Dune Core Modules (2.3.1)
100 };
104 };
108 };
110 static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld=GridImp::dimensionworld;
272 };
276 };
280 };
282 static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld=GridImp::dimensionworld;
565 static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld=GridImp::dimensionworld;
618 static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld=GridImp::dimensionworld;
677 const EntityImp<0,dim,GridImp>& asImp () const { return static_cast<const EntityImp<0,dim,GridImp>&>(*this); }
bool isNew() const
Returns true, if the entity has been created during the last call to adapt()
Definition: entity.hh:641
static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld
know your own dimension of world
bool hasBoundaryIntersections() const
Returns true, if entity has intersections with boundary, this implementation uses the Level- and Leaf...
Definition: entity.hh:651
GeometryType type() const
Return the name of the reference element. The type can be used to access the Dune::ReferenceElement.
Definition: entity.hh:637
bool mightVanish() const
Returns true, if entity might disappear during the next call to adapt()
Definition: entity.hh:645
static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld
know your own dimension of world
GridImp::template Codim< cd >::EntityPointer EntityPointer
The corresponding entity seed (for storage of entities)
Definition: entity.hh:574
GridImp::template Codim< cd >::EntitySeed EntitySeed
The corresponding entity seed (for storage of entities)
Definition: entity.hh:571
GridImp::ctype ctype DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::ctype instead!")
define type used for coordinates in grid module
Definition: entity.hh:568
GeometryType type() const
Return the name of the reference element. The type can be used to access the Dune::ReferenceElement.
Definition: entity.hh:579
GeometryType type() const
Return the name of the reference element. The type can be used to access the Dune::ReferenceElement.
Definition: entity.hh:307
bool mightVanish() const
Returns true, if entity might disappear during the next call to adapt(). If the method returns false,...
Definition: entity.hh:508
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::Geometry Geometry
The geometry type of this entity.
Definition: entity.hh:232
LeafIntersectionIterator ileafbegin() const
Access to intersections with neighboring leaf elements. A neighbor is an entity of codimension 0 whic...
Definition: entity.hh:357
Entity(const EntityImp< 0, dim, GridImp > &e)
Copy constructor from EntityImp.
Definition: entity.hh:520
LeafIntersectionIterator ileafend() const
Reference to an IntersectionIterator one past the last intersection.
Definition: entity.hh:372
Entity(const Entity &rhs)
Definition: entity.hh:530
bool hasBoundaryIntersections() const
Returns true, if entity has intersections with boundary.
Definition: entity.hh:517
EntitySeed seed() const
Return the entity seed which contains sufficient information to generate the entity again and uses as...
Definition: entity.hh:312
Geometry geometry() const
obtain geometric realization of the entity
Definition: entity.hh:302
GridImp::LeafIntersectionIterator LeafIntersectionIterator
The Dune::IntersectionIterator type for the LeafGridView.
Definition: entity.hh:259
bool hasFather() const
Return true if entity has a father entity which can be accessed using the father() method.
Definition: entity.hh:429
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::EntitySeed EntitySeed
The corresponding entity seed (for storage of entities)
Definition: entity.hh:235
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry
The geometry type of this entity when the geometry is expressed embedded in the father element.
Definition: entity.hh:244
HierarchicIterator hend(int maxlevel) const
Returns iterator to one past the last son element.
Definition: entity.hh:495
bool isNew() const
Returns true, if the entity has been created during the last call to adapt()
Definition: entity.hh:502
bool isLeaf() const
Returns true if the entity is contained in the leaf grid.
Definition: entity.hh:435
PartitionType partitionType() const
Partition type of this entity.
Definition: entity.hh:299
const Implementation & impl() const
Return const reference to the real implementation.
Definition: entity.hh:218
bool isRegular() const
Returns true if element is of regular type in red/green type refinement. In bisection or hanging node...
Definition: entity.hh:443
int count() const
Number of subentities with codimension cc.
Definition: entity.hh:326
EntityPointer father() const
Inter-level access to father entity on the next-coarser grid. The given entity resulted directly from...
Definition: entity.hh:421
LocalGeometry geometryInFather() const
Provides information how this element has been subdivided from its father element.
Definition: entity.hh:470
static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld
Know the world dimension.
HierarchicIterator hbegin(int maxlevel) const
Inter-level access to elements that resulted from (recursive) subdivision of this element.
Definition: entity.hh:483
GridImp::LevelIntersectionIterator LevelIntersectionIterator
The Dune::IntersectionIterator type for the LevelGridView.
Definition: entity.hh:264
LevelIntersectionIterator ilevelend() const
Reference to an IntersectionIterator one past the last intersection.
Definition: entity.hh:406
Codim< codim >::EntityPointer subEntity(int i) const
Obtain a pointer to a subentity.
Definition: entity.hh:339
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer EntityPointer
The codim==0 EntityPointer type.
Definition: entity.hh:254
GridImp::HierarchicIterator HierarchicIterator
The HierarchicIterator type.
Definition: entity.hh:267
LevelIntersectionIterator ilevelbegin() const
Intra-level access to intersections with neighboring elements. A neighbor is an entity of codimension...
Definition: entity.hh:391
const Implementation & impl() const
Return const reference to the real implementation.
Definition: entity.hh:78
GridImp::ctype ctype DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::ctype instead!")
coordinate type of the Grid
Definition: entity.hh:113
PartitionType partitionType() const
Partition type of this entity.
Definition: entity.hh:128
EntitySeed seed() const
Return the entity seed which contains sufficient information to generate the entity again and uses as...
Definition: entity.hh:152
Geometry geometry() const
obtain geometric realization of the entity
Definition: entity.hh:142
GridImp::template Codim< cd >::Geometry Geometry
The corresponding geometry type.
Definition: entity.hh:92
GridImp::template Codim< cd >::EntitySeed EntitySeed
The corresponding entity seed (for storage of entities)
Definition: entity.hh:95
static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Geometry::coorddimension instead!") dimensionworld
Know the dimension of world.
Implementation & impl()
Return reference to the real implementation.
Definition: entity.hh:76
@ mydimension
Dimensionality of the reference element of the entity.
Definition: entity.hh:107
Entity(const EntityImp< cd, dim, GridImp > &e)
Copy constructor from EntityImp.
Definition: entity.hh:162
GeometryType type() const
Return the name of the reference element. The type can be used to access the Dune::ReferenceElement.
Definition: entity.hh:147
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:25
Definition: grid.hh:1017
Mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all intersections with "neighboring" eleme...
Definition: intersectioniterator.hh:83
Attributes used in the generic overlap model.
Definition: gridenums.hh:24
Traits for type conversions and type information.
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