Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)
yaspgrid Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for yaspgrid:

Files | |
file | backuprestore.hh [code] |
file | coordinates.hh [code] |
This provides container classes for the coordinates to be used in YaspGrid Upon implementation of the tensorproduct feature, the coordinate information has been encapsulated to keep performance for the equidistant grid. Containers for equidistant and tensorproduct grids are provided here. | |
file | partitioning.hh [code] |
This file provides tools to partition YaspGrids. If you want to write your own partitioner, inherit from YLoadBalance and implement the loadbalance() method. You can also browse this file for already available useful partitioners, like YaspFixedSizePartitioner. | |
file | torus.hh [code] |
This file provides the infrastructure for toroidal communication in YaspGrid. | |
file | yaspgridentity.hh [code] |
the YaspEntity class and its specializations | |
file | yaspgridentitypointer.hh [code] |
The YaspEntityPointer class. | |
file | yaspgridentityseed.hh [code] |
The YaspEntitySeed class. | |
file | yaspgridgeometry.hh [code] |
The YaspGeometry class and its specializations. | |
file | yaspgridhierarchiciterator.hh [code] |
file | yaspgrididset.hh [code] |
file | yaspgridindexsets.hh [code] |
level-wise, non-persistent, consecutive indices for YaspGrid | |
file | yaspgridintersection.hh [code] |
The YaspIntersection class. | |
file | yaspgridintersectioniterator.hh [code] |
The YaspIntersectionIterator class. | |
file | yaspgridleveliterator.hh [code] |
The YaspLevelIterator class. | |
file | yaspgridpersistentcontainer.hh [code] |
Specialization of the PersistentContainer for YaspGrid. | |
file | ygrid.hh [code] |
This provides a YGrid, the elemental component of the yaspgrid implementation. | |