Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

Dune::ALU3dGridLeafIterator< cdim, pitype, GridImp > Class Template Reference

Leaf iterator. More...

#include <dune/grid/alugrid/3d/iterator.hh>

Public Types

typedef ALU3dGridEntitySeed< cd, GridImp > ALU3dGridEntitySeedType
 type of entity seed
typedef ALU3dGridEntityPointer< cd, GridImp > ALU3dGridEntityPointerType
 typedef of my type
typedef MakeableInterfaceObject< Entity > EntityObject
 underlying EntityImplementation
typedef ALU3dGridEntityPointer< codimension, GridImp > EntityPointerImp
 make type of entity pointer implementation available in derived classes

Public Member Functions

 ALU3dGridLeafIterator (const FactoryType &factory, int level)
 Constructor for end iterators.
 ALU3dGridLeafIterator (const FactoryType &factory, int level, bool isBegin)
 Constructor for begin Iterators.
 ALU3dGridLeafIterator (const ThisType &org)
 copy Constructor
 ~ALU3dGridLeafIterator ()
 destructor deleting real iterator
void increment ()
 prefix increment
Entity & dereference () const
 dereference Entity, faster then the entity pointersmethod
void releaseEntity ()
 release entity
ThisType & operator= (const ThisType &org)
 assignment of iterators
int level () const
 ask for level of entities
bool equals (const ALU3dGridEntityPointerType &i) const

Protected Member Functions

void done ()
 has to be called when iterator is finished
void freeEntity ()
 put entity to entity stack
const GridImp & grid () const
 return reference to grid

Detailed Description

template<int cdim, PartitionIteratorType pitype, class GridImp>
class Dune::ALU3dGridLeafIterator< cdim, pitype, GridImp >

Leaf iterator.

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