Grid features

The following is a list of available Dune grids. Some of them are just wrapper to external libraries.

Name Module External
AlbertaGrid dune-grid yes
ALUGrid dune-alugrid no
CurvilinearGrid dune-curvilineargrid no
FoamGrid dune-foamgrid no
OneDGrid dune-grid no
P4estGrid dune-p4estgrid yes
PolygonGrid dune-polygongrid no
SPGrid dune-spgrid no
UGGrid dune-uggrid yes
YaspGrid dune-grid no


Metagrids wrap other Dune grid, providing facilities such as replacing geometry, glueing domains, etc.

Name Module Description
GeometryGrid dune-grid Wrap any other DUNE grid and replace its geometry
PrismGrid dune-prismgrid Add an additional dimension to the grid using generic prismatic elements
CacheItGrid dune-metagrid
CartesianGrid dune-metagrid
FilteredGrid dune-metagrid Filter elements by given predicate
IdGrid dune-metagrid Example of a grid wrapper representing the original grid
MultiSPGrid dune-metagrid
ParallelGrid dune-metagrid
SphereGrid dune-metagrid
GridGlue dune-grid-glue Coupling of two unrelated Dune grids.
MultiDomainGrid dune-multidomaingrid Carve up an existing DUNE grid into subdomains and extract interfaces
SubGrid dune-subgrid A subset of the elements of a given grid treated as a grid hierarchy in its own right.
CurvedGrid dune-curvedgrid Parametrization of the geometries of a given grid using dune-curvedgeometry


These are the features provided by the grid via its Dune interface – note that these may be different from the features provided by the underlying external grid library.

GridType Dimensions Structured Notes
AlbertaGrid<dim,dimw> 1≤dim≤3, 1≤dimw≤9, dim≤dimw unstructured Can’t have two grids of different dimw in the same binary
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,simplex,conforming> 2≤dim≤dimw≤3 unstructured
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,cube,nonconforming> 2≤dim≤dimw≤3 unstructured
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,simplex,nonconforming> 2≤dim≤dimw≤3 unstructured
GeometryGrid<HostGrid> hostdim=dim≤dimw unstructured
OneDGrid dim=dimw=1 unstructured
UGGrid<dim> 2≤dim=dimw≤3 unstructured
SPGrid<ct,dim,rs,comm> dim=dimw structured
YaspGrid<dim> dim=dimw structured lower left corner fixed to 0.
YaspGrid<dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<ctype, dim> > dim=dimw structured arbitrary lower left corner (introduced in 2.4)
YaspGrid<dim, TensorProductCoordinates<ctype, dim> > dim=dimw structured (introduced in 2.4)

Supported Entities and Iterators

Name Element types Entities for codim Iterators for codim
AlbertaGrid<dim,dimw> simplices all all
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,simplex,*> simplices all all
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,cube,*> cube all all
GeometryGrid<HostGrid> =host all all
OneDGrid lines all all
UGGrid<dim> simplices, prisms, pyramids, cubes all 0, dim
SPGrid<ct,dim,rs,comm> cubes all all
YaspGrid<dim> cubes all all


Name Refinement Strategy conforming? boundary adaptation
AlbertaGrid<dim,dimw> adaptive recursive bisection yes yes
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,simplex,conforming> adaptive bisection yes yes
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,cube,nonconforming> adaptive red no yes
ALUGrid<dim,dimw,simplex,nonconforming> adaptive red no yes
GeometryGrid<HostGrid> =host =host =host =host
OneDGrid adaptive ? yes
UGGrid<dim> adaptive red/green selectable yes
SPGrid<ct,dim,rs,comm> global only bisection, red, anisotropic yes no
YaspGrid<dim> global only 2dim children yes no

Parallel Features

Name parallel? overlap? ghosts? communicate() for codim dynamic load balancing
AlbertaGrid<dim,dimw> no
ALUGrid<2,dimw,*,*> no
ALUGrid<3,3,*,nonconforming> yes no yes all yes
ALUGrid<3,3,simplex,conforming> yes no no all yes
GeometryGrid<HostGrid> =host =host =host =host =host
OneDGrid no
SPGrid<ct,dim,rs,comm> yes yes no all no
UGGrid<dim> yes no yes all yes
YaspGrid<dim> yes yes no all no
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