intersection;
20 namespace dgf
21 {
37 : public GridParameterBlock
38 {
39 protected:
40 int _overlap; // overlap for YaspGrid
42 public:
44 YaspGridParameterBlock( std::istream &in )
45 : GridParameterBlock( in ),
46 _overlap( 0 ) // default value
47 {
48 // check overlap
49 if( findtoken( "overlap" ) )
50 {
51 int x;
52 if( getnextentry(x) ) _overlap = x;
53 else
54 {
55 dwarn << "GridParameterBlock: found keyword `overlap' but no value, defaulting to `" << _overlap <<"' !\n";
56 }
58 if (_overlap < 0)
59 {
60 DUNE_THROW(DGFException,"Negative overlap specified!");
61 }
62 }
63 else
64 {
65 dwarn << "YaspGridParameterBlock: Parameter 'overlap' not specified, "
66 << "defaulting to '" << _overlap << "'." << std::endl;
67 }
69 }
72 int overlap () const
73 {
74 return _overlap;
75 }
77 };
79 }
84 template <int dim>
85 struct DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid<dim /*, EquidistantCoordinates<double, dim> */> >
86 {
87 typedef YaspGrid<dim> Grid;
88 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
89 typedef MPIHelper::MPICommunicator MPICommunicatorType;
91 private:
93 typedef dgf::BoundaryDomBlock BoundaryDomainBlock;
95 public:
96 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
97 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
98 {
99 generate( input, comm );
100 }
102 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
103 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
104 {
105 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
106 if( !input )
107 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Error: Macrofile '" << filename << "' not found" );
108 generate( input, comm );
109 }
111 ~DGFGridFactory ()
112 {
113 delete boundaryDomainBlock_;
114 }
116 Grid *grid() const
117 {
118 return grid_;
119 }
121 template <class Intersection>
122 bool wasInserted(const Intersection &intersection) const
123 {
124 return false;
125 }
127 template <class Intersection>
128 int boundaryId(const Intersection &intersection) const
129 {
130 if( boundaryDomainBlock_->isactive() )
131 {
132 std::vector< Point > corners;
133 getCorners( intersection.geometry(), corners );
134 const dgf::DomainData *data = boundaryDomainBlock_->contains( corners );
135 if( data )
136 return data->id();
137 else
138 return intersection.indexInInside();
139 }
140 else
141 return intersection.indexInInside();
142 }
144 template< int codim >
145 int numParameters () const
146 {
147 return 0;
148 }
150 // return true if boundary parameters found
151 bool haveBoundaryParameters () const
152 {
153 return boundaryDomainBlock_->hasParameter();
154 }
156 template< class GG, class II >
157 const typename DGFBoundaryParameter::type &
158 boundaryParameter ( const Intersection< GG, II > & intersection ) const
159 {
160 if( haveBoundaryParameters() )
161 {
162 std::vector< Point > corners;
163 getCorners( intersection.geometry(), corners );
164 const dgf::DomainData *data = boundaryDomainBlock_->contains( corners );
165 if( data )
166 return data->parameter();
167 else
169 }
170 else
172 }
174 template< class Entity >
175 std::vector<double> &parameter ( const Entity &entity )
176 {
177 return emptyParam;
178 }
180 private:
181 void generate( std::istream &gridin, MPICommunicatorType comm );
183 template< class Geometry >
184 static void getCorners ( const Geometry &geometry, std::vector< Point > &corners )
185 {
186 corners.resize( geometry.corners() );
187 for( int i = 0; i < geometry.corners(); ++i )
188 {
189 const typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate corner = geometry.corner( i );
190 for( int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j )
191 corners[ i ][ j ] = corner[ j ];
192 }
193 }
195 Grid *grid_;
196 dgf::BoundaryDomBlock *boundaryDomainBlock_;
197 std::vector<double> emptyParam;
198 };
200 // generate YaspGrid from the provided DGF
201 template< int dim >
202 inline void DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim /*, EquidistantCoordinates<double, dim> */> >
203 ::generate ( std::istream &gridin, MPICommunicatorType comm )
204 {
205 dgf::IntervalBlock intervalBlock( gridin );
207 if( !intervalBlock.isactive() )
208 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only be created from an interval block." );
210 if( intervalBlock.numIntervals() != 1 )
211 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only handle 1 interval block." );
213 if( intervalBlock.dimw() != dim )
214 {
216 "Cannot read an interval of dimension " << intervalBlock.dimw()
217 << " into a YaspGrid< " << dim << " >." );
218 }
220 const dgf::IntervalBlock::Interval &interval = intervalBlock.get( 0 );
222 FieldVector<double,dim> lang;
223 std::array<int,dim> anz;
224 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
225 {
226 // check that start point is 0.0
227 if( std::abs( interval.p[ 0 ][ i ] ) > 1e-10 )
228 {
229 DUNE_THROW( DGFException,
230 "YaspGrid cannot handle grids with non-zero left lower corner." );
231 }
233 lang[ i ] = interval.p[ 1 ][ i ] - interval.p[ 0 ][ i ];
234 anz[ i ] = interval.n[ i ];
235 }
237 typedef dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock::AffineTransformation Transformation;
238 dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock trafoBlock( gridin, dim );
239 std::bitset< dim > per;
240 const int numTrafos = trafoBlock.numTransformations();
241 for( int k = 0; k < numTrafos; ++k )
242 {
243 const Transformation &trafo = trafoBlock.transformation( k );
245 bool identity = true;
246 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
247 for( int j = 0; j < dim; ++j )
248 identity &= (std::abs( (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0) - trafo.matrix( i, j ) ) < 1e-10);
249 if( !identity )
250 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only handle shifts as periodic face transformations." );
252 int numDirs = 0;
253 int dir = -1;
254 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
255 {
256 if( std::abs( trafo.shift[ i ] ) < 1e-10 )
257 continue;
258 dir = i;
259 ++numDirs;
260 }
261 if( (numDirs != 1) || (std::abs( std::abs( trafo.shift[ dir ] ) - lang[ dir ] ) >= 1e-10) )
262 {
263 std::cerr << "Tranformation '" << trafo
264 << "' does not map boundaries on boundaries." << std::endl;
265 }
266 else
267 per[ dir ] = true;
268 }
270 // get grid parameters
271 dgf::YaspGridParameterBlock grdParam( gridin );
273 grid_ = new YaspGrid< dim >( lang, anz, per, grdParam.overlap(), comm );
275 boundaryDomainBlock_ = new dgf::BoundaryDomBlock( gridin, dimension );
276 }
278 template <int dim>
279 struct DGFGridInfo< YaspGrid<dim /*, EquidistantCoordinates<double, dim> */> > {
280 static int refineStepsForHalf() {return 1;}
281 static double refineWeight() {return std::pow(0.5,dim);}
282 };
287 template <int dim>
288 struct DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid<dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double, dim> > >
289 {
291 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
292 typedef MPIHelper::MPICommunicator MPICommunicatorType;
294 private:
296 typedef dgf::BoundaryDomBlock BoundaryDomainBlock;
298 public:
299 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
300 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
301 {
302 generate( input, comm );
303 }
305 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
306 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
307 {
308 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
309 generate( input, comm );
310 }
312 ~DGFGridFactory ()
313 {
314 delete boundaryDomainBlock_;
315 }
317 Grid *grid() const
318 {
319 return grid_;
320 }
322 template <class Intersection>
323 bool wasInserted(const Intersection &intersection) const
324 {
325 return false;
326 }
328 template <class Intersection>
329 int boundaryId(const Intersection &intersection) const
330 {
331 if( boundaryDomainBlock_->isactive() )
332 {
333 std::vector< Point > corners;
334 getCorners( intersection.geometry(), corners );
335 const dgf::DomainData *data = boundaryDomainBlock_->contains( corners );
336 if( data )
337 return data->id();
338 else
339 return intersection.indexInInside();
340 }
341 else
342 return intersection.indexInInside();
343 }
345 template< int codim >
346 int numParameters () const
347 {
348 return 0;
349 }
351 // return true if boundary parameters found
352 bool haveBoundaryParameters () const
353 {
354 return boundaryDomainBlock_->hasParameter();
355 }
357 template< class GG, class II >
358 const typename DGFBoundaryParameter::type &
359 boundaryParameter ( const Intersection< GG, II > & intersection ) const
360 {
361 if( haveBoundaryParameters() )
362 {
363 std::vector< Point > corners;
364 getCorners( intersection.geometry(), corners );
365 const dgf::DomainData *data = boundaryDomainBlock_->contains( corners );
366 if( data )
367 return data->parameter();
368 else
370 }
371 else
373 }
375 template< class Entity >
376 std::vector<double> &parameter ( const Entity &entity )
377 {
378 return emptyParam;
379 }
381 private:
382 void generate( std::istream &gridin, MPICommunicatorType comm );
384 template< class Geometry >
385 static void getCorners ( const Geometry &geometry, std::vector< Point > &corners )
386 {
387 corners.resize( geometry.corners() );
388 for( int i = 0; i < geometry.corners(); ++i )
389 {
390 const typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate corner = geometry.corner( i );
391 for( int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j )
392 corners[ i ][ j ] = corner[ j ];
393 }
394 }
396 Grid *grid_;
397 dgf::BoundaryDomBlock *boundaryDomainBlock_;
398 std::vector<double> emptyParam;
399 };
401 // generate YaspGrid from the provided DGF
402 template< int dim >
403 inline void DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid<dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double, dim> > >
404 ::generate ( std::istream &gridin, MPICommunicatorType comm )
405 {
406 dgf::IntervalBlock intervalBlock( gridin );
408 if( !intervalBlock.isactive() )
409 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only be created from an interval block." );
411 if( intervalBlock.numIntervals() != 1 )
412 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only handle 1 interval block." );
414 if( intervalBlock.dimw() != dim )
415 {
417 "Cannot read an interval of dimension "
418 << intervalBlock.dimw()
419 << " into a YaspGrid< " << dim << " >." );
420 }
422 const dgf::IntervalBlock::Interval &interval = intervalBlock.get( 0 );
424 FieldVector<double,dim> lower;
425 FieldVector<double,dim> upper;
426 std::array<int,dim> anz;
427 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
428 {
429 lower[ i ] = interval.p[ 0 ][ i ];
430 upper[ i ] = interval.p[ 1 ][ i ];
431 anz[ i ] = interval.n[ i ];
432 }
434 typedef dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock::AffineTransformation Transformation;
435 dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock trafoBlock( gridin, dim );
436 std::bitset< dim > periodic;
437 const int numTrafos = trafoBlock.numTransformations();
438 for( int k = 0; k < numTrafos; ++k )
439 {
440 const Transformation &trafo = trafoBlock.transformation( k );
442 bool identity = true;
443 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
444 for( int j = 0; j < dim; ++j )
445 identity &= (std::abs( (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0) - trafo.matrix( i, j ) ) < 1e-10);
446 if( !identity )
447 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "YaspGrid can only handle shifts as periodic face transformations." );
449 int numDirs = 0;
450 int dir = -1;
451 for( int currentDir = 0; currentDir < dim; ++currentDir )
452 {
453 if( std::abs( trafo.shift[ currentDir ] ) > 1e-10 )
454 {
455 dir = currentDir;
456 ++numDirs;
457 }
458 }
459 if ( (numDirs != 1)
460 || (std::abs( std::abs( trafo.shift[ dir ] ) - std::abs( upper[ dir ] - lower[ dir ] ) ) >= 1e-10) )
461 {
462 std::cerr << "Tranformation '" << trafo
463 << "' does not map boundaries on boundaries." << std::endl;
464 }
465 else
466 {
467 periodic[ dir ] = true;
468 }
469 }
471 // get grid parameters
472 dgf::YaspGridParameterBlock grdParam( gridin );
474 grid_ = new YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double, dim> >
475 ( lower, upper, anz, periodic, grdParam.overlap(), comm );
477 boundaryDomainBlock_ = new dgf::BoundaryDomBlock( gridin, dimension );
478 }
480 template <int dim>
481 struct DGFGridInfo< YaspGrid<dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double, dim> > > {
482 static int refineStepsForHalf() {return 1;}
483 static double refineWeight() {return std::pow(0.5,dim);}
484 };
487#endif // #ifndef DUNE_DGFPARSERYASP_HH
exception class for IO errors in the DGF parser
Definition: dgfexception.hh:14
Wrapper class for entities.
Definition: entity.hh:65
Container for equidistant coordinates in a YaspGrid with non-trivial origin.
Definition: coordinates.hh:125
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:93
Wrapper class for geometries.
Definition: geometry.hh:66
GlobalCoordinate corner(int i) const
Obtain a corner of the geometry.
Definition: geometry.hh:148
int corners() const
Return the number of corners of the reference element.
Definition: geometry.hh:134
@ dimension
The dimension of the grid.
Definition: grid.hh:387
Intersection of a mesh entity of codimension 0 ("element") with a "neighboring" element or with the d...
Definition: intersection.hh:162
Geometry geometry() const
geometrical information about the intersection in global coordinates.
Definition: intersection.hh:351
int indexInInside() const
Local index of codim 1 entity in the inside() entity where intersection is contained in.
Definition: intersection.hh:374
MPI_Comm MPICommunicator
The type of the mpi communicator.
Definition: mpihelper.hh:173
static MPICommunicator getCommunicator()
get the default communicator
Definition: mpihelper.hh:181
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: yaspgrid.hh:165
Common Grid parameters.
Definition: gridparameter.hh:33
Grid parameters for YaspGrid.
Definition: dgfyasp.hh:38
YaspGridParameterBlock(std::istream &in)
constructor taking istream
Definition: dgfyasp.hh:44
int overlap() const
get dimension of world found in block
Definition: dgfyasp.hh:72
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
DWarnType dwarn(std::cerr)
Stream for warnings indicating problems.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:159
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:11
static const type & defaultValue()
default constructor
Definition: parser.hh:26
std::string type
type of additional boundary parameters
Definition: parser.hh:23
static double refineWeight()
static int refineStepsForHalf()
number of globalRefine steps needed to refuce h by 0.5
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