Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
3 // Dune includes
6 // Local includes
7 #include "alu3dinclude.hh"
8 #include "entity.hh"
9 #include "iterator.hh"
10 #include "datahandle.hh"
11 #include "grid.hh"
13 namespace Dune
14 {
16  // Implementation of ALU3dGrid
17  // ---------------------------
19  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
21  ::ALU3dGrid ( const std::string &macroTriangFilename,
22  const MPICommunicatorType mpiComm,
23  const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndPrj,
24  const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVec,
25  const ALUGridRefinementType refinementType )
26  : mygrid_( 0 )
27  , maxlevel_( 0 )
28  , coarsenMarked_( 0 )
29  , refineMarked_( 0 )
30  , geomTypes_() //dim+1, std::vector<GeometryType>(1) )
31  , hIndexSet_ (*this)
32  , globalIdSet_( 0 )
33  , localIdSet_( *this )
34  , levelIndexVec_(MAXL,0) , leafIndexSet_(0)
35  , referenceElement_( elType == tetra
36  ? ReferenceElements< alu3d_ctype, dimension > :: simplex()
37  : ReferenceElements< alu3d_ctype, dimension > :: cube() )
38  , sizeCache_ ( 0 )
40  , factoryVec_( GridObjectFactoryType :: maxThreads(), GridObjectFactoryType( *this ) )
41 #else
42  , factory_( *this )
43 #endif
44  , lockPostAdapt_( false )
45  , bndPrj_ ( bndPrj )
46  , bndVec_ ( (bndVec) ? (new DuneBoundaryProjectionVector( *bndVec )) : 0 )
47  , vertexProjection_( (bndPrj || bndVec) ? new ALUGridBoundaryProjectionType( *this ) : 0 )
48  , communications_( new Communications( mpiComm ) )
49  , refinementType_( refinementType )
50  {
51  assert( elType == tetra || elType == hexa );
53  geomTypes_.resize( dimension+1 );
54  GeometryType tmpType;
55  for( int codim = 0; codim <= dimension; ++codim )
56  {
57  if (elType == tetra)
58  tmpType.makeSimplex( dimension - codim );
59  else
60  tmpType.makeCube( dimension - codim );
62  geomTypes_[ codim ].push_back( tmpType );
63  }
65  // check macro grid file for keyword
66  checkMacroGridFile( macroTriangFilename );
68  mygrid_ = createALUGrid( macroTriangFilename );
69  assert( mygrid_ );
71  dverb << "************************************************" << std::endl;
72  dverb << "Created grid on p=" << comm().rank() << std::endl;
73  dverb << "************************************************" << std::endl;
74  checkMacroGrid ();
76  postAdapt();
77  calcExtras();
78  } // end constructor
81  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
82  inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::global_size ( int codim ) const
83  {
84  // return actual size of hierarchical index set
85  // this is always up to date
86  // maxIndex is the largest index used + 1
87  return myGrid().indexManager(codim).getMaxIndex();
88  }
91  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
92  inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::hierSetSize ( int codim ) const
93  {
94  // return actual size of hierarchical index set
95  return myGrid().indexManager(codim).getMaxIndex();
96  }
99  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
101  {
102  return maxlevel_;
103  }
106  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
107  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::GitterImplType &
109  {
110  assert( mygrid_ );
111  return *mygrid_;
112  }
115  // lbegin methods
116  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
117  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
118  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator
120  {
121  assert( level >= 0 );
122  // if we dont have this level return empty iterator
123  if( level > maxlevel_ )
124  return this->template lend<cd,pitype> (level);
126  return ALU3dGridLevelIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level, true );
127  }
130  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
131  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
132  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator
134  {
135  assert( level >= 0 );
136  return ALU3dGridLevelIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level );
137  }
140  // lbegin methods
141  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
142  template< int cd >
143  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator
145  {
146  return this->template lbegin<cd,All_Partition>( level );
147  }
150  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
151  template< int cd >
152  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator
154  {
155  assert( level >= 0 );
156  return this->template lend<cd,All_Partition>( level );
157  }
160  //***********************************************************
161  //
162  // leaf methods , first all begin methods
163  //
164  //***********************************************************
165  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
166  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
167  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
169  {
170  assert( level >= 0 );
171  return ALU3dGridLeafIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level, true );
172  }
175  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
176  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
177  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
178  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
179  {
180  return createLeafIteratorBegin<cd, pitype> (level) ;
181  }
184  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
185  template< int cd >
186  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
187  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
188  {
189  return createLeafIteratorBegin<cd, All_Partition> (level) ;
190  }
193  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
194  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
195  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
196  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
197  {
198  return createLeafIteratorBegin< cd, pitype > (maxlevel_) ;
199  }
202  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
203  template< int cd >
204  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
205  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
206  {
207  return createLeafIteratorBegin< cd, All_Partition> (maxlevel_) ;
208  }
211  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
212  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
213  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
214  {
215  return createLeafIteratorBegin<0, All_Partition> (level) ;
216  }
219  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
220  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
221  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
222  {
223  return createLeafIteratorBegin<0, All_Partition> (maxlevel_) ;
224  }
227  //****************************************************************
228  //
229  // all leaf end methods
230  //
231  //****************************************************************
232  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
233  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
234  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
235  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::createLeafIteratorEnd ( int level ) const
236  {
237  assert( level >= 0 );
238  return ALU3dGridLeafIterator<cd, pitype, const MyType> ( factory() , level);
239  }
242  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
243  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
244  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
245  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
246  {
247  return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, pitype> (level);
248  }
251  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
252  template< int cd >
253  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
254  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
255  {
256  return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, All_Partition> (level);
257  }
260  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
261  template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
262  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
263  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
264  {
265  return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, pitype> (maxlevel_);
266  }
269  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
270  template< int cd >
271  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
272  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
273  {
274  return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, All_Partition> (maxlevel_);
275  }
278  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
279  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
280  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
281  {
282  return createLeafIteratorEnd <0, All_Partition> (level);
283  }
286  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
287  inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
288  ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
289  {
290  return createLeafIteratorEnd <0,All_Partition> (maxlevel_);
291  }
294  //*****************************************************************
296  // mark given entity
297  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
298  inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
299  ::mark ( int ref, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity )
300  {
301  bool marked = (this->getRealImplementation( entity )).mark(ref);
302  if(marked)
303  {
304  if(ref > 0) ++refineMarked_;
305  if(ref < 0) ++coarsenMarked_;
306  }
307  return marked;
308  }
311  // get Mark of given entity
312  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
313  inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
314  ::getMark ( const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity ) const
315  {
316  return this->getRealImplementation( entity ).getMark();
317  }
320  // global refine
321  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
322  template< class GridImp, class DataHandle >
323  inline
326  {
327  assert( (refCount + maxLevel()) < MAXL );
329  for( int count = refCount; count > 0; --count )
330  {
331  const LeafIteratorType end = leafend();
332  for( LeafIteratorType it = leafbegin(); it != end; ++it )
333  mark( 1 , *it );
334  adapt( handle );
335  }
336  }
339  // adapt grid
340  // --adapt
341  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
342  template< class GridImp, class DataHandle >
343  inline
346  {
347  typedef AdaptDataHandleInterface< GridImp, DataHandle > AdaptDataHandle;
349  typedef typename EntityObject::ImplementationType EntityImp;
350  EntityObject father( EntityImp( factory(), this->maxLevel() ) );
351  EntityObject son ( EntityImp( factory(), this->maxLevel() ) );
353  // true if at least one element was marked for coarsening
354  bool mightCoarse = preAdapt();
356  bool refined = false ;
357  if(globalIdSet_)
358  {
359  // if global id set exists then include into
360  // prolongation process
361  ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongGlSet< MyType, AdaptDataHandle, GlobalIdSetImp >
362  rp(*this,
363  father,this->getRealImplementation(father),
364  son, this->getRealImplementation(son),
365  handle,
366  *globalIdSet_);
368  refined = myGrid().duneAdapt(rp); // adapt grid
369  }
370  else
371  {
372  ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongImpl< MyType, AdaptDataHandle >
373  rp(*this,
374  father,this->getRealImplementation(father),
375  son, this->getRealImplementation(son),
376  handle);
378  refined = myGrid().duneAdapt(rp); // adapt grid
379  }
381  if(refined || mightCoarse)
382  {
383  // only calc extras and skip maxLevel calculation, because of
384  // refinement maxLevel was calculated already
385  updateStatus();
387  // no need to call postAdapt here, because markers
388  // are cleand during refinement callback
389  }
391  return refined;
392  }
396  //*****************************************************************
398  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
399  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper;
401  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
402  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, No_Comm >
403  {
406  static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid ) { return false; }
408  template< class DataHandle >
409  static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data ) { return false; }
411  template< class DataHandle, class DataType >
412  static void communicate ( const Grid &grid,
413  const CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > &data,
414  const InterfaceType iftype,
415  const CommunicationDirection dir,
416  const int level )
417  {}
419  template< class DataHandle, class DataType >
420  static void communicate ( const Grid &grid,
421  const CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > &data,
422  const InterfaceType iftype,
423  const CommunicationDirection dir )
424  {}
425  }; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
428  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
429  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, MPI_Comm >
430  {
431  typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, MPI_Comm > Grid;
432  typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatter GatherScatterType;
434  static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid )
435  {
436  if( grid.comm().size() <= 1 )
437  return false;
439  const bool changed = grid.myGrid().duneLoadBalance();
440  if( changed )
441  {
442  // some exchanges on ALUGrid side
443  grid.myGrid().duneExchangeDynamicState();
445  // calculate new maxlevel
446  // reset size and things
447  grid.updateStatus();
449  // build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
450  // the item lists are needed
451  if( grid.globalIdSet_ )
452  grid.globalIdSet_->updateIdSet();
454  // unset all leaf markers
455  grid.postAdapt();
456  }
458  return changed;
459  }
462  template< class DataHandle >
463  static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data )
464  {
465  if( grid.comm().size() <= 1 )
466  return false;
468  typedef typename Grid :: EntityObject EntityObject;
469  typedef typename EntityObject::ImplementationType EntityImp;
470  EntityObject en ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
471  EntityObject father ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
472  EntityObject son ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
474  typedef ALU3DSPACE LoadBalanceElementCount< Grid, DataHandle > LDBElCountType;
476  // elCount is the adaption restPro operator used during the refinement
477  // cause be creating new elements on processors
478  LDBElCountType elCount( grid,
479  father, Grid::getRealImplementation( father ),
480  son, Grid::getRealImplementation( son ),
481  data );
483  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalance< Grid, DataHandle, LDBElCountType >
484  gs( grid, en, Grid::getRealImplementation( en ), data, elCount );
486  // call load Balance
487  const bool changed = grid.myGrid().duneLoadBalance( gs, elCount );
489  if( changed )
490  {
491  // exchange some data for internal useage
492  grid.myGrid().duneExchangeDynamicState();
494  // calculate new maxlevel
495  // reset size and things
496  grid.updateStatus();
498  // build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
499  // the item lists are needed
500  if( grid.globalIdSet_ )
501  grid.globalIdSet_->updateIdSet();
503  // compress data, wrapper for dof manager
504  gs.compress();
506  grid.postAdapt();
507  }
508  return changed;
509  }
512  template< class DataHandle, class DataType >
513  static void communicate ( const Grid &grid,
514  CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > &data,
515  const InterfaceType iftype,
516  const CommunicationDirection dir,
517  const int level )
518  {
519  typedef CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > DataHandleType;
520  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 3 >::Entity > VertexObject;
521  typedef typename VertexObject::ImplementationType VertexImp;
522  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 2 >::Entity > EdgeObject;
523  typedef typename EdgeObject::ImplementationType EdgeImp;
524  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 1 >::Entity > FaceObject;
525  typedef typename FaceObject::ImplementationType FaceImp;
526  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity> ElementObject;
527  typedef typename ElementObject::ImplementationType ElementImp;
529  if( grid.comm().size() > 1 )
530  {
531  // for level communication the level index set is needed.
532  // if non-existent, then create for communicaton
533  const typename Grid::LevelIndexSetImp *levelISet;
534  if( !grid.levelIndexVec_[ level ] )
535  levelISet = new typename Grid::LevelIndexSetImp(
536  grid,
537  grid.template lbegin<0>( level ),
538  grid.template lend<0>( level ), level );
539  else
540  levelISet = grid.levelIndexVec_[ level ];
542  VertexObject vx( VertexImp( grid.factory(), level ) );
543  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLevelData< Grid, DataHandleType, 3 >
544  vertexData( grid, vx, Grid::getRealImplementation( vx ), data, *levelISet, level );
546  EdgeObject edge( EdgeImp( grid.factory(), level ) );
547  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLevelData< Grid, DataHandleType, 2 >
548  edgeData( grid, edge, Grid::getRealImplementation( edge ), data, *levelISet, level );
550  FaceObject face( FaceImp( grid.factory(), level ) );
551  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLevelData< Grid, DataHandleType, 1 >
552  faceData( grid, face, Grid::getRealImplementation( face ), data, *levelISet, level );
554  ElementObject element( ElementImp( grid.factory(), level ) );
555  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLevelData< Grid, DataHandleType, 0 >
556  elementData( grid, element, Grid::getRealImplementation( element ), data, *levelISet, level );
558  doCommunication( grid, vertexData, edgeData, faceData, elementData, iftype, dir );
560  if( !grid.levelIndexVec_[ level ] )
561  delete levelISet;
562  }
563  }
565  template< class DataHandle, class DataType >
566  static void communicate ( const Grid &grid,
567  CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > &data,
568  const InterfaceType iftype,
569  const CommunicationDirection dir )
570  {
571  typedef CommDataHandleIF< DataHandle, DataType > DataHandleType;
572  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 3 >::Entity > VertexObject;
573  typedef typename VertexObject::ImplementationType VertexImp;
574  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 2 >::Entity > EdgeObject;
575  typedef typename EdgeObject::ImplementationType EdgeImp;
576  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 1 >::Entity > FaceObject;
577  typedef typename FaceObject::ImplementationType FaceImp;
578  typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< typename Grid::Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity> ElementObject;
579  typedef typename ElementObject::ImplementationType ElementImp;
581  if( grid.comm().size() > 1 )
582  {
583  VertexObject vx( VertexImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel() ) );
584  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLeafData< Grid, DataHandleType, 3 >
585  vertexData( grid, vx, Grid::getRealImplementation( vx ), data );
587  EdgeObject edge( EdgeImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel() ) );
588  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLeafData< Grid, DataHandleType, 2 >
589  edgeData( grid, edge, Grid::getRealImplementation( edge ), data );
591  FaceObject face( FaceImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
592  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLeafData< Grid, DataHandleType, 1 >
593  faceData( grid, face, Grid::getRealImplementation( face ), data );
595  ElementObject element( ElementImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel() ) );
596  ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLeafData< Grid, DataHandleType, 0 >
597  elementData( grid, element, Grid::getRealImplementation( element ), data );
599  doCommunication( grid, vertexData, edgeData, faceData, elementData, iftype, dir );
600  }
601  }
603  static void
604  doCommunication ( const Grid &grid,
605  GatherScatterType &vertexData, GatherScatterType &edgeData,
606  GatherScatterType &faceData, GatherScatterType &elementData,
608  {
609  // check interface types
610  if( (iftype == Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface) || (iftype == Overlap_All_Interface) )
611  {
612  dverb << "ALUGrid contains no overlap, therefore no communication for" << std::endl;
613  dverb << "Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface or Overlap_All_Interface interfaces!" << std::endl;
614  }
615  // communication from border to border
616  else if( iftype == InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface )
617  grid.myGrid().borderBorderCommunication(vertexData,edgeData,faceData,elementData);
618  // communication from interior to ghost including border
619  else if( iftype == InteriorBorder_All_Interface )
620  {
621  if( dir == ForwardCommunication )
622  grid.myGrid().interiorGhostCommunication(vertexData,edgeData,faceData,elementData);
623  // reverse communiction interface (here All_InteriorBorder)
624  else if( dir == BackwardCommunication )
625  grid.myGrid().ghostInteriorCommunication(vertexData,edgeData,faceData,elementData);
626  }
627  // communication from interior to ghost including border
628  else if( iftype == All_All_Interface )
629  grid.myGrid().allAllCommunication(vertexData,edgeData,faceData,elementData);
630  else
631  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Wrong set of parameters in ALUGridCommHelper::doCommunication" );
632  }
633  }; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
634 #endif // #if ALU3DGRID_PARALLEL
638  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
640  {
641  return ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::loadBalance( *this );
642  }
645  // load balance grid
646  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
647  template< class DataHandle >
648  inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::loadBalance ( DataHandle &data )
649  {
650  return ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::loadBalance( *this, data );
651  }
654  // communicate level data
655  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
656  template <class DataHandleImp,class DataType>
657  inline void ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::
659  InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level ) const
660  {
661  ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::communicate( *this, data, iftype, dir, level );
662  }
665  // communicate data
666  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
667  template <class DataHandleImp, class DataType>
668  inline void ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::
669  communicate (CommDataHandleIF<DataHandleImp,DataType> & data,
670  InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir) const
671  {
672  ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::communicate( *this, data, iftype, dir );
673  }
676  // return Grid name
677  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
678  inline std::string ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::name ()
679  {
680  if( elType == hexa )
681  return "ALUCubeGrid";
682  else
683  return "ALUSimplexGrid";
684  }
686 } // end namespace Dune
Leaf iterator.
Definition: iterator.hh:585
Definition: iterator.hh:504
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: grid.hh:406
bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt.
Definition: grid_inline.hh:299
bool adapt()
Refine all positive marked leaf entities, coarsen all negative marked entities if possible.
void communicate(CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp > &data, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
Communicate information on distributed entities on a given level Template parameter is a model of Dun...
Traits::DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector
boundary projection type
Definition: grid.hh:496
void globalRefine(int refCount)
uses the interface, mark on entity and refineLocal
bool loadBalance()
Calculates load of each process and repartition the grid if neccessary. For parameters of the load ba...
Definition: grid_inline.hh:639
int global_size(int cd) const
number of grid entities on all levels for given codim
Definition: grid_inline.hh:82
int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
returns adaptation mark for given entity
Definition: grid_inline.hh:314
static std::string name()
for grid identification
Definition: grid_inline.hh:678
ALU3dGrid(const std::string &macroTriangFilename, const MPICommunicatorType mpiComm, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndPrj, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVec, const ALUGridRefinementType refinementType) DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("ALUGrid is deprecated
Definition: grid_inline.hh:21
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
one past the end on this level
Definition: grid_inline.hh:133
Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level.
Definition: grid_inline.hh:119
int maxLevel() const
Return maximum level defined in this grid. Levels are numbered maxLevel with 0 the coarsest level.
Definition: grid_inline.hh:100
ALUGrid boundary projection implementation DuneBndProjection has to fulfil the DuneBoundaryProjection...
Definition: bndprojection.hh:15
Interface class for the Grid's adapt method where the parameter is a AdaptDataHandleInterface.
Definition: adaptcallback.hh:31
CommDataHandleIF describes the features of a data handle for communication in parallel runs using the...
Definition: datahandleif.hh:73
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:25
void makeSimplex(unsigned int dim)
Make a simplex of given dimension.
Definition: type.hh:193
void makeCube(unsigned int dim)
Make a hypercube of given dimension.
Definition: type.hh:200
Grid abstract base class.
Definition: grid.hh:388
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:243
Define a type for communication direction parameter.
Definition: gridenums.hh:168
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
@ BackwardCommunication
reverse communication direction
Definition: gridenums.hh:170
@ ForwardCommunication
communicate as given in InterfaceType
Definition: gridenums.hh:169
@ InteriorBorder_All_Interface
send interior and border, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:86
@ All_All_Interface
send all and receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:89
@ Overlap_All_Interface
send overlap, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:88
@ Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface
send overlap, receive overlap and front entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:87
@ InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface
send/receive interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:85
DVerbType dverb(std::cout)
Singleton of verbose debug stream.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:114
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:10
available refinement types for ALUGrid
Definition: declaration.hh:20
Standard Dune debug streams.
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
Interface class for vertex projection at the boundary.
Definition: boundaryprojection.hh:24
Definition: grid.hh:1467
Class providing access to the singletons of the reference elements.
Definition: referenceelements.hh:479
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