Dune Core Modules (2.3.1)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6// only include this code, if ENABLE_ALUGRID is defined
9#include <dune/grid/alugrid/common/declaration.hh>
10#include <dune/grid/alugrid/common/capabilities.hh>
11#include <dune/grid/alugrid/2d/capabilities.hh>
12#include <dune/grid/alugrid/2d/grid.hh>
14namespace Dune
23 template<int dimw>
24 class ALUCubeGrid< 2, dimw >
25 : public Dune::ALU2dGrid< 2, dimw, ALU2DSPACE quadrilateral >
26 {
30 enum { dim = 2 };
31 enum { dimworld = dimw };
33 public:
35 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType;
38 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector;
50 ALUCubeGrid(const std::string macroName,
51 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
52 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
53 const bool verbose = true )
54 : BaseType(macroName,1, bndProject, bndVector)
55 {
56 if( verbose )
57 {
58 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUCubeGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
59 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
60 }
61 }
74 ALUCubeGrid(const std::string macroName,
75 std::istream& macroFile,
76 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
77 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
78 const bool verbose = true )
79 : BaseType("",1, bndProject, bndVector, &macroFile)
80 {
81 if( verbose )
82 {
83 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUCubeGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
84 if( macroName == "" )
85 std::cout <<">. \n\n";
86 else
87 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
88 }
89 }
95 {
96 std::cout << "\nCreated empty ALUCubeGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld <<">. \n\n";
97 }
99 enum {dimension=BaseType::dimension,dimensionworld=BaseType::dimensionworld};
100 enum { refineStepsForHalf = 1 };
101 typedef typename BaseType::ctype ctype;
102 typedef typename BaseType::GridFamily GridFamily;
103 typedef typename GridFamily::Traits Traits;
104 typedef typename BaseType::LocalIdSetImp LocalIdSetImp;
105 typedef typename Traits :: GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
106 typedef typename Traits :: LocalIdSet LocalIdSet;
107 typedef typename GridFamily :: LevelIndexSetImp LevelIndexSetImp;
108 typedef typename GridFamily :: LeafIndexSetImp LeafIndexSetImp;
109 typedef typename BaseType::LeafIteratorImp LeafIteratorImp;
110 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIteratorType;
111 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIterator;
112 typedef typename BaseType::HierarchicIteratorImp HierarchicIteratorImp;
114 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
115 struct Partition
116 {
118 LevelGridView;
120 LeafGridView;
121 };
123 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LevelGridView LevelGridView;
124 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LeafGridView LeafGridView;
126 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
127 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
128 {
129 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
130 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
131 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
132 }
134 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
135 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafView () const
136 {
137 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
138 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
139 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
140 }
142 LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
143 {
144 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
145 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
146 }
148 LeafGridView leafView () const
149 {
150 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
151 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
152 }
154 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
155 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
156 {
157 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
158 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
159 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
160 }
162 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
163 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView () const
164 {
165 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
166 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
167 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
168 }
170 LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
171 {
172 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
173 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
174 }
176 LeafGridView leafGridView () const
177 {
178 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
179 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
180 }
182 private:
183 friend class Conversion< ALUCubeGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
184 friend class Conversion< const ALUCubeGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
186 friend class Conversion< ALUCubeGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
187 friend class Conversion< const ALUCubeGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
189 template< class >
190 friend class ALU2dGridFactory;
193 ALUCubeGrid( const ALUCubeGrid & g ) ; // : BaseType(g) {}
196 ALUCubeGrid<dim,dimworld>&
197 operator = (const ALUCubeGrid& g);
198 };
206 template<int dimw>
207 class ALUSimplexGrid< 2, dimw >
208 : public Dune::ALU2dGrid< 2, dimw, ALU2DSPACE triangle >
209 {
213 enum { dim = 2 };
214 enum { dimworld = dimw };
216 public:
218 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType;
221 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector;
233 ALUSimplexGrid(const std::string macroName,
234 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
235 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
236 const bool verbose = true )
237 : BaseType(macroName,1, bndProject, bndVector)
238 {
239 if( verbose )
240 {
241 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUSimplexGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
242 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
243 }
244 }
257 ALUSimplexGrid(const std::string macroName,
258 std::istream& macroFile,
259 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
260 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
261 const bool verbose = true )
262 : BaseType("",1, bndProject, bndVector, &macroFile)
263 {
264 if( verbose )
265 {
266 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUSimplexGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
267 if( macroName == "" )
268 std::cout <<">. \n\n";
269 else
270 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
271 }
272 }
278 {
279 std::cout << "\nCreated empty ALUSimplexGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld <<">. \n\n";
280 }
282 enum {dimension=BaseType::dimension,dimensionworld=BaseType::dimensionworld};
283 enum { refineStepsForHalf = 1 };
284 typedef typename BaseType::ctype ctype;
285 typedef typename BaseType::GridFamily GridFamily;
286 typedef typename GridFamily::Traits Traits;
287 typedef typename BaseType::LocalIdSetImp LocalIdSetImp;
288 typedef typename Traits :: GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
289 typedef typename Traits :: LocalIdSet LocalIdSet;
290 typedef typename GridFamily :: LevelIndexSetImp LevelIndexSetImp;
291 typedef typename GridFamily :: LeafIndexSetImp LeafIndexSetImp;
292 typedef typename BaseType::LeafIteratorImp LeafIteratorImp;
293 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIteratorType;
294 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIterator;
295 typedef typename BaseType::HierarchicIteratorImp HierarchicIteratorImp;
297 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
298 struct Partition
299 {
301 LevelGridView;
303 LeafGridView;
304 };
306 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LevelGridView LevelGridView;
307 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LeafGridView LeafGridView;
309 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
310 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
311 {
312 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
313 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
314 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
315 }
317 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
318 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafView () const
319 {
320 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
321 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
322 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
323 }
325 LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
326 {
327 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
328 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
329 }
331 LeafGridView leafView () const
332 {
333 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
334 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
335 }
337 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
338 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
339 {
340 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
341 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
342 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
343 }
345 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
346 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView () const
347 {
348 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
349 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
350 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
351 }
353 LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
354 {
355 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
356 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
357 }
359 LeafGridView leafGridView () const
360 {
361 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
362 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
363 }
365 private:
366 friend class Conversion< ALUSimplexGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
367 friend class Conversion< const ALUSimplexGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
369 friend class Conversion< ALUSimplexGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
370 friend class Conversion< const ALUSimplexGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
372 template< class >
373 friend class ALU2dGridFactory;
376 ALUSimplexGrid( const ALUSimplexGrid & g ) ; // : BaseType(g) {}
379 ALUSimplexGrid<dim,dimworld>&
380 operator = (const ALUSimplexGrid& g);
381 };
411 template <int dim, int dimworld>
413 dune_static_assert((AlwaysFalse<integral_constant<int,dim> >::value),
414 "The unspecialized version of ALUConformGrid is defined "
415 "for documentation purposes only, only the "
416 "specializations can actually be used.");
417 };
419 namespace Capabilities {
431 template<int dim,int dimw, int cdim >
432 struct hasEntity<Dune::ALUConformGrid<dim, dimw>, cdim >
433 {
434 static const bool v = true;
435 };
440 template<int dim,int dimw>
441 struct isParallel<const ALUConformGrid<dim, dimw> > {
442 static const bool v = false;
443 };
448 template<int dim,int dimw>
450 {
451 static const bool v = false;
452 };
457 template<int dim,int dimw>
459 {
460 static const bool v = true;
461 };
466 template<int dim,int dimw>
468 {
469 static const bool v = true;
470 };
472 } // end namespace Capabilities
482 template<int dimw>
483 class ALUConformGrid< 2, dimw >
484 : public Dune::ALU2dGrid< 2, dimw, ALU2DSPACE triangle >
485 {
489 enum { dim = 2 };
490 enum { dimworld = dimw };
491 public:
493 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType;
496 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector;
508 ALUConformGrid(const std::string macroName,
509 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
510 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
511 const bool verbose = true)
512 : BaseType(macroName, 0, bndProject, bndVector)
513 {
514 if( verbose )
515 {
516 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUConformGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
517 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
518 }
519 }
532 ALUConformGrid(const std::string macroName,
533 std::istream& macroFile,
534 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
535 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
536 const bool verbose = true )
537 : BaseType("", 0, bndProject, bndVector, &macroFile)
538 {
539 if( verbose )
540 {
541 std::cout << "\nCreated serial ALUConformGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld;
542 if( macroName == "" )
543 std::cout <<">. \n\n";
544 else
545 std::cout <<"> from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'. \n\n";
546 }
547 }
553 {
554 std::cout << "\nCreated empty ALUConformGrid<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld <<">. \n\n";
555 }
558 static inline std::string name () { return "ALUConformGrid"; }
560 enum {dimension=BaseType::dimension,dimensionworld=BaseType::dimensionworld};
561 enum { refineStepsForHalf = 2 };
562 typedef typename BaseType::ctype ctype;
563 typedef typename BaseType::GridFamily GridFamily;
564 typedef typename GridFamily::Traits Traits;
565 typedef typename BaseType::LocalIdSetImp LocalIdSetImp;
566 typedef typename Traits :: GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
567 typedef typename Traits :: LocalIdSet LocalIdSet;
568 typedef typename GridFamily :: LevelIndexSetImp LevelIndexSetImp;
569 typedef typename GridFamily :: LeafIndexSetImp LeafIndexSetImp;
570 typedef typename BaseType::LeafIteratorImp LeafIteratorImp;
571 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIteratorType;
572 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIterator;
573 typedef typename BaseType::HierarchicIteratorImp HierarchicIteratorImp;
575 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
576 struct Partition
577 {
579 LevelGridView;
581 LeafGridView;
582 };
584 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LevelGridView LevelGridView;
585 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LeafGridView LeafGridView;
587 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
588 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
589 {
590 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
591 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
592 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
593 }
595 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
596 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafView () const
597 {
598 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
599 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
600 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
601 }
603 LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
604 {
605 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
606 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
607 }
609 LeafGridView leafView () const
610 {
611 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
612 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
613 }
615 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
616 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
617 {
618 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
619 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
620 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
621 }
623 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
624 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView () const
625 {
626 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
627 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
628 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
629 }
631 LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
632 {
633 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
634 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
635 }
637 LeafGridView leafGridView () const
638 {
639 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
640 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
641 }
643 private:
644 friend class Conversion< ALUConformGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
645 friend class Conversion< const ALUConformGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasObjectStream > ;
647 friend class Conversion< ALUConformGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
648 friend class Conversion< const ALUConformGrid<dimension,dimensionworld> , HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
650 template< class >
651 friend class ALU2dGridFactory;
654 ALUConformGrid( const ALUConformGrid & g ) ; // : BaseType(g) {}
657 ALUConformGrid<dim,dimworld>&
658 operator = (const ALUConformGrid& g);
659 };
661 /*-
662 (see ALUGrid homepage: http://www.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/IAM/Research/alugrid/)
664 \li Available Implementations
665 - quadrilateral and hexahedral elements only nonconforming refinement
666 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, cube, nonconforming >
667 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, cube, nonconforming >
668 - Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, cube, nonconforming >
669 - simplicial elements and nonconforming refinement
670 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, simplex, nonconforming >
671 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, simplex, nonconforming >
672 - Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, nonconforming >
673 - simplicial elements and bisection refinement
674 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 2, simplex, conforming >
675 - Dune::ALUGrid< 2, 3, simplex, conforming >
676 - Dune::ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, conforming > (work in progress)
678 \note template parameter Comm defaults to MPI_Comm, if MPI is available, No_Comm otherwise.
679 */
680 template<int dimw, ALUGridElementType elType, ALUGridRefinementType refinementType, class Comm >
681 class ALUGrid< 2, dimw, elType, refinementType, Comm >
682 : public ALUGridBaseGrid < 2, dimw, elType, Comm > :: BaseGrid
683 {
684 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimw, elType, refinementType, Comm > This;
685 typedef typename ALUGridBaseGrid < 2, dimw, elType, Comm > :: BaseGrid BaseType;
687 enum { dim = 2 };
688 enum { dimworld = dimw };
690 public:
692 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType;
695 typedef typename BaseType :: DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector;
705 ALUGrid(const std::string macroName,
706 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
707 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
708 const bool verbose = true )
709 : BaseType(macroName, hangingNodes(), bndProject, bndVector)
710 {
711 if( verbose )
712 {
713 std::cout << "\nCreated serial " << name() << nameSuffix()
714 << " from macro grid file '" << macroName << "'." << std::endl << std::endl;
715 }
716 }
727 ALUGrid(const std::string macroName,
728 std::istream& macroFile,
729 const DuneBoundaryProjectionType* bndProject = 0,
730 const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector* bndVector = 0,
731 const bool verbose = true )
732 : BaseType("", hangingNodes(), bndProject, bndVector, &macroFile)
733 {
734 if( verbose )
735 {
736 std::cout << "\nCreated serial " << name() << nameSuffix();
737 if( macroName != "" )
738 std::cout <<" from macro grid file '" << macroName;
739 std::cout << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
740 }
741 }
743 static std::string name () { return std::string("ALUGrid"); }
746 ALUGrid( ) : BaseType( hangingNodes() )
747 {
748 std::cout << "\nCreated serial " << name() << nameSuffix() << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
749 }
751 enum {dimension=BaseType::dimension,dimensionworld=BaseType::dimensionworld};
752 enum { refineStepsForHalf = 1 };
753 typedef typename BaseType::ctype ctype;
754 typedef typename BaseType::GridFamily GridFamily;
755 typedef typename GridFamily::Traits Traits;
756 typedef typename BaseType::LocalIdSetImp LocalIdSetImp;
757 typedef typename Traits :: GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
758 typedef typename Traits :: LocalIdSet LocalIdSet;
759 typedef typename GridFamily :: LevelIndexSetImp LevelIndexSetImp;
760 typedef typename GridFamily :: LeafIndexSetImp LeafIndexSetImp;
761 typedef typename BaseType::LeafIteratorImp LeafIteratorImp;
762 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIteratorType;
763 typedef typename Traits::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator LeafIterator;
764 typedef typename BaseType::HierarchicIteratorImp HierarchicIteratorImp;
766 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
767 struct Partition
768 {
770 LevelGridView;
772 LeafGridView;
773 };
775 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LevelGridView LevelGridView;
776 typedef typename Partition< All_Partition > :: LeafGridView LeafGridView;
778 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
779 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
780 {
781 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
782 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
783 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
784 }
786 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
787 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafView () const
788 {
789 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
790 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
791 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
792 }
794 LevelGridView levelView ( int level ) const
795 {
796 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
797 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
798 }
800 LeafGridView leafView () const
801 {
802 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
803 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
804 }
806 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
807 typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
808 {
809 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
810 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
811 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
812 }
814 template< PartitionIteratorType pitype >
815 typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView () const
816 {
817 typedef typename Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
818 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
819 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
820 }
822 LevelGridView levelGridView ( int level ) const
823 {
824 typedef typename LevelGridView::GridViewImp LevelGridViewImp;
825 return LevelGridView( LevelGridViewImp( *this, level ) );
826 }
828 LeafGridView leafGridView () const
829 {
830 typedef typename LeafGridView::GridViewImp LeafGridViewImp;
831 return LeafGridView( LeafGridViewImp( *this ) );
832 }
834 private:
835 static std::string nameSuffix()
836 {
837 std::string elt ( elType == cube ? "cube," : "simplex," );
838 std::string ref ( refinementType == nonconforming ? "nonconforming>" : "conforming>" );
839 std::stringstream suffix;
840 suffix << "<"<<dim<<","<<dimworld<<"," << elt << ref;
841 return suffix.str();
842 }
844 // returns number of hanging nodes allowed (0 or 1)
845 int hangingNodes() const
846 {
847 return ((elType == simplex) && (refinementType == conforming)) ? 0 : 1;
848 }
850 friend class Conversion< This, HasObjectStream > ;
851 friend class Conversion< const This, HasObjectStream > ;
853 friend class Conversion< This, HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
854 friend class Conversion< const This, HasHierarchicIndexSet > ;
856 template< class >
857 friend class ALU2dGridFactory;
860 ALUGrid( const ALUGrid & g ) ; // : BaseType(g) {}
863 This& operator = (const ALUGrid& g);
864 };
866} //end namespace Dune
869#error "Trying to use <dune/grid/alugrid.hh> without ALUGRID_CPPFLAGS."
870#endif // #if HAVE_ALUGRID || DOXYGEN
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: grid.hh:213
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: alugrid.hh:485
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUConformGrid(const std::string macroName, std::istream &macroFile, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUConformGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:532
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:493
Definition: alugrid.hh:552
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:496
static std::string name()
return name of the grid
Definition: alugrid.hh:558
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUConformGrid(const std::string macroName, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUConformGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:508
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: alugrid.hh:412
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:26
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUCubeGrid(const std::string macroName, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:50
Definition: alugrid.hh:94
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:38
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUCubeGrid(const std::string macroName, std::istream &macroFile, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:74
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:35
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: alugrid.hh:53
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:209
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionVector DuneBoundaryProjectionVector
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:221
BaseType::DuneBoundaryProjectionType DuneBoundaryProjectionType
type of boundary projection
Definition: alugrid.hh:218
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUSimplexGrid(const std::string macroName, std::istream &macroFile, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:257
DUNE_DEPRECATED ALUSimplexGrid(const std::string macroName, const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndProject=0, const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVector=0, const bool verbose=true)
constructor for creating ALUSimplexGrid from given macro grid file
Definition: alugrid.hh:233
Definition: alugrid.hh:277
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: alugrid.hh:85
Grid view abstract base class.
Definition: gridview.hh:57
Mark some entity as deprecated.
Definition: deprecated.hh:84
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:14
template which always yields a false value
Definition: static_assert.hh:127
Specialize with 'true' if implementation provides backup and restore facilities. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:105
Specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid implements entities for. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:56
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees a conforming leaf grid. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:96
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees conforming level grids. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:87
Specialize with 'true' if implementation supports parallelism. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:65
Interface class for vertex projection at the boundary.
Definition: boundaryprojection.hh:24
Generate a type for a given integral constant.
Definition: typetraits.hh:457
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