Dune Core Modules (2.3.1)



class  Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >
 Grid view abstract base class. More...

Detailed Description

Though a DUNE grid is hierarchic, one often only needs access to a certain subset of the entities in the grid, e.g., the all entities on a given level or the leaf entities in the hierarchy. These views are provided by an implementation of GridView. Each grid exports a LevelGridView and a LeafGridView, corresponding to the two different subsets (views) described above.

A grid view provides the following functionality:

  • The index set for the required subset can be accessed by the indexSet() method.
  • A pair of begin() / end() methods provide iterators for each codimension.
  • A pair of ibegin() / iend() methods return suitable intersection iterators for a given entity of codimension 0 in the subset.
  • For parallel computations, a suitable communicate() method is provided.
  • The underlying grid can be accessed through the grid() method.

The default GridViews can be obtained from the grid by calling one of the levelGridView() or leafGridView() methods.

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