Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6//- System includes
7#include <vector>
9//- Dune includes
12#include <dune/common/hash.hh>
18//- Local includes
19#include "alu3dinclude.hh"
20#include "topology.hh"
21#include "alu3diterators.hh"
23namespace Dune
26 // External Forward Declarations
27 // -----------------------------
29 template< ALU3dGridElementType, class >
30 class ALU3dGrid;
32 template<int cd, int dim, class GridImp>
33 class ALU3dGridEntity;
37 // ALU3dGridHierarchicIndexSet
38 // ---------------------------
41 template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
43 : public IndexSet< ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >, ALU3dGridHierarchicIndexSet< elType, Comm > >
44 {
48 enum { numCodim = GridType::dimension + 1 };
50 friend class ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >;
52 // constructor
54 : grid_( grid )
55 {}
57 public:
58 typedef typename GridType::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity EntityCodim0Type;
61 template <class EntityType>
62 int index (const EntityType & ep) const
63 {
64 enum { cd = EntityType :: codimension };
65 return index<cd>(ep);
66 }
69 template< int codim >
70 int index ( const typename GridType::Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity &entity ) const
71 {
72 return GridType::getRealImplementation( entity ).getIndex();
73 }
76 int subIndex ( const EntityCodim0Type &e, int i, unsigned int codim ) const
77 {
78 // call method subIndex on real implementation
79 return GridType::getRealImplementation( e ).subIndex( i, codim );
80 }
84 int size ( GeometryType type ) const
85 {
86 if( elType == tetra && !type.isSimplex() ) return 0;
87 if( elType == hexa && !type.isCube() ) return 0;
88 // return size of hierarchic index set
89 return this->size(GridType::dimension-type.dim());
90 }
93 int size ( int codim ) const
94 {
95 // return size of hierarchic index set
96 return grid_.hierSetSize(codim);
97 }
100 const std::vector<GeometryType>& geomTypes (int codim) const
101 {
102 return grid_.geomTypes(codim);
103 }
106 template <class EntityType>
107 bool contains (const EntityType &) const { return true; }
109 private:
110 // our Grid
111 const GridType & grid_;
112 };
119 class ALUMacroKey : public ALU3DSPACE Key4<int>
120 {
121 typedef int A;
122 typedef ALUMacroKey ThisType;
123 typedef ALU3DSPACE Key4<A> BaseType;
125 public:
126 ALUMacroKey() : BaseType(-1,-1,-1,-1) {}
127 ALUMacroKey(const A&a,const A&b,const A&c,const A&d) : BaseType(a,b,c,d) {}
128 ALUMacroKey(const ALUMacroKey & org ) : BaseType(org) {}
129 ALUMacroKey & operator = (const ALUMacroKey & org )
130 {
131 BaseType::operator = (org);
132 return *this;
133 }
135 bool operator == (const ALUMacroKey & org) const
136 {
137 return ( (this->_a == org._a) &&
138 (this->_b == org._b) &&
139 (this->_c == org._c) &&
140 (this->_d == org._d) );
141 }
143 // operator < is already implemented in BaseType
144 bool operator > (const ALUMacroKey & org) const
145 {
146 return ( (!this->operator == (org)) && (!this->operator <(org)) );
147 }
149 void print(std::ostream & out) const
150 {
151 out << "[" << this->_a << "," << this->_b << "," << this->_c << "," << this->_d << "]";
152 }
154#ifdef HAVE_DUNE_HASH
156 inline friend std::size_t hash_value(const ALUMacroKey& arg)
157 {
158 std::size_t seed = 0;
159 hash_combine(seed,arg._a);
160 hash_combine(seed,arg._b);
161 hash_combine(seed,arg._c);
162 hash_combine(seed,arg._d);
163 return seed;
164 }
166#endif // HAVE_DUNE_HASH
168 };
170 template <class MacroKeyImp>
171 class ALUGridId
172 {
173 MacroKeyImp key_;
174 int nChild_;
175 int codim_;
177 public:
178 ALUGridId() : key_()
179 , nChild_(-1)
180 , codim_(-1)
181 {}
183 ALUGridId(const MacroKeyImp & key, int nChild , int cd)
184 : key_(key) , nChild_(nChild)
185 , codim_(cd)
186 {}
188 ALUGridId(const ALUGridId & org )
189 : key_(org.key_)
190 , nChild_(org.nChild_)
191 , codim_(org.codim_)
192 {}
194 ALUGridId & operator = (const ALUGridId & org )
195 {
196 key_ = org.key_;
197 nChild_ = org.nChild_;
198 codim_ = org.codim_;
199 return *this;
200 }
202 bool operator == (const ALUGridId & org) const
203 {
204 return equals(org);
205 }
207 bool operator != (const ALUGridId & org) const
208 {
209 return ! equals(org);
210 }
212 bool operator <= (const ALUGridId & org) const
213 {
214 if(equals(org)) return true;
215 else return lesser(org);
216 }
218 bool operator >= (const ALUGridId & org) const
219 {
220 if(equals(org)) return true;
221 else return ! lesser(org);
222 }
224 bool operator < (const ALUGridId & org) const
225 {
226 return lesser(org);
227 }
229 bool operator > (const ALUGridId & org) const
230 {
231 return (!equals(org) && ! lesser(org));
232 }
234 const MacroKeyImp & getKey() const { return key_; }
235 int nChild() const { return nChild_; }
236 int codim() const { return codim_; }
238 bool isValid () const
239 {
240 return ( (nChild_ >= 0) && (codim_ >= 0) );
241 }
243 void reset()
244 {
245 nChild_ = -1;
246 codim_ = -1;
247 }
249 void print(std::ostream & out) const
250 {
251 out << "(" << getKey() << "," << nChild_ << "," << codim_ << ")";
252 }
254#ifdef HAVE_DUNE_HASH
256 inline friend std::size_t hash_value(const ALUGridId& arg)
257 {
258 std::size_t seed = hash<MacroKeyImp>() (arg.getKey());
259 hash_combine(seed,arg.nChild());
260 hash_combine(seed,arg.codim());
261 return seed;
262 }
264#endif // HAVE_DUNE_HASH
266 protected:
267 // returns true is the id is lesser then org
268 bool lesser(const ALUGridId & org) const
269 {
270 if(getKey() < org.getKey() ) return true;
271 if(getKey() > org.getKey() ) return false;
272 if(getKey() == org.getKey() )
273 {
274 if(nChild_ == org.nChild_)
275 {
276 return codim_ < org.codim_;
277 }
278 else
279 return nChild_ < org.nChild_;
280 }
281 assert( equals(org) );
282 return false;
283 }
285 // returns true if this id equals org
286 bool equals(const ALUGridId & org) const
287 {
288 return ( (getKey() == org.getKey() ) && (nChild_ == org.nChild_)
289 && (codim_ == org.codim_) );
290 }
291 };
293} // drop out of namespace Dune, as hash definitions have to be done in global namespace
298namespace Dune {
300 inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const ALUMacroKey & key)
301 {
302 key.print(s);
303 return s;
304 }
306 template <class KeyImp>
307 inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const ALUGridId<KeyImp> & id)
308 {
309 id.print(s);
310 return s;
311 }
313 //*****************************************************************
314 //
315 // --GlobalIdSet
316 //
317 //*****************************************************************
319 template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
320 class ALU3dGridGlobalIdSet
321 : public IdSet< ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >, ALU3dGridGlobalIdSet< elType, Comm > ,
322 typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::GlobalIdType >,
323 public ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType
324 {
325 typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm > GridType;
326 typedef typename GridType::HierarchicIndexSet HierarchicIndexSetType;
328 typedef ALU3dImplTraits< elType, Comm > ImplTraitsType;
329 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::IMPLElementType IMPLElementType;
330 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::GEOElementType GEOElementType;
331 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::GEOFaceType GEOFaceType;
332 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::GEOEdgeType GEOEdgeType;
334 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::GitterImplType GitterImplType;
336 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HElementType HElementType;
337 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HFaceType HFaceType;
338 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HEdgeType HEdgeType;
339 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::VertexType VertexType;
340 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HBndSegType HBndSegType;
342 typedef EntityCount< elType > EntityCountType;
344 using ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType :: postRefinement ;
345 using ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType :: preCoarsening ;
347 public:
349 typedef typename GridType::Traits::GlobalIdType IdType;
351 private:
352 typedef ALUMacroKey MacroKeyType;
354 typedef ALUGridId < MacroKeyType > MacroIdType; // same as IdType
355 enum { numCodim = GridType::dimension+1 };
357 // this means that only up to 300000000 entities are allowed
358 typedef typename GridType::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity EntityCodim0Type;
359 private:
360 mutable std::map< int , IdType > ids_[numCodim];
361 //mutable std::map< int , MacroKeyType > macroKeys_[numCodim];
363 // our Grid
364 const GridType & grid_;
366 // the hierarchicIndexSet
367 const HierarchicIndexSetType & hset_;
369 int vertexKey_[4];
371 int chunkSize_ ;
373 enum { startOffSet_ = 0 };
375 public:
379 using IdSet < GridType , ALU3dGridGlobalIdSet, IdType > :: subId;
382 ALU3dGridGlobalIdSet(const GridType & grid)
383 : grid_(grid), hset_(grid.hierarchicIndexSet())
384 , chunkSize_(100)
385 {
386 if(elType == hexa)
387 {
388 // see ALUGrid/src/serial/gitter_mgb.cc
389 // InsertUniqueHexa
390 const int vxKey[4] = {0,1,3,4};
391 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) vertexKey_[i] = vxKey[i];
392 }
393 else
394 {
395 assert( elType == tetra );
396 // see ALUGrid/src/serial/gitter_mgb.cc
397 // InsertUniqueTetra
398 const int vxKey[4] = {0,1,2,3};
399 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) vertexKey_[i] = vxKey[i];
400 }
402 // setup the id set
403 buildIdSet();
404 }
406 virtual ~ALU3dGridGlobalIdSet() {}
408 // update id set after adaptation
409 void updateIdSet()
410 {
411 // to be revised
412 buildIdSet();
413 }
415 // print all ids
416 void print () const
417 {
418 for(int i=0 ; i<numCodim; ++i)
419 {
420 std::cout << "*****************************************************\n";
421 std::cout << "Ids for codim " << i << "\n";
422 std::cout << "*****************************************************\n";
423 for(unsigned int k=0; k<ids_[i].size(); ++k)
424 {
425 std::cout << "Item[" << i << "," << k <<"] has id " << ids_[i][k] << "\n";
426 }
427 std::cout << "\n\n\n";
428 }
429 }
431 template <class IterType>
432 void checkId(const IdType & macroId, const IterType & idIter) const //int codim , unsigned int num ) const
433 {
435 IdType id = getId(macroId);
436 for(int i=0 ; i<numCodim; ++i)
437 {
438 typedef typename std::map<int,IdType>::iterator IteratorType;
439 IteratorType end = ids_[i].end();
440 for(IteratorType it = ids_[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
441 //for(unsigned int k=0; k<ids_[i].size(); ++k)
442 {
443 if(idIter == it) continue;
444 //if((i == codim) && (k == num)) continue;
445 const IdType & checkMId = (*it).second; //ids_[i][k];
446 IdType checkId = getId(checkMId);
447 if( id == checkId )
448 {
449 //std::cout << "Check(codim,num = " << codim<< "," << num <<") failed for k="<<k << " codim = " << i << "\n";
450 std::cout << id << " equals " << checkId << "\n";
451 assert( id != checkId );
452 DUNE_THROW(GridError," " << id << " equals " << checkId << "\n");
453 }
454 else
455 {
456 bool lesser = (id < checkId);
457 bool greater = (id > checkId);
458 assert( lesser != greater );
459 if( lesser == greater )
460 {
461 assert( lesser != greater );
462 DUNE_THROW(GridError," lesser equals greater of one id ");
463 }
464 }
465 }
466 }
467 }
469 // check id set for uniqueness
470 void uniquenessCheck() const
471 {
472 for(int i=0 ; i<numCodim; i++)
473 {
474 typedef typename std::map<int,IdType>::iterator IteratorType;
475 IteratorType end = ids_[i].end();
476 for(IteratorType it = ids_[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
477 //unsigned int k=0; k<ids_[i].size(); ++k)
478 {
479 const IdType & id = (*it).second; //ids_[i][k];
480 if( id.isValid() )
481 checkId(id,it); //i,k);
482 }
483 }
484 }
486 void setChunkSize( int chunkSize )
487 {
488 chunkSize_ = chunkSize;
489 }
491 // creates the id set
492 void buildIdSet ()
493 {
494 for(int i=0; i<numCodim; ++i)
495 {
496 ids_[i].clear();
497 }
499 GitterImplType &gitter = grid_.myGrid();
501 // all interior and border vertices
502 {
503 typename ALU3DSPACE AccessIterator< VertexType >::Handle fw( gitter.container() );
504 for( fw.first (); !fw.done(); fw.next() )
505 {
506 int idx = fw.item().getIndex();
507 ids_[3][idx] = buildMacroVertexId( fw.item() );
508 }
509 }
511 // all ghost vertices
512 {
513 typedef typename ALU3DSPACE ALU3dGridLevelIteratorWrapper< 3, Ghost_Partition, Comm > IteratorType;
514 IteratorType fw (grid_ , 0 , grid_.nlinks() );
515 typedef typename IteratorType :: val_t val_t;
516 for (fw.first () ; ! fw.done () ; fw.next ())
517 {
518 val_t & item = fw.item();
519 assert( item.first );
520 VertexType & vx = * (item.first);
521 int idx = vx.getIndex();
522 ids_[3][idx] = buildMacroVertexId( vx );
523 }
524 }
526 // create ids for all macro edges
527 {
528 typename ALU3DSPACE AccessIterator< HEdgeType >::Handle w( gitter.container() );
529 for (w.first(); !w.done(); w.next())
530 {
531 int idx = w.item().getIndex();
532 ids_[2][idx] = buildMacroEdgeId( w.item() );
533 buildEdgeIds( w.item() , ids_[2][idx] , startOffSet_ );
534 }
535 }
537 // all ghost edges
538 {
539 typedef typename ALU3DSPACE ALU3dGridLevelIteratorWrapper< 2, Ghost_Partition, Comm > IteratorType;
540 IteratorType fw( grid_, 0, grid_.nlinks() );
541 typedef typename IteratorType :: val_t val_t;
542 for (fw.first () ; ! fw.done () ; fw.next ())
543 {
544 val_t & item = fw.item();
545 assert( item.first );
546 HEdgeType & edge = * (item.first);
547 int idx = edge.getIndex();
549 ids_[2][idx] = buildMacroEdgeId( edge );
550 buildEdgeIds( edge , ids_[2][idx] , startOffSet_ );
551 }
552 }
555 // for all macro faces and all children
556 {
557 typename ALU3DSPACE AccessIterator< HFaceType >::Handle w( gitter.container() );
558 for (w.first () ; ! w.done () ; w.next ())
559 {
560 int idx = w.item().getIndex();
561 ids_[1][idx] = buildMacroFaceId( w.item() );
562 buildFaceIds( w.item() , ids_[1][idx] , startOffSet_ );
563 }
564 }
566 // all ghost faces
567 {
568 typedef typename ALU3DSPACE ALU3dGridLevelIteratorWrapper< 1, Ghost_Partition, Comm > IteratorType;
569 IteratorType fw (grid_ , 0 , grid_.nlinks() );
570 typedef typename IteratorType :: val_t val_t;
571 for (fw.first () ; ! fw.done () ; fw.next ())
572 {
573 val_t & item = fw.item();
574 assert( item.first );
575 HFaceType & face = * (item.first);
576 int idx = face.getIndex();
577 ids_[1][idx] = buildMacroFaceId( face );
578 buildFaceIds( face , ids_[1][idx] , startOffSet_ );
579 }
580 }
582 // for all macro elements and all internal entities
583 {
584 typename ALU3DSPACE AccessIterator< HElementType >::Handle w( gitter.container() );
585 for (w.first () ; ! w.done () ; w.next ())
586 {
587 int idx = w.item().getIndex();
588 ids_[0][idx] = buildMacroElementId( w.item() );
589 buildElementIds( w.item() , ids_[0][idx] , startOffSet_ );
590 }
591 }
593 // all ghost elements
594 {
595 typedef typename ALU3DSPACE ALU3dGridLevelIteratorWrapper< 0, Ghost_Partition, Comm > IteratorType;
596 IteratorType fw (grid_ , 0 , grid_.nlinks() );
597 typedef typename IteratorType :: val_t val_t;
598 for (fw.first () ; ! fw.done () ; fw.next ())
599 {
600 val_t & item = fw.item();
601 assert( item.second );
602 HElementType & elem = * ( item.second->getGhost().first );
603 int idx = elem.getIndex();
604 ids_[0][idx] = buildMacroElementId( elem );
605 buildElementIds( elem , ids_[0][idx] , startOffSet_ );
606 }
607 }
609 // check uniqueness of id only in serial, because
610 // in parallel some faces and edges of ghost exists more than once
611 // but have the same id, but not the same index, there for the check
612 // will fail for ghost elements
614 // be carefull with this check, it's complexity is O(N^2)
615 //uniquenessCheck();
617 }
619 IdType buildMacroVertexId(const VertexType & item )
620 {
621 int vx[4] = { item.ident(), -1, -1, -1};
622 enum {codim = 3 };
623 MacroKeyType key(vx[0],vx[1],vx[2],vx[3]);
624 MacroIdType id(key,1, codim + startOffSet_ );
625 return id;
626 }
628 IdType buildMacroEdgeId(const HEdgeType & item )
629 {
630 const GEOEdgeType & edge = static_cast<const GEOEdgeType &> (item);
631 int vx[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
632 for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
633 {
634 vx[i] = edge.myvertex(i)->ident();
635 }
637 enum { codim = 2 };
638 MacroKeyType key(vx[0],vx[1],vx[2],vx[3]);
639 MacroIdType id( key,1, codim + startOffSet_ );
640 return id;
641 }
643 IdType buildMacroFaceId(const HFaceType & item )
644 {
645 const GEOFaceType & face = static_cast<const GEOFaceType &> (item);
646 int vx[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
647 for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
648 {
649 vx[i] = face.myvertex(i)->ident();
650 }
652 enum { codim = 1 };
653 MacroKeyType key(vx[0],vx[1],vx[2],vx[3]);
654 MacroIdType id(key,1, codim + startOffSet_ );
655 return id;
656 }
658 IdType buildMacroElementId(const HElementType & item )
659 {
660 const GEOElementType & elem = static_cast<const GEOElementType &> (item);
661 int vx[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
662 for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
663 {
664 vx[i] = elem.myvertex(vertexKey_[i])->ident();
665 }
666 enum { codim = 0 };
667 MacroKeyType key(vx[0],vx[1],vx[2],vx[3]);
668 return MacroIdType(key,1, codim + startOffSet_ );
669 }
671 template <int cd>
672 IdType createId(const typename ImplTraitsType::
673 template Codim<cd>::InterfaceType & item , const IdType & creatorId , int nChild )
674 {
675 assert( creatorId.isValid() );
677 // we have up to 12 internal hexa faces, therefore need 100 offset
678 enum { childOffSet = ((cd == 1) && (elType == hexa)) ? 16 : 8 };
679 enum { codimOffSet = 4 };
681 assert( nChild < childOffSet );
683 int newChild = (creatorId.nChild() * childOffSet ) + nChild;
684 int newCodim = (creatorId.codim() * codimOffSet ) + ( cd + startOffSet_ );
686 IdType newId( creatorId.getKey() , newChild , newCodim );
687 assert( newId != creatorId );
688 return newId;
689 }
691 // build ids for all children of this element
692 void buildElementIds(const HElementType & item , const IdType & macroId , int nChild)
693 {
694 enum { codim = 0 };
695 ids_[codim][item.getIndex()] = createId<codim>(item,macroId,nChild);
697 const IdType & itemId = ids_[codim][item.getIndex()];
699 buildInteriorElementIds(item,itemId);
700 }
702 // build ids for all children of this element
703 void buildInteriorElementIds(const HElementType & item , const IdType & fatherId)
704 {
705 assert( fatherId.isValid() );
707 // build id for inner vertex
708 {
709 const VertexType * v = item.innerVertex() ;
710 // for tetras there is no inner vertex, therefore check
711 if(v) buildVertexIds(*v,fatherId );
712 }
714 // build edge ids for all inner edges
715 {
716 int inneredge = startOffSet_;
717 for(const HEdgeType * e = item.innerHedge () ; e ; e = e->next ())
718 {
719 buildEdgeIds(*e,fatherId,inneredge);
720 ++inneredge;
721 }
722 }
724 // build face ids for all inner faces
725 {
726 int innerface = startOffSet_;
727 for(const HFaceType * f = item.innerHface () ; f ; f = f->next ())
728 {
729 buildFaceIds(*f,fatherId,innerface);
730 ++innerface;
731 }
732 }
734 // build ids of all children
735 {
736 int numChild = startOffSet_;
737 for(const HElementType * child = item.down(); child; child =child->next() )
738 {
739 //assert( numChild == child->nChild() );
740 buildElementIds(*child, fatherId, numChild);
741 ++numChild;
742 }
743 }
744 }
746 // build ids for all children of this face
747 void buildFaceIds(const HFaceType & face, const IdType & fatherId , int innerFace )
748 {
749 enum { codim = 1 };
750 ids_[codim][face.getIndex()] = createId<codim>(face,fatherId,innerFace);
751 const IdType & faceId = ids_[codim][face.getIndex()];
753 buildInteriorFaceIds(face,faceId);
754 }
756 // build ids for all children of this face
757 void buildInteriorFaceIds(const HFaceType & face, const IdType & faceId)
758 {
759 assert( faceId.isValid () );
761 // build id for inner vertex
762 {
763 const VertexType * v = face.innerVertex() ;
764 //std::cout << "create inner vertex of face " << face.getIndex() << "\n";
765 if(v) buildVertexIds(*v,faceId );
766 }
768 // build ids for all inner edges
769 {
770 int inneredge = startOffSet_;
771 for (const HEdgeType * e = face.innerHedge () ; e ; e = e->next ())
772 {
773 buildEdgeIds(*e,faceId ,inneredge );
774 ++inneredge;
775 }
776 }
778 // build ids for all child faces
779 {
780 int child = startOffSet_;
781 for(const HFaceType * f = face.down () ; f ; f = f->next ())
782 {
783 assert( child == f->nChild()+startOffSet_);
784 buildFaceIds(*f,faceId,child);
785 ++child;
786 }
787 }
788 }
790 // build ids for all children of this edge
791 void buildEdgeIds(const HEdgeType & edge, const IdType & fatherId , int inneredge)
792 {
793 enum { codim = 2 };
794 ids_[codim][edge.getIndex()] = createId<codim>(edge,fatherId,inneredge);
795 const IdType & edgeId = ids_[codim][edge.getIndex()];
796 buildInteriorEdgeIds(edge,edgeId);
797 }
799 void buildInteriorEdgeIds(const HEdgeType & edge, const IdType & edgeId)
800 {
801 assert( edgeId.isValid() );
803 // build id for inner vertex
804 {
805 const VertexType * v = edge.innerVertex() ;
806 if(v) buildVertexIds(*v,edgeId );
807 }
809 // build ids for all inner edges
810 {
811 int child = startOffSet_;
812 for (const HEdgeType * e = edge.down () ; e ; e = e->next ())
813 {
814 assert( child == e->nChild()+ startOffSet_ );
815 buildEdgeIds(*e,edgeId , child );
816 ++child;
817 }
818 }
819 }
821 // build id for this vertex
822 void buildVertexIds(const VertexType & vertex, const IdType & fatherId )
823 {
824 enum { codim = 3 };
825 // inner vertex number is 1
826 ids_[codim][vertex.getIndex()] = createId<codim>(vertex,fatherId,1);
827 assert( ids_[codim][vertex.getIndex()].isValid() );
828 }
830 friend class ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >;
832 const IdType & getId(const IdType & macroId) const
833 {
834 return macroId;
835 }
837 public:
839 template <class EntityType>
840 IdType id (const EntityType & ep) const
841 {
842 enum { cd = EntityType :: codimension };
843 assert( ids_[cd].find( hset_.index(ep) ) != ids_[cd].end() );
844 const IdType & macroId = ids_[cd][hset_.index(ep)];
845 assert( macroId.isValid() );
846 return getId(macroId);
847 }
850 template <int codim>
851 IdType id (const typename GridType:: template Codim<codim> :: Entity & ep) const
852 {
853 assert( ids_[codim].find( hset_.index(ep) ) != ids_[codim].end() );
854 const IdType & macroId = ids_[codim][hset_.index(ep)];
855 assert( macroId.isValid() );
856 return getId(macroId);
857 }
860 IdType subId ( const EntityCodim0Type &e, int i, unsigned int codim ) const
861 {
862 const int hIndex = hset_.subIndex( e, i, codim );
863 assert( ids_[ codim ].find( hIndex ) != ids_[ codim ].end() );
864 const IdType &macroId = ids_[ codim ][ hIndex ];
865 assert( macroId.isValid() );
866 return getId( macroId );
867 }
869 template <int d, ALU3dGridElementType element_t >
870 struct BuildIds;
872 template <int d>
873 struct BuildIds<d,tetra>
874 {
875 //static const IdType zero;
876 template <class MyIdSet, class IdStorageType>
877 static void buildFace(MyIdSet & set, const HElementType & item, int faceNum,
878 IdStorageType & ids )
879 {
880 const IMPLElementType & elem = static_cast<const IMPLElementType &> (item);
881 const HFaceType & face = *(elem.myhface3(faceNum));
882 const IdType & id = ids[face.getIndex()];
883 assert( id.isValid() );
884 set.buildInteriorFaceIds(face,id);
885 }
886 };
888 template <int d>
889 struct BuildIds<d,hexa>
890 {
891 //static const IdType zero;
892 template <class MyIdSet, class IdStorageType>
893 static void buildFace(MyIdSet & set, const HElementType & item, int faceNum,
894 IdStorageType & ids )
895 {
896 const IMPLElementType & elem = static_cast<const IMPLElementType &> (item);
897 const HFaceType & face = *(elem.myhface4(faceNum));
898 const IdType & id = ids[face.getIndex()];
899 assert( id.isValid() );
900 set.buildInteriorFaceIds(face,id);
901 }
902 };
904 // create ids for refined elements
905 int postRefinement( HElementType & item )
906 {
907 {
908 enum { elCodim = 0 };
909 const IdType & fatherId = ids_[elCodim][item.getIndex()];
910 assert( fatherId.isValid() );
911 buildInteriorElementIds(item, fatherId );
912 }
914 for(int i=0; i<EntityCountType::numFaces; ++i)
915 {
916 enum { faceCodim = 1 };
917 BuildIds< GridType::dimension, elType >::buildFace(*this,item,i,ids_[faceCodim]);
918 }
920 for(int i=0; i<EntityCountType::numEdges; ++i)
921 {
922 enum { edgeCodim = 2 };
923 const IMPLElementType & elem = static_cast<const IMPLElementType &> (item);
924 const HEdgeType & edge = *( elem.myhedge1(i));
925 const IdType & id = ids_[edgeCodim][edge.getIndex()];
926 assert( id.isValid() );
927 buildInteriorEdgeIds(edge,id);
928 }
929 return 0;
930 }
932 // dummy functions
933 int preCoarsening( HElementType & elem )
934 {
935 /*
936 const IdType & fatherId = ids_[0][item.getIndex()];
938 removeElementIds(item,fatherId,item.nChild());
940 for(int i=0; i<EntityCountType::numFaces; ++i)
941 BuildIds<dim,elType>::buildFace(*this,item,i,ids_[1]);
943 for(int i=0; i<EntityCountType::numEdges; ++i)
944 {
945 const IMPLElementType & elem = static_cast<const IMPLElementType &> (item);
946 const HEdgeType & edge = *( elem.myhedge1(i));
947 const HEdgeType * child = edge.down();
948 assert( child );
949 if( ids_[2][child->getIndex() ] > zero_ ) continue;
950 buildEdgeIds(edge,ids_[2][edge.getIndex()],0);
951 }
952 #ifndef NDEBUG
953 //uniquenessCheck();
954 #endif
955 */
956 return 0;
957 }
959 // dummy functions
960 int preCoarsening ( HBndSegType & el ) { return 0; }
963 int postRefinement ( HBndSegType & el ) { return 0; }
965 };
967 //***********************************************************
968 //
969 // --LocalIdSet
970 //
971 //***********************************************************
974 template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
975 class ALU3dGridLocalIdSet
976 : public IdSet< ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >, ALU3dGridLocalIdSet< elType, Comm >, int >,
977 public ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType
978 {
979 typedef ALU3dGridLocalIdSet< elType, Comm > This;
981 typedef ALU3dImplTraits< elType, Comm > ImplTraitsType;
982 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HElementType HElementType;
983 typedef typename ImplTraitsType::HBndSegType HBndSegType;
985 typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm > GridType;
986 typedef typename GridType::HierarchicIndexSet HierarchicIndexSetType;
988 // this means that only up to 300000000 entities are allowed
989 enum { codimMultiplier = 300000000 };
990 typedef typename GridType::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity EntityCodim0Type;
992 // create local id set , only for the grid allowed
993 ALU3dGridLocalIdSet(const GridType & grid) : hset_(grid.hierarchicIndexSet())
994 {
995 for( int codim = 0; codim <= GridType::dimension; ++codim )
996 codimStart_[ codim ] = codim * codimMultiplier;
997 }
999 friend class ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >;
1001 // fake method to have the same method like GlobalIdSet
1002 void updateIdSet() {}
1004 using ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType :: postRefinement ;
1005 using ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongType :: preCoarsening ;
1007 public:
1009 typedef int IdType;
1013 using IdSet < GridType , ALU3dGridLocalIdSet, IdType > :: subId;
1016 template <class EntityType>
1017 int id (const EntityType & ep) const
1018 {
1019 enum { cd = EntityType :: codimension };
1020 assert( hset_.size(cd) < codimMultiplier );
1021 return codimStart_[cd] + hset_.index(ep);
1022 }
1025 template <int codim>
1026 int id (const typename GridType:: template Codim<codim> :: Entity & ep) const
1027 {
1028 //enum { cd = EntityType :: codimension };
1029 assert( hset_.size(codim) < codimMultiplier );
1030 return codimStart_[codim] + hset_.index(ep);
1031 }
1034 IdType subId ( const EntityCodim0Type &e, int i, unsigned int codim ) const
1035 {
1036 assert( hset_.size( codim ) < codimMultiplier );
1037 return codimStart_[ codim ] + hset_.subIndex( e, i, codim );
1038 }
1040 // dummy functions
1041 int preCoarsening( HElementType & elem ) { return 0; }
1042 // create ids for refined elements
1043 int postRefinement( HElementType & item ) { return 0; }
1045 // dummy functions
1046 int preCoarsening ( HBndSegType & el ) { return 0; }
1049 int postRefinement ( HBndSegType & el ) { return 0; }
1051 void setChunkSize( int chunkSize ) {}
1053 private:
1054 // our HierarchicIndexSet
1055 const HierarchicIndexSetType & hset_;
1057 // store start of each codim numbers
1058 int codimStart_[ GridType::dimension+1 ];
1059 };
1061} // end namespace Dune
1063#endif // #ifndef DUNE_ALU3DGRIDINDEXSETS_HH
Portable very large unsigned integers.
hierarchic index set of ALU3dGrid
Definition: indexsets.hh:44
int index(const EntityType &ep) const
return hierarchic index of given entity
Definition: indexsets.hh:62
bool contains(const EntityType &) const
return true because all entities are contained in this set
Definition: indexsets.hh:107
int index(const typename GridType::Traits::template Codim< codim >::Entity &entity) const
return hierarchic index of given entity
Definition: indexsets.hh:70
const std::vector< GeometryType > & geomTypes(int codim) const
deliver all geometry types used in this grid
Definition: indexsets.hh:100
int subIndex(const EntityCodim0Type &e, int i, unsigned int codim) const
return subIndex i of given entity for subEntity with codim
Definition: indexsets.hh:76
int size(GeometryType type) const
Definition: indexsets.hh:84
int size(int codim) const
return size of indexset, i.e. maxindex+1
Definition: indexsets.hh:93
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: grid.hh:406
const std::vector< GeometryType > & geomTypes(int codim) const
deliver all geometry types used in this grid
Definition: grid.hh:870
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:25
unsigned int dim() const
Return dimension of the type.
Definition: type.hh:321
bool isCube() const
Return true if entity is a cube of any dimension.
Definition: type.hh:311
bool isSimplex() const
Return true if entity is a simplex of any dimension.
Definition: type.hh:306
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typenamestd::add_lvalue_reference< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typenamestd::remove_const< typenameReturnImplementationType< typenamestd::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1305
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:76
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const array< T, N > &e)
Output operator for array.
Definition: array.hh:26
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:243
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator<(const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Comparison operator.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:626
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator>(const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Comparison operator.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:672
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator<=(const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Comparison operator.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:649
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator==(const ForwardIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const ForwardIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Checks for equality.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:230
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator>=(const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Comparison operator.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:694
EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, bool >::type operator!=(const ForwardIteratorFacade< T1, V1, R1, D > &lhs, const ForwardIteratorFacade< T2, V2, R2, D > &rhs)
Checks for inequality.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:252
Support for calculating hash values of objects.
#define DUNE_DEFINE_HASH(template_args, type)
Defines the required struct specialization to make type hashable via Dune::hash.
Definition: hash.hh:98
#define DUNE_HASH_TYPE(...)
Wrapper macro for the type to be hashed in DUNE_DEFINE_HASH.
Definition: hash.hh:115
Wrapper macro for the template arguments in DUNE_DEFINE_HASH.
Definition: hash.hh:107
Provides base classes for index and id sets.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:10
void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, const T &arg)
Calculates the hash value of arg and combines it in-place with seed.
Definition: hash.hh:293
Standard Dune debug streams.
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
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